SEO School: Things About Quality Backlinks Every Business Owner Needs to Know

If you want to make sure your target audience finds your website online, it’s important that they can find you in the search engines.

Many people will immediately go to Google or another search engine these days to begin their research and find what they are looking for—and you want them to find your website.


The way to do this is through good search engine optimization (SEO). This is one of the most important online marketing strategies, and it focuses on making your website more visible in the search engines.…

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Gardens: The Unsung Hero in Real Estate Valuations

Gardens, and landscaping in general, are often the most overlooked elements when it comes to adding value to a home.

How much value your gardening and landscaping choices can add is highly subjective to the market the property’s located in, but it’s worth noting that over ninety-percent of buyers rank garden design as something that definitely increases value, whereas the color of the paint inside the home is often of little concern by comparison.

Deck garden

The reality, when faced with insight from experts in the field like realtors and home-staging professionals, is that adding a garden will not only add to the overall value of the home, it can make the home sell much faster, too.…

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Down with Downtime: Best Practices for Proper IT Asset Tracking and Management

Effective asset tracking is crucial to building a more profitable organization. Investing in asset management software is a good first step, but there are also several strategies you can implement that will ensure a smooth implementation of your asset tracking system.

Asset tracking

From organizing your existing inventory to streamlining warehouse processes, the tips below will help you get the most value from your asset management solution.

Use an Automated Inventory Solution

Automated solutions for inventory management offer several advantages over manual systems, from shorter fulfillment cycles to reduced helpdesk operating costs. Switching from a manual process to an automated one also boosts employee productivity and allows you to track vendor data so you can take advantage of savings.…

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5 Advantages of Traditional Marketing Over Digital Marketing

One of the major goals of every business is, of course, to grow and maintain a strong and loyal client base. A key factor in achieving this is to promote the products and services of the business through advertising. This can be done through newer digital marketing strategies that utilize social media, among others, as well as through established and more traditional marketing methods.

Print magazine ads

But while digital marketing can possibly reach more people quicker, there are still some advantages of employing more traditional marketing methods.

1. Easy to reach local audience

When your target group of customers are the local consumers, then a radio ad is definitely one of the most useful marketing method to employ.…

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Top Workflow Tips for Effective Document Management

Document Management System (DMS)

Effective document management has become an essential component to maximizing productivity for just about any organization and this includes small businesses too. There are many small businesses that are part of paper-intensive industries. These include healthcare practices, financial services companies, firms that work with government agencies, and more. As the paperwork mounts, so does the case for effective document management.

To maximize productivity, many businesses are turning to document management applications. But, employing a document management application alone will not help. In fact, doing this alone may doom it to failure from the start. There are critical best practices that users must embrace to ensure ROI from any document management application.…

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Growing a Business from Nothing: 5 Practical Tips

In today’s digital age, there are more opportunities than ever for budding entrepreneurs looking to set up and grow a business from nothing. The Internet makes the world a smaller place and opens global markets to everyone, and barriers to entry and startup costs for web-based companies are lower than ever.

However, this has encouraged a fiercer competitive market across all industries, where only the strongest can survive. According to some oft-quoted research by Bloomberg, an astonishing 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first 18 months.

Nurturing business growth

What are the essential steps to ensuring that your new business stays in the top 20 percent for a successful and thriving future?…

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Detrimental Desk Design: How the Office Environment is Affecting the Human Body

Are you someone that works in an office job?

Chances are you do, or you have at some point. While it’s been found through various studies that working in an office makes you miserable and unproductive, there’s also evidence to suggest that working in an office may be bad for your health. It’s not all doom and gloom, of course, and with the right kind of input from you it’s possible to transform your working experience into a healthy and efficient one.

Business team working at office desk

However, it does come down to making sure that you have the right kind of chairs and desks and posture.…

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How to Truly Take Your Business Payments On the Go

One of the most liberating parts of being your own boss is having the ability to call all the shots. At the same time, as a business owner you are going to end up working longer hours, with fewer breaks, and have far less vacation time available when compared to your subordinates. This is why it is vital that all business owners have the ability to literally take their businesses with them while they take a day off, go on the road, or just go out to run a few errands.

Work on the go

When it comes to taking payments on the go, portability is paramount.…

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Top 3 HR Software Solutions – Make the Best Choice

Within a company, all chaos can break loose if the proper management tools aren’t deployed and utilized. Especially in institutions or businesses with a very large number of employees, if you don’t have an efficient and productive way of organizing all the variables as well as a quick and easy way to access payroll solutions, it can be near impossible to keep track of everything after a certain point.

Business partners using HR sofware

This is where HR software comes into play as a saving grace. Through HR software, a company is able to seamlessly use the necessary actions in each situation by having a friendly interface with all the required information.…

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A Taxing Endeavor: 3 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Tax Season

Benjamin Franklin famously quipped that only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. Given that inevitability, it might seem surprising that so many business owners struggle during tax season.

Tax season stress

Entrepreneurs are typically so focused on growing their companies’ products and services that taxes become an afterthought. Most people don’t think about taxes until the last minute, so they’re not ready when it’s time to file. This ends up making the process more stressful than it needs to be.

This minor annoyance can morph into a major issue, disrupting day-to-day business activities in the process. A survey of small business owners found that 73 percent felt federal taxes had major to moderate effects on their routine operations.…

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