Commercial Auto Insurance: What Business Owners Need to Know Before an Accident Happens

If you run a business that has even just one vehicle, then you should look into getting commercial auto insurance. This will help you avoid large payments when an accident occurs and can give you peace of mind every time the vehicle is on the road.

Classic company van

Chances are that you were already required to purchase coverage for bodily harm and property damage when you purchased the vehicle for your business, but policies like that do not cover damage to the vehicle itself. This can leave you high and dry after an accident in the company van, car or truck, even if it wasn’t your employee’s fault.…

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Defined Direction – What Skills You Should Look to Develop When Entering the Business Landscape

When you started university, you didn’t necessarily know what exactly you wanted to accomplish. With so many roads from which to choose, a clear path is not necessarily visible right away. After a time, however, you concluded that you wanted to get into business after uni. Now that you’re closing in on a graduate diploma of applied finance, or a master’s degree in marketing, or whichever business path you’ve chosen, it’s time to consider the outside world a little more.

Happy businessman

If you do plan on owning and operating your own business after you leave our institution, there are a few different skills that you should look to develop.…

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Small Businesses Need an Online Presence, Too!

When you think of company websites, you may think of online retailers: Amazon, for instance. These giant companies live online – that’s where their customers are, where their products are sold, and where their money comes in. So it’s no surprise that they need websites. But what about a small business? What about your local plumbing company, or a small shop you run with your family? Do you really need a website if you run a business like that?

Online business

Yes, you absolutely do – because in this day and age, even business done in person often starts online.

Small businesses do need websites

When a customer walks through the doors of a local shop and buys something they need, it’s easy to imagine that the entire transaction took place the way it would have forty or fifty years ago.…

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3 Tips for Running a Business Booth at a Community Event

Communities the world over have events almost every week where business owners can set up a booth and showcase their products or services to pedestrians in the area. This can be a great opportunity for you to reach an audience that you otherwise wouldn’t have the ability to come in contact with. Not only will this showcase your products to potential buyers in your area, but it will help spread the word about your company to those whom you frequently associate with. However, if you’ve never taken on this challenge before, it can be a little intimidating.

So to help you find success in this marketing avenue, here are three tips for running a business booth at a community even.…

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Dream Big: How Small Businesses Become Global Players

In today’s vast world, small businesses are a bridge between the local and the global. They may employ far less employees than multinational corporations but that doesn’t mean that they don’t dream big – or that their potential and activities do not have equal reach.

Dream big

There is no escaping the reality that small businesses are nowadays global players: in June 2015, the US Small Business Administration reported that while US exports’ known value grew by 1.4% from 2012 to 2013, small business export value improved by 4.5%, led by firms with an employee base between 250 and 499 people. This means increased profit and opportunities, but also increased responsibilities for smaller scale enterprises.…

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3 Times When an SMB Needs a Lawyer

Small business owners should build a relationship with a local attorney and have someone they can call if a legal problem arises. The problem that a lot of small businesses face is that they don’t have the finances to hire a lawyer for all of their needs.

Meeting with a business lawyer

A lot of businesses need to pick and choose when it’s appropriate to hire a lawyer.

1. Large-Dollar Contracts

If you’re making a deal of a lifetime, you’ll need a lawyer to make sure that the contract you provide or must sign is legally sound. At the very least, you’ll want a lawyer to read through the contract for you.…

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To Maximize Productivity, Trust Experts In Fluid Power

When work is occurring on the floor or on site, at varying levels of difficulty, and relies on several different types of machinery to get done, it’s important be confident that the equipment your employees are using is functioning optimally. It’s difficult to know however whether your tools are enabling the work to be completed efficiently or hindering it, without fully understanding their components, or how they work.

Factory engineer

Nobody wants to be managing a productivity set back on the factory floor as a result of faulty equipment.

Hydraulics systems drive business

Hydraulics systems are used to control everything from car brakes, garbage trucks, and cranes to elevators and garage jacks, allowing these applications to utilize great amounts of power by means of a small, and compact motor.…

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When Your Business Should Consider Switching to a VPS

There comes a time when a successful small business must look honestly and objectively at whether certain aspects of their infrastructure are indeed helping them to grow. This extends to the activities that occur on the web because a strong online presence is key to maintaining business relationships and a satisfied base of customers, especially for companies selling products through their website.

What is VPS hosting?

E-commerce is more normalized now than ever before, it’s therefore important for companies to ask themselves how they can make the purchasing of their products efficient. One consideration expanding enterprises need to take into account is when to switch from a shared server to a virtual private server, or VPS.…

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How to Create the Right Working Environment for Employees

When it comes to running a business, it is vital that you take steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your employees. First off, failure to do this could result in the breach of health and safety regulations, which could result in big issues for your business. Secondly, if you do not provide workers with a safe and comfortable working environment, you could end up losing valuable staff members or even being sued in the event of an injury.

Employee working hard

There are a lot of different ways in which you can improve the working environment for your employees. This will result in a safe and happy workplace and reduced the risk of regulatory breaches.…

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Don’t Forget These Crucial Steps When Starting a Business

No matter how much preparation you do, setting up a business is a trial-and-error endeavour. Its success is unpredictable, and failures big and small could happen anytime. However, the amount of struggle for a start-up entrepreneur may be reduced by keeping in mind the right concepts and carrying out the right steps before launching.

Startup team

Before you take the risk of building your own business, it’s best to equip yourself for the battlefield ahead by knowing what to do first.

Choose your name

Simply deciding on an impactful name for your company does not mean you can scratch this off your to-do list.…

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