Business Visa Interview Tips for Those traveling to the United States

If you’re a businessman and you wish to travel to the United States of America, you probably know that a business visa is required and, for the same, you need to clear the interview round. When we talk about the interview around, there are many assumptions made by people such as grammatical activity on a particular accent will be tested but this is not true.

US visa

All you need to know is that you should demonstrate your purpose of entering the United States and your financial stability, along with your strong ties with your home country. Apart from this, the following tips will help you in getting through with the interview.…

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6 Business Tips You Must Ignore

When you want to start your own business, you start looking for information on the Internet to get some tips. It’s possible to find so many tips that you can feel totally overwhelmed and confused.

In this article, we have gathered some “bad” tips you should avoid, helping you in realizing how you need to act.

Ignoring bad business advice

1. Don’t even try to start

Just from the moment you’ve got a great idea for your startup, begins bad advice from others. Of course people that say this are just very cautious and they really might not with you anything bad. But be prepared that even your friends or relatives may tell they don’t like your business idea, and you shouldn’t even start it.…

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Q&A with James Turner, the Managing Director of, on American Adults’ Attitude Toward Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies’ popularity blasts through the roof.  In fact, the search term “buy bitcoin” is being used more than “buy gold” – an indicator of people’s behavior toward buying/selling or investing in cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin.

Bitcoin (illustration)

So, it’s safe to say that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are supported by many, right? Well, not necessarily.

A recent survey conducted by YouGov on more than 1,000 American adults interestingly reveals that their attitude toward cryptocurrencies isn’t all that positive.

In this session of Q&A, we talk with James Turner, the Managing Director of, discussing the findings from the YouGov survey, as well as offering his insight on what’s the future hold for everything related to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. …

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Top Issues Faced by First Time Entrepreneurs and Solutions to Getting By

Being the boss is rewarding, but not without challenges. Though there will be peaks and valleys throughout your time as an entrepreneur, it is the beginning stages of starting a business that seems to cause the most obstacles.

Busy entrepreneur solving problems

The quest to establish a new brand and being successful in the competition is not an easy one. Everything from raising startup funds and managing cash flow to standing out from the competition and obtaining new customers, there’s a lot that comes up for first-time entrepreneurs.

Knowing how to quickly deal with the problem and keep business going is a must.

Raising Startup Capital

Most entrepreneurs aren’t sitting on cash that can be used to invest in a business.…

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How Virtual Offices Can Help You Win the Cost Cutting Game

A virtual office offers benefits to businesses of all sizes, including small startups and large corporations looking to expand operations into new areas. The fact is that in the era of digital, there’s no reason to rent, furnish and maintain an expensive office location, when a virtual office offers all the advantages at a fraction of the cost.

Virtual office

A virtual office gives you a professional address to put on your business card; a place to receive mail, faxes, and even receive visitors; and a facility that’s open for you, your colleagues, and clients to conduct meetings in at your convenience.

Other advantages like virtual answering service and access to virtual assistants for pressing projects means you can, for instance, work in rural Thailand while maintaining your business’s headquarters on Bay Street in Toronto, or Silicon Valley in San Francisco.…

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How Behaviour Science Can Help Solve Our Global Energy Crisis

It’s no secret that Australia, and indeed the world, is undergoing an energy crisis like never before. Our state and federal governments continue to make the argument that coal is the way to go, even as the threat of blackouts looms over us every summer. Despite this, a recent report has seen Australian chief scientist Alan Finkel reminded us that the Australian energy crisis could be seeing a resolution in as little as three years – but that coal use is not the answer, no matter how much our politicians seem to think it is.

Behavioural science for solving enery crisis

And while it’s a common thought that there’s not much you as an individual can do to change the face of the globe, the fact with energy is that it’s exactly the actions of everyday people and companies who are making a difference.…

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5 Aspects Every Business Website Should Display

Building an effective business website takes a delicate mixture of several concepts of business. You must effectively represent your brand, call your viewers to take action, and maintain the interest of web users in only a few seconds. It may sound like a tall order, but business web design is not as hard as you think.

Accessing business website

Those who have designed before you have figured out a sort of equation that seems to work best. The good news is that just a few minutes of your time will reveal their findings. Take a moment to read through this short synopsis of a few aspects every business website should display, and get started on your design now.…

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Insights for Small Businesses with Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risks

Small businesses seeking to grow their bottom lines often have to look for opportunities beyond their immediate markets. Many small businesses looking for growth often forge strategic alliances for international exposure. Some small businesses find suppliers in foreign markets in order to create a competitive advantage. Other small businesses hire professionals in foreign countries or market their products and services to buyers in other countries.

Foreign exchange risks

Interestingly, when it is time to create financial accounts, many business owners with international exposure are surprised that their top and bottom lines are not impressive. A small business with foreign exposure can still lose money despite the fact that they have excellent products, sold at decent margins, and with good marketing strategy in place.…

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Business Benefits of Making People Comfortable

One of the ways that you can make your business better for your clients is if you focus on making customers comfortable. This means thinking about different sensory input that a person might be going through, and trying to control it as much as possible to get people into a pocket of being happy in their physical location.

Comfortable meeting with a client

A few ways that you can do this include getting your outdoor heating right, controlling your indoor lighting, creating a comfortable meeting environment between yourself and potential clients, and always fighting for that competitive edge when it comes to the small details.

Getting the Outdoor Heat Right

If you’ve ever been in outdoor seating at a restaurant in the cold weather, then you know how quickly things can become uncomfortable.…

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5 Smart Blogging Tips for CEOs

Blogs play a crucial role in online marketing for businesses of all sizes. While most companies pay writers to handle these posts, some prefer to take a more personal approach. As the CEO of your company, you have more knowledge and insight to share than just about any member of your team.

Blogging CEO

If you’re going to roll up your sleeves and do the dirty work of blogging, use five these tips to make sure you do it right.

1. Use Big Data to Support Your Ideas

People love data. People also want to know that there’s some truth to the claims you make in your blog posts.…

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