Backing Up Your Business: How to Keep Your Important Information Safe

The last 12 months have been another huge reminder that data security and information safety is imperative to business. As you will no doubt have seen in the news many times over the last few months, even the biggest businesses in the world aren’t safe from either security breaches or the significant financial cost of not reacting to them.

Business data backup and security

As technology progresses, cybercriminals become increasingly adept at finding ways around the system. Here are several ways to make sure you don’t suffer a security breach in 2019.

Be vigilant – you will always be a target

Unfortunately, it’s not just the large businesses with the ability to pay enormous fines that are targeted, either.…

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4 Top Ways to Provide Superior Customer Service

Customer service is vital to the success of a company in any industry. Poor customer service can lead to lost customers, low levels of customer loyalty, and bad publicity. Unhappy customers tend to talk, whether to their friends and family members or in the form of online reviews.

Doing stellar customer service

No matter how you look at it, customer service should be one of your top priorities as a business owner or manager. Read on the following tips, courtesy of Nexa customer service.

Improve Response Times

In today’s digital world, people expect to receive a response quicker than ever before. One of the key factors in providing excellent customer service is responding nearly instantaneously, even if only just to say “we have received your request and will get back to you”.as…

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5 Business Vehicle Considerations You Need to Make

When using a vehicle for business purposes, there are a lot of things to consider. These include taxes, mileage deductions, depreciation expenses and whether to use a personal or business car.

Businesswoman gets out of a business car

Just like any aspect of your business and personal life, it is important to keep vehicle and other expenses separate. So before you start using a car for your business, address these five issues first.

1. The Driver

The driver is one of the most important things to consider when using a vehicle for business purposes. Will the owners, staff members or both drive the vehicle for business? Business owners obviously have more control over their driving behavior than that of staff members.…

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5 Steps to Create a Better Experience for Your Customers

There’s a lot of steps that go into offering the best service experience possible for all your customers. It isn’t enough just to have the best quality or best priced product. It isn’t about having the best service staff possible either. Companies need to dig further and constantly be digging for answers even when everything seems to be perfect.

Enhancing customer experience

Here are 5 relatively painless steps you can take to foster a better customer experience in your company:

1. Its everybody or nobody

The big problem with several companies operating out there in the world these days is that they may have a handful of employees in their ranks who don’t realize just how important they are to this service initiative because connecting with customers isn’t part of their job description.…

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Getting Started: 5 Business Startup Loans Available to You if You Have Bad Credit

Need a loan for your small business but aren’t sure how you’ll get it? Here are 5 ways to get start up business loans with bad credit.

Business people taking startup business loans

Over half a million Americans become an entrepreneur every month.

Do you have bad credit with an entrepreneurial mind? No problem! With the right strategizing and planning, you can still secure financing for your business dreams.

Let’s get into understanding the best start up business loans with bad credit.

1. Microloans

Are you a minority small business owner? Do you come from an impoverished background? If so, you may be eligible to qualify for a microloan.…

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Functionality and Looks: How Important Is It to Preserve Aesthetics in Machine Design?

Ever since the Industrial Revolution integrated functionality with design and production, the world has changed at an incredibly fast pace. Products that were once expensive, time-consuming, and cumbersome to create have become efficiently and cheaply mass-produced, making them more popular and widely distributed.

Function vs looks

But just how far does machine design take away from aesthetics? In many cheaply made, mass-produced products, beauty and durability are sacrificed for cost. Yet aesthetics are often the focal point of engineering anything, so exactly how important is it to preserve aesthetics when designing machines?

What is the Difference Between Functionality and Aesthetics?

The word “aesthetics” comes from the ancient Greek word aisthetikos, which loosely means “to perceive.”…

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Fact Or Faux? Myths About Coworking

When perusing coworking sites online, it is very easy to assume that the coworking space is one of fun and frivolity. Images of professionals standing around an after-hours cocktail bar or chatting amicably around a conference table can give the impression that coworking is a big scene. This is just one of the major misconceptions about the popular office format, which has already taken traction in places like Wellington and Auckland.

Coworking misconceptions

Other misconceptions related to coworking involve definitions of it as being shared space, which has also been around forever. Then, there is this whole idea that major cities are the only places where coworking professionals can thrive.…

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Building Credibility When You’re Small – 4 Tips

It’s never easy building a strong reputation for your small business, but the Digital Age has certainly made things easier than they used to be.

Building business credibility

In fact, if you know how to leverage the right methods, there’s absolutely no reason your small business can’t enjoy just as much credibility as your much bigger competitors do.

4 Ways to Become More Credible Than Your Larger Competitors

The online age has made it easier than ever to build a presence and market your services and products to customers. That being said, building a strong, credible reputation is more important than ever. Prospects that find you credible will find it easier to become your customers.…

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6 Tips to Negotiate on a Car Loan

If you want to buy a car, but don’t have cash, you can always apply for a car dealer financing. But you should be prepared for a never-ending sales pitch from the salesman and the finance manager.

tips to get approved

Speaking of preparation, here are six tips that can help you significantly:

1. Don’t Make Decisions Based on Your Emotions

A lot of emotions can be involved in buying a car. You may find it difficult to leave the car once you’ve gone out for a test drive. But if the dealer is not interested in negotiating, you are free to walk away. Bear in mind that you’re the one paying for the car and you’re not doing any favor to the dealer.…

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A Simple Guide To Managing Short Term Property Rentals

Managing short term property rentals is becoming easier and more profitable with every passing year. With technology and automation, this shared-economy business model is both welcoming and lucrative. However, it’s a good bet if you’re reading this, you’re not looking for a side gig or a hobby.

Rent unused property for profit

You can make a fortune running a short term property rental business by prepping as much as possible before opening the doors to your first guest. The following are a collection of expert tips and strategy that are guaranteed to help you build and scale your short-term rental empire.

Short-Term Property Management: A Brief Guide

Are you ready to run a business?…

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