3 Lesser-Known Link Building Opportunities for Businesses

Businesses, especially new businesses with a small budget, have a hard time justifying link building. You might, and I say might very lightly, be able to start generating leads affordably with pay-per-click advertising.

Every business is different, with some having very affordable pay-per-click rates.

But over time, a business will start to realize that organic traffic that they don’t have to pay for is much more economical. Enter link building. Indeed, link building remains the cornerstone of any search engine optimization strategy.

Link building strategies

To get started, QuickSprout has a great, advanced link building resource to help you get started.

So, what are the lesser-known link opportunities for businesses?

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3 Ways to Maintain a Respectable Safety Record (plus 5 Issues to Address)

Safety in manufacturing should not be perfunctorily performed just to comply with government regulations; it should be taken seriously, but because the absence of safety exposes employees to serious workplace accidents. Human suffering and loss arise if there is an injury or death in the workplace. It affects everyone—the worker’s family and friends, his or her community, and fellow coworkers and the company’s reputation.

Welding aluminum

Fortunately, all it takes are a few simple measures to maintain a company’s respectable safety record, while addressing several issues in the process.

3 ways to keep workers safe

Here are three ways to keep your employees safe and keep your safety record at the highest level.…

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Pros and Cons of Starting Out as a Private Tutor for an Occupation

Working as a private tutor, whether full-time or part-time, is always a great way to earn good money and simultaneously helping others who are in need of such services. Anyone who has good knowledge or is an expert in a particular subject can look forward to taking up private tutoring as a business.

Private tutoring business

Being a one-on-one online private tutor is an outstanding way to send out your services to the ones in need remotely as you get the much-needed freedom and flexibility. Similar concept is followed by Preply.com which hosts about 29000 professional tutors representing 185 countries and speaking different languages.…

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Why Citizenship by Investment is The New Normal for Entrepreneurs

Economic citizenship was once seen as the exclusive domain of the ultra-wealthy, but now it’s becoming the new normal for entrepreneurs hoping to expand their reach internationally. First formally established in St. Kitts and Nevis, before being picked up in other nations across the world, citizenship by investment (or CBI) provides those who can afford it with a second passport and all of the advantages which come with it.

Citizenship by investment (CBI)

But what can entrepreneurs stand to gain from economic citizenship to a second nation, and which nations will provide small business owners with the widest range of opportunities for success? Read on to find out why CBI could be of use for any business, and where the best place to apply for a new passport is.…

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What Can You Do To Combat Internet Surveillance In Canada?

CBC released the scary realization that there were many countries around the world who had clandestine surveillance agencies who sole purpose is to monitor their citizens. And, that they have exploited people in the most vulnerable ways, through the use of web browsers.

Internet surveillance

Affecting millions of people, most Canadians were shocked to find that Canada was not exempt from the list of those who were being followed without their knowledge or their permission. When the governments of these countries found out that the software was capable of leaking very personal information, instead of warning citizens, they decided to use it to their advantage to survey people.…

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Which Makes More Cents In Canada: A Big Banking Institution or a Credit Union?

Credit unions perform the same functions as banking institutions around Canada, but not everyone knows what they are or how they work. Whether the average Canadian is looking to invest their money in a savings account or borrowing money for a home or car purchase, they typically go straight to their local bank lender. But that might be a mistake. Not investigating the many opportunities to join a credit union and reap the benefits may have many consumers missing the financial boat.

Credit union

It isn’t just Lehman Brothers who got caught doing unscrupulous things over the past decade; Wells Fargo is still involved in a class-action lawsuit for signing up customers for products unwittingly and using their banking information without their clients’ knowledge.…

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How to Create a Small Business Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing has been hugely successful in 2017 and all signs point towards similar success in 2018. Videos attract peoples’ attention, they generate leads, and they get people to convert. But, how do you get in the video marketing game as a small business with a limited marketing budget?

Video marketing strategy

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to create a small business video marketing strategy.

Define your goals

One of the first things that you should do as part of any digital marketing and growth strategy, is to set your goals.

This will help you focus on delivering results and making sure that every piece of content you create will serve a clear purpose – aka, to help you achieve your set goals.…

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Benefits of Contract Hire for Small Businesses

Today, so much work is conducted on the information superhighway, that it is easy to forget that we still need to spend a certain amount of our time on the real one, too.

For a manufacturing business or a retail concern, you will probably have at least one or two vans that you lease, but for other businesses, the thought of vehicles is one that is often shelved, and you will either drive around in your private car without a second thought, or perhaps purchase one through the business.

Businesswoman and her contract hire business car

Both of these courses of action can be big mistakes, and even if you are not spending huge amounts of time on the road, you will almost certainly find you can save money and bring other business benefits through a car lease.…

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What Makes a Good Manager

Being a good manager is essential in order to create a positive work environment. When you are supportive of your staff by giving them the leadership that they need in order to thrive then you are not only giving them a more positive experience as employees, but you are also giving your customers a better experience.

Good manager

A strong manager is essential to the well-being of a business. Without a strong leader, there is no direction or plan for the execution of moving up as a company. In order to be a strong manager, you should make sure that you know what the qualities of some of the best managers are.…

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Forex Trading Tips to be a Successful Trader

There are many who are working on Forex market to gain profits from it. The trading is exciting and often educational for the traders. Here are some trading tips that you may want to follow:

Forex trading using mobile device

Plans must be made and followed

The trading is important for you and so you should make proper plans before starting the career. You should know what the reasons of failure in this trade are and then you can plan the ways to be taken for successful career. You will also have to define the time frame you must give for the trading purpose and what your aims are while trading?…

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