5 Ways to Connect to In-Store Customers via Mobile

Some store owners bemoan the sight of shoppers peering at their phones as they wander the aisles and pick up what they need, but those owners lack vision. A customer on the phone is an opportunity to reach out, engage, and inspire loyalty — but only if you’re willing to provide the high-tech mobile services that your target market craves. It doesn’t take much, but it’s probably time you at least considered the idea of designing an app to benefit your business and help you with customer outreach.

Let Mobile Customers Skip the Line

The fastest way to a shopper’s heart is through a quick checkout line.…

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The Next Level: 4 Signs It’s Time to Expand Your Small Business

In the highly competitive world of small business, finding a way to carve out a niche in your industry is vital for success. According to recent studies, economic uncertainty is the main factor that prohibits small businesses from growing.

Business expansion meeting

If you are like most business owners, you have a number of ideas you want to put into practice. When the time comes to grow and expand your business, having a game plan in place is essential.

Generally, you will need to secure a business financing loan to fund this type of growth. Working with an experienced and reputable lender is the only way to ensure the loan you get is the right fit for your particular needs.…

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Bringing the Outside In

Some companies just love festooning their hallways, reception areas and meeting rooms with flowers and other plants. The sight and smell of greenery (and any other colours you care to throw into the mix) elevates the feeling in a building and, according to NASA, living plants help to filter out airborne pollution.

Employee working in a green workplace

Other companies think that a floral touch is too frilly and makes the place look fussy and unprofessional; they may also see caring for plants and buying in new flowers each week as unnecessary expenses. On balance, though, if you’re looking for offices to rent in Teddington, you’d be best served by bringing in a bit of the green stuff.…

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5 Investment Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in 2018

With increasing volatility and frequent market fluctuations, making smart investments is not easy. When you look for information online, several inputs laden with economic jargon tend to perplex you furthermore.

Making investment mistakes

If you have ever invested into something before, you know about the kind of mistakes you can make on the way to the perfect investment. The thing is, there is always some new way of making quick money that everyone is talking about, and usually that’s the investment that one should not make without doing their research.

Let’s take CFDs, for example. Trading CFDs looks promising on paper, but due to the nature of CFD trading, it’s often categorized as a sophisticated form of gambling by the trading community.…

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The Location of Your Business is Crucial

Whether you are opening up a new shop or relocating your existing business, where you decide to go is essential to the overall aspect of your business. The right location can both boost sales and keep your doors open, or it could end up making you close the doors.

High street

There are many factors to consider while you decide where to locate your business. From operating costs, accessibility and even taxes, these all influence the overall performance. Whether you are looking in a small town or at real estate in Calgary, the same goes for both.

Here are a few reasons as to why you need to seriously consider your location before you open up the doors.…

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Equity Crowdfunding – A Beginner’s Guide

While you once needed a lot of capital to gain equity in private companies, new laws have made possible for small investors to invest using limited capital through equity crowdfunding. In this article, we’re going to give you a small introduction to equity crowdfunding and a few tips to help you get started.

Equity crowdfunding

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

Simply put, equity crowdfunding is similar to regular crowdfunding with the exception that you get an actual share of the company you’re investing in. It allows everyday investors to invest in early-stage companies that aren’t listed on the stock exchange.

There was a time when only accredited investors were allowed to invest through equity crowdfunding.…

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Common Pitfalls Small Businesses Face and How to Avoid Them

Starting up a business is, without a doubt, an exciting venture. If you’re not excited about your new small business, then you just aren’t doing the right thing. However, it’s also a nerve wracking one and even the most seasoned of business owners will come across struggles along the way.

Analyzing small business problems

What makes a successful entrepreneur over one destined to fail, however, is the ability to avoid common pitfalls. From doing the large scale customer acquisition through proper market research to the seemingly-insignificant use of a plagiarism checker to avoid shooting yourself in the foot with your marketing material preparation – including to avoid any plagiarism claims, we’ve put together a list of some of the common business pitfalls and how small businesses could work to avoid them.…

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Here’s Why Many Small Businesses Fail at Ecommerce – Don’t Be Among Them!

Even though you’ve worked hard at building rank with the search engines and your organic searches are mostly found on the first pages of the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages), you find that your bounce rate is through the roof and that you just aren’t making the money from your website that you had anticipated. After all, your prices are competitive, you have a product line that is trending, and you’ve invested heavily in marketing. Something is going terribly wrong, but what is it?

Online fashion shop

Here are some of the biggest reasons why your small business Ecommerce website may be failing.

Nonresponsive Websites

First, and foremost, the thing you really must understand is that the greatest number of new customers will find your site through mobile searches.…

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How Translation Can Help You Achieve Greater Organic Traffic

When trade stops, war begins,” warned Jack Ma, the CEO of Alibaba at Davos 2018. This simple yet powerful statement serves as a reminder that your business needs to keep reaching customers. Ma went on to say that global selling is not just the birthright of big companies alone. Technology has effectively made the world so small that you can buy a product from Europe even if you are thousands of miles away in Australia.

Translation improves traffic

Selling on a global scale has become the norm rather than the exception, and in order to achieve success, you must have global reach.…

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Myths About Lawyers

If you want to joke about a particular profession, you’ll find plenty of material in lawyers. There are probably more jokes about lawyers than there are actual lawyers who have passed the bar exam. Even Shakespeare made a lawyer joke when he had one of his characters say, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

Attorney meeting client in office

The law profession isn’t terribly well understood, and there are a lot of jokes in part because there are also an awful lot of myths. Lawyers have their quirks, but they’re a lot like normal people, even if they do write a lot of legal briefs that use seemingly random Latin words.…

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