The Biggest Players in The Cloud Industry

As we know, the Cloud has made it possible for public users and for companies to store infinite amounts of data on online servers hosted by providers for a monthly or yearly fee, and/or based on the amount of memory storage they need (SaaS-Software as a Service)—or have a cloud computing system installed and run internally directly on the company server (IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service)—so they can then share and access all the data across their smart devices.

Cloud computing

‘Mobile Offices’ are the wave of the future as more CEOs and employees have recognized the benefits of the Cloud and its integration with A.I.

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Is Stress Affecting You in The Workplace?

Whilst we all might claim to be ‘a bit stressed out’ from time to time, very few of us take the problem of stress seriously. Yet, stress is a serious condition and left untreated, it can have quite significant effects on our overall health and wellbeing. Whilst it might be seen as a psychological problem, it does in fact impact on many areas of our physical health, and most of us will experience high levels of stress at some stage in our lives.

Work stress

Whether it is caused by a single major event in our lives, such as divorce or bereavement, or it’s the cumulative result of many smaller issues, such as workplace tension or fear of redundancy, stress has the potential to build up into something very serious.…

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Protect Your Business from Slip and Fall Accidents in 3 Easy Steps

Small businesses can be the subject of costly personal injury lawsuits. You’ll want to obtain liability insurance immediately if you have a small business where customers come to a physical location. Premises liability is a doctrine that all business unders are subject to.

The doctrine finds that a business owner can be held liable in a slip and fall accident on the business’s premises.

Slip and fall warning

Business owners have a “duty of care” to make sure the property is safe for employees and customers. You must do everything within reason to make the property safe. Negligence on part of the owner must be shown.…

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Tax Tips for Overseas Companies Operating in The U.S.

The US has one of the most complex tax systems in the world, with local, state, and federal-level obligations creating significant challenges for overseas companies. Making sense of the administrative process, navigating it, and mitigating the risks involved is a huge task in itself, and pitfalls can be difficult to foresee and hurdle even if you conduct due diligence.

While tax is often confusing, it’s incredibly important in today’s business environment to have a mastery of the processes involved. Here are some tips for getting to grips with tax in the US.

Understanding state and local tax

Foreign enterprises operating in the US often fail to recognize the wide-reaching nature of taxing powers as business activity can trigger state-level and federal taxes, which they may not have much experience with.…

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Does Business Location Still Matter?

Today, location plays less of a role in the success of a business than it used to. New technology offers flexibility that can give businesses a better degree of competitiveness and facilitate collaboration on a global scale. That’s great news for startups and small businesses who are increasingly being priced out of prime London city-centre locations.

London City offices

But while office location no longer matters so much to your workforce, it does to your clients. Though customers can be reached any time of day via email, text, video and voice, where you locate your business still matters considerably, and can determine whether you succeed or fail.…

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3 Steps to Take This Year to Avoid Another Tax Season Scramble

Tax season is the enemy of small business owners. Small business owners wear a lot of hats: accounting, marketing, sales – you name it. The small business owner often fills the void in his business.

Doing small business taxes

TurboTax and other online services even allow owners with no accounting experience to file their taxes and take advantage of tax breaks along the way.

But there’s also the anxiety of:

  • Gathering receipts
  • Outlining all expenses
  • Cycling through billings and invoices

Businesses that opt to pay taxes annually and incur the small penalty also worry about having enough money come tax season.

If you’re a freelancer or contractor, chances are you were more focused on staying afloat this past year than worrying about tax season.…

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The Benefits of Customer Service Training

Customer service expert Shep Hyken wrote in one of his articles ‘Customer service is not a department. It is a philosophy’ and many professionals would wholeheartedly agree with this.

Customer service training

When you utilise good quality customer service throughout the entirety of an organisation– from the recent hires to the CEO – you can improve the way that every element of the operation impacts the customer. This includes not only the employees on the front line, but also those working behind the scenes.

Customer service training makes the difference

As an example of the difference customer service training can make to unlikely roles in an organisation, imagine an employee behind the scenes in a logistics company.…

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Why Your Business Needs Financial Transcription

In today’s volatile financial markets, the importance of financial transcription cannot be overstated. Every organisation or business enterprise deals with vast amounts of financial data on an almost daily basis and proper documentation is essential to keep track of these ever-fluctuating businesses. One false move can trigger a chain reaction that can have devastating consequences for your business.

Transcriptionist doing financial transcription

With that in mind, here’s why your business needs financial transcription.

What is financial transcription?

Transcription is the process of converting spoken words into written documentation. It usually involves taking an audio recording of a conversation, or dictating something to a financial transcriber out loud.…

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SMB’s: Breaking Silos to Drive Growth

Early on in my career I spent six weeks in an ad agency creative department. I was a junior account executive, and I’d been sent downstairs to the creative floor to learn about what they did. It would be generous to say that I didn’t set the world on fire as a creative. In fact, in my entire time there, I came up with precisely one decent ad idea. So, you can imagine how gutted I was when the creative team I was working with shot it down in flames. Sure, my idea wasn’t going to win a Cannes Lion, but it fit the client’s brief perfectly and deserved to be put forward.…

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How Does Your Business Measure Up for Credit Facilities?

There are many ways that banks and financial institutions evaluate a business in terms of its creditworthiness. For example, one of the most important measures is cash flow.

Credit facilities

A business with a strong cash flow typically scores better in the creditworthiness department than one which is cash-strapped. Lenders will always look to the cash flows to see whether the business will be able to cover the interest repayments on the loans and maintain profitable operations simultaneously.

Of course, management needs to keep an eye on all aspects of the business.

Effective leadership at top management, middle management and lower management levels will also be considered when evaluating the performance of a business for credit facilities.…

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