Entrepreneurship: 3 Myths and Misconceptions About Starting Your Own Business

Entrepreneurship is alive and well in the USA as each month the number of entrepreneurs is growing. Whether a person just starts something small on the side for extra income, or quits their job and works at their business full-time, it seems like starting a business is a popular way to make money. It’s easy to see why.

Myths about entrepreneurship

When we think about starting a business, we think of the fact we can set our own hours, be our own bosses and be in total control of our lives and business. While this is the case for some and starting a business can be an awesome thing, it’s not all peaches and cream.…

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The Importance of Having a Strong Risk Culture

Every business has its own risk culture, as companies across all industries are exposed to a wide variety of hazards on a daily basis. The difference is how they deal with such risks and how successful these measures are in getting through to employees and forming the risk culture of a business. Creating an enterprise-wide awareness of risk is essential according to RSM and one of the first steps towards a strong risk culture is understanding why it’s so important.

Protect Your Assets and Reputation

With a range of recent headlines highlighting instances of fraud, employee scandals, misconduct and more, a strong risk culture is required to prevent this happening in your business.…

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How to Protect All Your Valuable Business Gadgets

In the digital era, we’re all surrounded by electronic gadgets like smartphones, televisions, laptops, computers, Wi-Fi, and many other devices. We buy them from various ecommerce or small business supply platform sites. They help make our lives better, and certainly make businesses run more smoothly. If you don’t take care of electronics, it can cost a lot of money.


Even if you’re one of the few out there who only have just one gadget, such as a smartphone, it’s important to take a few minutes here and there to keep it in good condition. Here’s a few tips to keep all your electronics clean and in good working order, to make them last as long as possible.…

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4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Sharon Bush

Sharon Bush has proven herself to be resilient, generous, loving, and entrepreneurial despite life’s problems. Emulating her ability to overcome adversity and subsequently flourish, one can find valuable life lessons that will help them succeed.

Sharon has applied a variety of knowledge gained from her personal life experiences to become a well-known philanthropist and respected entrepreneur. You may think of her as just another every day entrepreneur, but her story offers many great life lessons that you can relate to and make use of on your own journey.

1. Build Resilience

After dealing with some personal struggles, Sharon soldiered on. Religion has helped her during her most challenging times.…

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Moving to San Diego with Your Business: Things to Know About

San Diego is a great city for business venture. It’s considered as one of the best U.S. cities for startups. These 14 entrepreneurs can vouch for that. You have every reason to move your business to the city, but you may have doubts when it comes moving yourself – and your family if you’re blessed with one – to the city.

Commuting can be tiresome, and it’s probably for the better of you and your business if you move closer to your business’ headquarters for convenience sake. Good for you, there are plenty of upsides moving to San Diego.…

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8 Common Mistakes People Make When Applying for a Business Loan

Starting your own business has never been an easy thing to do, as it brings a number of difficulties and challenges. All business owners have their ups and downs, some of them even having to find ways to avoid business bankruptcy.

One of the strategies that can help you get your business on its feet again is to get a small business loan. However, a lot of small business owners make mistakes that decrease their chances of getting a loan.

These are the 8 most common mistakes people make when applying for a business loan.

1. They don’t prepare to get a loan

A number of small business owners simply fail to prepare all the details before applying for a loan.…

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4 Tips for Saving Time in the Back Office

Back offices are where a lot of the work that it takes for a business to operate happens. And, while consumers only see the front office, the back office is often where the overhead starts adding up and time is spent.

Solving the messy back office problems

Administrative tasks can be very time-consuming, and if you need to start saving time in the back office to help your business grow, these tips can help.

1. Automate Your Taxes

A lot of time is spent on taxes, and owners are doing their own business taxes, it can take up to five hours per week, or twenty hours a month, to keep taxes up-to-date.…

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Someone Else Can Do These 5 Business Processes Better Than You (No Offense)

One trait successful entrepreneurs almost all have in common is the ability to say “no” — to dodgy proposals, out-of-left-field ideas, clients who bring a whole rat’s nest of strings to the relationship.

Still, many business owners like to think they can do it all. Maybe you’re one of them.

Business process outsourcing

What separates the truly great from the just-pretty-good is the ability to know when you’re better off outsourcing non-core business processes to outside partners capable of doing them right. These process might be super specialized and high-value; they might be wholly commoditized; or they might fall somewhere in the middle. What unites them is the simple fact that they’re not central to your core operations — your moneymaker, as it were.…

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Building a Strong Brand Identity: The Key to Small Business Branding Success

If you want your business to succeed, one of the things you need to take seriously is branding. Your company’s unique identity is what sets it apart from everyone else, a representation of your story and goals to your customers. Take Dunkin Donuts’ latest rebranding, for instance — dropping the word “Donuts” from their name. This is their effort to show their vision of becoming the “store of the future.” As a customer, you will not go to Dunkin just for their donuts anymore, but for their coffee, sandwiches, and shakes as well.

As a small business, your job to create the kind of identity that differentiates you from everyone else may be challenging.…

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How to Excel at Spread Betting

Spread betting is a trading method activity that can help you achieve substantial rewards with regards to your capital, if done right. There are many opportunities for trading and speculating in the financial market but spread betting is something special, that requires you to have special skills to speculate on the market and whether you’ll make a profit. Although spread betting comes with high risks it also comes with big rewards.

Spread Betting

To ensure that you do not fall victim like those who have failed at spread betting I’ve put together a list of things to help you improve your trading game.…

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