To Maximize Productivity, Trust Experts In Fluid Power

When work is occurring on the floor or on site, at varying levels of difficulty, and relies on several different types of machinery to get done, it’s important be confident that the equipment your employees are using is functioning optimally. It’s difficult to know however whether your tools are enabling the work to be completed efficiently or hindering it, without fully understanding their components, or how they work.

Factory engineer

Nobody wants to be managing a productivity set back on the factory floor as a result of faulty equipment.

Hydraulics systems drive business

Hydraulics systems are used to control everything from car brakes, garbage trucks, and cranes to elevators and garage jacks, allowing these applications to utilize great amounts of power by means of a small, and compact motor.…

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When Your Business Should Consider Switching to a VPS

There comes a time when a successful small business must look honestly and objectively at whether certain aspects of their infrastructure are indeed helping them to grow. This extends to the activities that occur on the web because a strong online presence is key to maintaining business relationships and a satisfied base of customers, especially for companies selling products through their website.

What is VPS hosting?

E-commerce is more normalized now than ever before, it’s therefore important for companies to ask themselves how they can make the purchasing of their products efficient. One consideration expanding enterprises need to take into account is when to switch from a shared server to a virtual private server, or VPS.…

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How to Create the Right Working Environment for Employees

When it comes to running a business, it is vital that you take steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your employees. First off, failure to do this could result in the breach of health and safety regulations, which could result in big issues for your business. Secondly, if you do not provide workers with a safe and comfortable working environment, you could end up losing valuable staff members or even being sued in the event of an injury.

Employee working hard

There are a lot of different ways in which you can improve the working environment for your employees. This will result in a safe and happy workplace and reduced the risk of regulatory breaches.…

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Don’t Forget These Crucial Steps When Starting a Business

No matter how much preparation you do, setting up a business is a trial-and-error endeavour. Its success is unpredictable, and failures big and small could happen anytime. However, the amount of struggle for a start-up entrepreneur may be reduced by keeping in mind the right concepts and carrying out the right steps before launching.

Startup team

Before you take the risk of building your own business, it’s best to equip yourself for the battlefield ahead by knowing what to do first.

Choose your name

Simply deciding on an impactful name for your company does not mean you can scratch this off your to-do list.…

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How the Internet and Smartphone Revolution are Changing Long-Established Industries

There is no doubt that the Information Revolution has had an indelible impact upon our daily lives. This observation is even more true in regards to business operations.

Business gadgets

Specific sectors have been dramatically affected; some for the better and some for the worse. It is estimated that no fewer than 2.32 billion individuals now own smartphones and other mobile devices. This number is expected to increase well beyond 2020.

Thanks to the social media, industries are enjoying the underpriced marketing channels by the name of Facebook, Twitter, and other prominent social media platforms.  This impacted the platforms itself.

Powered by social media, let us look at how handful of industries have been impacted by info-tech advances:

Travel Agents

In the past, a travel agent would act as a middleman between the consumer and holiday-oriented firms.…

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3 Things Business Owners Must Do to Avoid Premises Liability Claims

Most business owners are well aware that they have a duty to provide a safe environment for customers or clients. While slips and falls are the primary concern for business owners, liability extends to other types of injuries, and they can be held responsible for injuries to workers and just about anyone else who lawfully steps onto the property.

Caution wet floor

Along with slips and falls, business owners can also be held liable for:

  • Merchandise or equipment injuring a customer
  • An employee or customer assaulting another customer
  • Hazardous waste running off the business’ property onto a neighboring property

The list of potential risks is extensive, which is why business owners must remain vigilant in minimizing the risks of premises liability claims.…

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5 Ways Online Videos Can Help Your Business

Video has become one of the most powerful ways to communicate with online audiences. More businesses than ever are using this format to sell, educate and promote their products and services. This is a trend that looks set to continue for many years to come and the companies that have embraced online videos are seeing a lot of positive results.

Below are five of the main ways online videos can help your business.

Online video

1. You Can Use Video to Explain What Your Business Does

It’s often difficult to explain to an online audience what a business actually does. However, video is a very easy way to introduce your business, to explain what your business does, to introduce your products and services and much more.…

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Faith In Manufacturing Jobs On The Decline

Although the American economy has grown by about 2 million jobs this year, none of them are in the manufacturing sector. This is alarming news–not just for manufacturing workers, but for the economy at large.

American manufacturing worker

Why is this such bad news? After all, consumer spending has leveled out, and unemployment continues to fall. Even gas prices are relatively low. Aren’t these signs that the economy is strong enough to weather any possible economic “storms” on the horizon? Well, not exactly.

Despite these indicators, people’s faith in the economy is pretty low. Fears about job security are high, reflecting a generally pessimistic attitude among the nation.…

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4 Ways Big Data Has Changed Fleet Management Forever

Fleet management is no simple task; it’s tough to balance vehicle acquisition, repairs & maintenance, as well as disposals. All of that’s even before you consider the knowledge and effort it takes to be in full compliance with regulations and state laws. Without fixed parts, fleet management is a complex and ever-changing process.

Fleet management

Fortunately, today’s fleet managers have a distinct advantage: big data. The advances made possible by big data have ushered a new era of fleet management. Today we’ll examine four ways that big data forever changed the world of fleet management.

1. Improved Efficiency

Naturally, one of the most important aspects of fleet management is the ability to ensure drivers are on the right route at the right time.…

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How to be the Company Everyone Wants to Work For

It is important to motivate and engage employees in order to achieve success within your business. It encourages them to go the extra mile, contribute more ideas and work harder to achieve your business objectives. The ability to motivate a team is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess.

Successful leadership

When the subject of motivation comes up it is usually linked to money- pay, bonus and rewards. However, these are not the only ways to motivate employees and sometimes, thinking outside of the box can have a more positive effect. If someone dislikes their job they are still going to feel the same whether they earn £25,000 or £27,000, it won’t make much difference.…

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