5 Things I Learnt from Working from Home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced a majority of the working population to work from home, in professions which make such a set-up possible. Ever since the World Health Organization called for the global population to begin exercising “social distancing”, businesses around the world asked its employees to stop reporting at their respected offices and work remotely from their own homes instead. The move was taken to stem the spread of the virus, in accordance with the WHO’s directive.

Businesswoman working from home (WFH)

Work-from-home is not a new practice and has been around for a while in the corporate world now. Usually, businesses allow limited work-from-homes to employees as a perk they can enjoy from time to time.…

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How to Serve Your Clients 24/7

Customer Service is one of the most important factors that can help determine how long a business will survive in the long run. Providing your customers with good customer experience will allow you to leave a mark upon them and ensure that you have a loyal customer base dedicated to your business.

24/7 customer service

Improving Customer Service: Here’s How

Here are some ways for you to improve upon your customer service:

1. Tune in to the input

Customer input can assist you with improving your items and services, as well as your customer service. Positive criticism can call attention to what you’re doing well, and negative input can recognize zones for development — so don’t be reluctant to request input from your customers through surveys, a discussion on your site, or remarks on social channels.…

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The Basic Ins and Outs of Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know

As you were growing up, you probably thought of bankruptcy in a very negative light. However, as you move through adulthood, there’s a good chance that you understand both the good and bad aspects of bankruptcy as a useful way to reset your personal finances or your business requirements.

Bankruptcy filing

Sometimes bankruptcy is your fault in that you have very poor financial management. Other times bankruptcy is because of something that you couldn’t control, for example, a medical emergency of some sort that you didn’t have insurance for.

Regardless of how you approach the idea of bankruptcy, though, the more knowledge you have about the matter, the more it can be something that you are less anxious about while also being more in tuned to win to use it appropriately.…

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Best 10 Ways to Become a successful SEO Consultant

With the rise of digital marketing, SEO has attained much importance. It is a set of different techniques that allow you to rank your website higher in search results such as Keyword Research, Content Writing, On-Page SEO, and Off-Page SEO.

SEO consultant advising a client

Usually, the SEO expert has a degree in either Marketing, MBA, Software Engineering or Computer Science. However, you can also enroll in yourself in a short course and can become an SEO expert in a very short period of time. This article is entirely based on how to become a successful SEO Consultant or Expert.

  • Short Courses
  • YouTube
  • SEO Influencers
  • SEO Consultants
  • Educational Organizations
  • SEO Books
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Blogging

Short Courses

Usually, a course of 3-6 months allows you to become a successful SEO consultant in a very short period of time.…

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Accounting Advice: Top Ways to Save Time and Money With Bookkeeping

Are you one step ahead of your competition?

Every day, more people choose to start their own company. Research shows that small businesses make up 99.9% of United States businesses! That means everywhere you turn, there’s a small business competing with you for customers.

Bookkeeping tips

If you want your business to thrive, you have to know how to maximize your time and money. That’s why we’ve put together this short guide, with the best accounting advice, for small business owners, just like you. Stay ahead of your competition, by keeping your business finances in top shape.

Read on to learn the right way to do bookkeeping inhouse.…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying Income Protection Insurance

Each year, people find themselves unable to work due to a serious illness or injury. Statistically speaking, you can find yourself in this situation, and you won’t be able to earn income. Do you have enough savings to cover your bills and daily expenses? Would your sick pay help you get through those difficult times? If not, you might want to consider buying income protection insurance.

Income protection insurance

Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about it!

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5 Tips For Running a Successful Farm

If you have an interest in agriculture and farming, then it’s natural to have ambitions of a successful farming business. Farming is a promising business that can be incredibly profitable if you know the right do’s and don’ts.

Farm business and the farmer

If you’re interested in getting to know what it takes to run a successful farm, take a look at some of the best tips to get you started.

Plan Ahead

Regardless of what industry you’re in, a plan is an essential part of success. It’s critical that you create a business plan and carefully spell out how you plan on pursuing each step.…

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Don’t Try This At Home – The 5 Worst Mistakes People Make When They Get Into Debt

Debt has a horrible way of sneaking up on you. While there are plenty of things you can do to escape its clutches, there are some tempting “fixes” you must avoid at all costs.

Stressed out woman due to debt mistakes

Source – Unsplash – Anh Nguyen

To ensure you don’t inadvertently make things worse while trying to make them better, steer clear of the following five mistakes people make when they get into debt:

1. Payday Loan Panicking

When you panic, you don’t tend to think any further ahead than the moment you are in. This can lead you to act in ways that aren’t healthy for your future self.…

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Uber: The Ultimate Business Model for The 21st Century

In a very short number of years, Uber has revolutionised the traditional taxi business industry throughout the world. Simply put, it has enabled millions of people to press a few buttons on their smartphone and have a cab driver pick them up from their current location in the shortest space of time.

Uber driver as a business owner

The company is one of few in the technology industry to be valued at more than $70 billion, it operates in more than 630 cities worldwide.

This article will look to provide a brief explanation of the company’s business model. Uber was founded by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, and is based in San Francisco, California, United States.…

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