Contract Law Basics for Every Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs have a lot on their plate, and the one thing that can really get them in trouble is the legal aspects of business. When first starting a business, there’s a lot of hustle involved, which leads to the small business owner taking major risks.

Some of the most worrisome risks of all are contract-related.

Business partnership

You might agree to something orally, and if you don’t meet your end of the agreement, you might be in trouble as a result.

Let’s talk about some of the contract law basics every entrepreneur should know and understand.

What Constitutes a Contact?

There are written and oral contracts.…

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Java: The No. 1 Platform for IoT Development

Connected devices are now everywhere – from your smartphone, to your fridge, to home assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. The Internet of Things (IoT) will combine the power of voice recognition, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to make the next big revolution in tech happen. It is not about controlling home devices using voice commands anymore, it is about vast IoT networks that will have computing power greatly exceeding anything we have had in the past.

The global Internet of Things endpoint spending is forecast to exceed $3 trillion by 2020, when billions of connected devices will be installed in homes, vehicles, and industrial facilities.…

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The Advantages of Shrink Labeling

In the last few years, stretch and shrink sleeves have captured a considerable portion of the global label market. But what brings about this rise in demand? Well, it can be attributed to their attractive look and versatility. Customization can also be made very easily during the sleeve label manufacturing process, which allows for more flexibility.

Shrink labeling

There are several types of labels available on the market, such as in-mold labels, roll fed labels, foam labels, etc. The most popular remains the heat shrink sleeve label. In this article, we’re going to describe some of the major advantages of shrink labeling over other methods.…

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4 Long-Term Goals Your Company Needs to Set Now

Every business is launched with a mission – a goal – in mind. But once you have things up and running, goal-setting can quickly make its way to the backburner.

Growth planning by goal setting

If you want your business to grow, setting goals and making plans to reach those goals is critical. Here are four long-term goals your company needs to set right now.

1. Plan for Growth

Expansion and revenue growth are the goals of every business, but do you have a plan in place to reach your targets? Do you even have a target?

To help you stay on track and set your business on the right course, make it a habit to create a blueprint, or road map, for the year.…

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3 Inbound Marketing Tips Small Businesses Can Implement Today

Small businesses can implement inbound marketing into their marketing strategy today – it’s imperative. Traditional outbound marketing avenues are being abandoned by small businesses. The problem is that either the old tactics no longer work, some 90% of executives won’t answer cold calls anymore, or they’re too expensive.

Billboards meme

Small businesses often can’t afford a TV ad.

And consumers are becoming more demanding. A lot of consumers don’t want to be “disturbed.” So, a business must work on their inbound marketing efforts to overcome this trend. You need to have permission, attract, engage and covert customers.

It’s not harder, but it’s a different form of marketing that works for today’s audience.…

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Ways in Which You Can Improve Business Operations

When you wake up every single day you get an opportunity to move the business towards the future but improving business operations is never as easy as it seems, especially when faced with huge competition, as happens with most industries. In order to help you out, here are some methods that you can use to improve current business operations.

Business operations

Start The Day Right

The routine that you create will have a huge impact on everything. When you wake up and you start your day you want to be sure that you know what will happen. Having a plan is one of the most important things for every single business owner.…

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Choosing The Right Chemical Supply Company

Whether you are working within the construction industry, the mining industry, or the water treatment and remediation industry, you will need chemical solutions to do your job effectively. Finding a reliable supplier is important to ensure that you receive high-quality chemicals for your needs.

Chemical blending

It is equally important to find a supplier that will provide high-quality services like chemical blending, safe transportation, and bulk storage. Ideally your chemical supplier should have a level of service that matches the high quality of their supplies.

Chemical Blending

A chemical supply company should be able to produce blends following a client’s direct specifications. Chemical blending allows the client to remove themselves from a laborious process, so they do not have to make the chemical blend at their own location.…

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3 Accounting Tools to Drive Your Small Business

Small business owners often scramble come tax season. There is a lot to worry about as a business owner, and the last thing most businesses want to think about is paying their taxes. Keeping the lights on is far more important to a business owner.

Using online accounting software

But you don’t have to scramble last minute to figure out your taxes.

There are tools that can help make tax season a little less taxing on a small business owner.

1. QuickBooks Online

Quickbooks website screenshot

Quickbooks offers an online version that is ideal for small businesses. The “standard” for small businesses, this software makes bookkeeping systematic. The good news is that you can use QuickBooks and then allow access to the account to your accountant.…

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How to Find Finance Without Calling Your Bank

Accessing finance at key moments is very often absolutely critical for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) and for obvious reasons. Whether the aim is to get started, to pursue growth opportunities or simply to stay in business, getting your hands on the cash you need as an SMB is essential.

alternative business financing

The problem is that banks aren’t always ready to offer loans or financing facilities that SMBs need and in many cases they’re reluctant to lend money even to perfectly viable and successful companies. The good news is that there are now a growing array of alternative routes to finance available to companies of all sizes and across a full range of different industries.…

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Loan Consolidation Can Save Your Business

Measures To Control Costs

Business is cutthroat today. You’ve got to deal with taxes, you’ve got to deal with economic booms and busts, and you’ve got to deal with technological development silhouetting your competition. Additionally, you’ll have to continually expand operations to remain competitively viable. If you don’t, your business will implode.

SMB CEO navigates business boat in stormy sea

The thing with most modern business is that within the first five to ten years, you’re likely going to have to expand beyond your immediately available means, and that means going into debt. There are multiple reasons this can happen.

You may have to spend thousands for an increased influx of product as a result of increased demand, you might have to build a new storage warehouse, you may have to upgrade your technology systems to remain competitive—in short, the reasons your business may have a pressing need to take out a loan are numerous.…

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