5 Tips for Making Your Virtual Company a Success

It’s believed that virtual businesses will one day be the norm, whereas traditional brick-and-mortar enterprises will eventually fade in popularity. There are a lot of factors at play with this digital shift, but it mostly comes down to the desire of entrepreneurs wanting to take their business global — without the financial and time-management constraints of managing a fixed physical headquarters and/or storefront.

Virtual company owner

Virtual storefronts, in particular, are fast becoming the norm. More and more people prefer to do their shopping online, and have their favorite products delivered directly to their home. From a service perspective, very few companies require a fixed location to meet with their clients.…

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Don’t Get Blocked: How to Create a Trustworthy Marketing Event

It’s game day. Picture yourself as a diehard Green Bay Packers fan. You’re heading to Lambeau Field to root on your favorite team against bitter rivals: the Chicago Bears. Thanks to heavy traffic and the stress of finding the right parking lot, it’s now only 20 minutes before kickoff, and you’re aching to get to your seat.

Pro football America

As you race to secure a spot in the entrance line, a man ambushes you with a question: “How would you like to go in this trailer to see an interactive exhibit of Brett Favre’s incredible career?”

Even the biggest Favre fan would struggle to say yes.…

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5 Business Practices that Can Transform Your Company

The most successful individuals in business, and in life, embrace change. After all, change is inevitable. Resisting innovation and new practices will eventually lead to obsoleteness, and no business can properly grow without constantly looking for ways to improve their operation.

Business communication

With that in mind, today we’re going to analyze five business practices that can transform any company. So whether you’re looking to turn the ship around, or move from strength to strength, these innovations can help you achieve your goals.

Office Renovation

Sometimes the best way to change mentality is to alter the physical makeup of an office. Redesigning or renovating your workspace to allow for more natural light, easier collaboration, and greater access to resources will likely increase your team members’ productivity levels.…

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Workers’ Compensation in Arizona and Employee Rights

Like all states across the country, Arizona has workers’ compensation rights that protect employees in case they are injured on the job. Employers have a responsibility to cultivate a safe working environment, prevent accidents, and provide proper medical assistance to employees who are hurt while working. Otherwise, if employer negligence is to blame for a serious personal injury at work, the employee may file a lawsuit with a personal injury attorney in Scottsdale or whatever city the accident occurred in.

Construction worker working hard
photo credit: ToolsTotal.com

Not having workers’ compensation at an Arizona business that needs it may result in a class 6 felony.…

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Ways Trucking Companies Can Prevent Large Trucking Accidents

According to the latest data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there were 4,311 large trucks and buses involved in fatal accidents in 2015. This is an 8 percent year-over-year increase. There were 88,000 large trucks involved in injury crashes.

Truck accident

Any collision with a large truck is a serious one for other drivers. Data reported by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows most fatalities in large trucks in 2016 were those in passenger vehicles, or 66 percent. Of the remaining deaths, 16 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists, while only 17 percent were the truck occupants.

Trucking accidents are bad for business, they’re bad for your employees, they’re bad for other vehicle passengers, and they’re bad for your reputation.…

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Amazing Places to Promote Your Blog or Website

About two billion users are currently on the Internet. The number of users turning to the Internet for buying goods or ordering services has increased significantly and the trends are accelerating. Some of those visitors may be your ideal customers. If you achieve even a tiny fraction of them, your business will be capable of working successfully.

Social media marketing channels

Marketing on the Internet is more affordable and effective with greater reach than traditional one as people spend more time in the virtual world. Expanding your business to the web exposes your products or services to a larger customer base. On the other hand, without proper advertising and marketing tools, few will ever find your site.…

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Protecting Your Business’ Intellectual Property Around The World

Imagine setting up your business abroad, only to find six months later that somebody else is selling your product and you’re powerless to prevent it. Without protecting your intellectual property (IP) when trading overseas, a scenario like this could become a reality.

Preventing others from being able to copy and sell your inventions, product designs and ideas, or use your trademark is fundamental to the success of your business. If somebody else sells your ideas as their own, this can take away your market share, jeopardising your chances of growing in a new market, and damaging your reputation as a thought leader in the industry.…

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Dealing with Workplace Negativity: 6 Tips

In your office environment, what are the attitudes and behaviours of the people you manage? Does employee morale seem to be high or low? Do your employees seem happy, connected and passionate when they show up to work? These are questions to ask yourself, as an employer, when conducting health checks on your workplaces culture.

Unengaged employees cause workplace negativity

How to Spot Workplace Negativity

Take a moment to do a quick assessment of your business. Do you find that you are often:

  • Handling employee complaints and spending time resolving conflicts;
  • Overhearing disrespect between employees or towards customers;
  • Noticing less-than-professional behaviours from your employees; or
  • Sensing that employee interest is declining?
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Building a Business Blog That Works for You

Creating a well-written business blog is one of the most inexpensive ways to promote and market your business establishment. A blog with great content can be a strong driving force behind a boosted web traffic on your business website.

Business blogging

Too often, small business owners remain in the dark when it comes to the power of a blog. Don’t sell your creation short, and boost your business website with a creative blog design. Here are a few helpful tips towards building a business blog that works for you.

Work SEO into your blog content

Search engine optimization will push your content to the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) when you incorporate the key concepts.…

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Diversifying Your Assets with Real Estate

Diversifying your assets is very important in this day and age. With a diverse portfolio, one can ensure that their investments are not one-dimensional. This gives you some financial security since if one area of your investment fails it is not the end of the world, and your other investments can keep your financial situation afloat.

Real estate investing

One of the best ways to diversify your assets is to get into the real estate market. Getting into the real estate market may be tricky at first, and you will need to learn many new things about the market, but in the end it will be worth it.…

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