What Free Shipping Means to Your Customers

Customers want free shipping. Amazon has forced the issue, pushing retailers to offer free shipping on products. The customers of today expect shipping to be fast, and if you’re in a niche where other retailers are offering free shipping or better prices, you’ll need to offer the same perk to compete.

Free shipping

One study suggests that 90% of consumers say that free shipping is the incentive to shop online.

People want to shop online because it allows for shopping day and night, but if shipping is too costly, these shoppers will go to ground stores.

If you’re a small business owner, free shipping may mean the difference between your customers going to Amazon or shopping on your site.…

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How to Make the Most of an Outdoor Marketing Event

In spring and summer, or if you live in a climate that’s friendly for outdoor engagements, it could be good for your business to get involved in an outdoor event. Outdoor marketing events come in many forms, but have several advantages; they have the potential to introduce you to loads of new people, they attract the eyes of passersby and passing drivers, and they allow you and your staff members to enjoy the outdoors at the same time.

Outdoor marketing event

So what steps can your business take to make the most of this event?

Maximizing the Value of an Outdoor Marketing Event

No matter what the occasion is, you can improve the return on your investment (ROI) for the event with these key strategies:


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Guide to Track Your SEO Rankings to Analyse Growth

If you have incorporated SEO in your digital marketing efforts, you need to have a plan for it. Experts often advise that your SEO plan should be measurable using SEO rank tracking tools or any other applicable tools/methods. It makes all the sense in the world. This is because it is the only way that you will be able to know whether or not your SEO strategy is working.

SEO rankings growth

photo creidt: https://managewp.com/blog/rank-tracking

With that, you will be able to determine the plans that need revision and the strategy that you need to do away with. The following is a guide that will help you get started with tracking SEO ranking to analyze growth.…

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Young Pros – What to Do to Get the Best Out of an Online Course

With almost everything porting to the online space today, one will be left wondering what is not accessible online. At the current pace of technology, you can even take online courses today. This is especially beneficial for those that don’t have the time to travel to and from office.

You can take online courses in places like e-Careers, where numerous courses are offered such as an online bookkeeping course. Such courses are as good as those held offline. Some people who have taken online courses have been proven to display more competence than those who haven’t.

taking online course

Here are a few pointers to make the most out of online courses:

Self-discipline required

You should be disciplined enough to stick to your study hours and the course you’re taking.…

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How to Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing

Social media has taken over our lives. Not only do we spend a whopping 116 minutes per day using social media, but these platforms have become the go-to place for companies to reach new customers and engage their current ones.

This is why any company interested in growing their brand is going to be equally as interested in cultivating a strong social media presence.

Social media marketing campaign

However, just like anything with your business, your social media efforts need to be purpose driven. “Everyone else is doing it” is not reason enough for you to invest your employees’ valuable time and your company’s valuable resources in social media.…

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Why Businesses Should Consider Installing CCTV

Regardless of where your building is located in Melbourne, you never know where a criminal might strike next. Burglars often target commercial properties because they know there are plenty of expensive items of equipment to be found inside. How much would it cost your company if you need to replace all your computers, laptops, printers, fax machines and desks? Even if your insurance provider would reimburse you for the value of such items, burglaries can lead to business downtime and ultimately lost profits.

CCTV camera installation

There’s a solution to those issues, though: Look for a security tech shop providing a CCTV installation in Melbourne, and arm your business premise with CCTV cameras. …

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6 Smart Reasons to Get a Business Loan

Going into debt for your business can be very intimidating, especially if you are not sure if you should. Here are six good reasons to consider getting small business loans.

Calculating business loans usage

1. To buy needed equipment

A loan will enable you to buy the equipment and machinery that you need to create products or provide services to your customers, or to replace or upgrade the ones that don’t work well anymore. The good news is, if you get equipment loans, the actual equipment can usually be used as collateral for the borrowed money. Just be sure to use the loan to purchase equipment that are necessary instead of nice but optional.…

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Save Money On Your Rent: Some Tips Inside

What’s the worst thing about trying to find an apartment to rent? Most people would say finding an apartment to rent that you like and that’s affordable.

Save money on rent

Finding an apartment to rent can be a part-time job in itself, especially when it comes to navigating each and every apartment’s legal compliance – i.e. rent control, etc. So it’s understandable why many people would go online to try to find one. Because of that, apartment rental websites and apps have become increasingly more popular over the past few years. After all, these apps and websites can cut out a lot of the hassle of looking for an apartment.…

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7 Ways Technology is Changing how Traders Trade

From the time you wake up to take a look at the market’s performance overnight to the time you check how the market is set to open the next day before going to bed, technology plays a critical role. There’s no doubt that technology has ushered in significant advancements in the way we do things.

Trading technologies

These advancements have significantly been evident in the way traders trade. For instance, technology initiated the development of the online based MT4, which enables Forex traders to trade from any operating system or browser.

Additionally, advanced technology has enabled traders to operate and maintain a competitive edge in the cutthroat financial and Forex environment.…

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A PMI-ACP Certification is an Excellent Tool for Project Managers – Here’s why

In Project Management Agile Scrum practices for cross-functional tools have become catch-lines today. When becoming an Agile Certified Scrum professional doesn’t need a technical degree, and many Agile practitioners are in-house assets, the certification can empower you, your resume and your career in Scrum Agile suites.

PMI-ACP Project management certification

Here is some room for thought about the certifications.

The Pros and Cons of Certifications


  • Certification validates the point that you are industry ready and have both the conceptual and practical skills required
  • HR Managers and screening assessors of your resume treat certification as necessary validation for the job. It adds the professional touch
  • It validates your skills and tells the world you have the practical skills of an ace in your field
  • The process of certification allows you to touch base with new developments and revises what you have not practised on for ages


  • Certification is no guarantee of a job.
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