6 Tips to Create Your Own Zen Room

In this day and age, we’re constantly on the go and trying to keep up with our jobs, relationships, health and more. Technological advances also mean that we’re always connected on our smartphones, computers, tablets etc. With such a busy lifestyle, it’s important that we have a space for ourselves where we can just relax, unwind and disconnect.

Tips to create a zen room

Below, we offer 6 tips to create your own Zen room – a restful, serene and restorative space just for you.

1. Select Natural and Light Fabrics

One of the most basic foundations of a Zen room is utilizing natural and light fabrics that are also comfortable. Some examples of natural and light fabric include textiles such as bunting wool, wool, and linen. You can also use these fabrics to create calming décor that matches the rest of your room. An example would be the addition of curtains for a slightly more intimate feel.

If you’re looking for an ambience that’s slightly more elaborate, consider adding in blinds that help to modulate light. Ensure that your blinds match with the rest of the room – don’t forget to take a look at the fixation systems as you wouldn’t want that to be your downfall! Blinds will also cool down your room, just like how a btu calculator can help you control the heat in your room.

2. Utilize Natural Scents

Scents and smells in your room will also help in providing deeper relaxation. Some examples that you can pick from including homemade sprays, soy or beeswax candles, and natural, calming essential oils. Make sure that you select a scent that omits a calming scent before bed and one that invigorates you in the morning.

Either than having natural scents around the house, it’s also important to have the right amount of humidity in your house for optimal comfort. Do this by purchasing a dehumidifier for your home, the electrical appliance will not only reduce the amount of humidity in the air, but it will also help to minimize the growth of mildew. If you’re wondering what the best dehumidifier to purchase for your home would be, this list will help you find out more.

3. Avoid Harsh Lighting

To ensure that you have a space that’s relaxing, avoid harsh light and opt for candles, dimmer or nature-inspired lights. A good option would be to pick types of lights where you can control the intensity of brightness. Alternatively, you can also mix different types of lights such as a lamp set, floor lamp and more.

Make sure to avoid spotlights or lights that emit a strong, direct brightness. You want to make sure you’re more relaxed and not more disoriented from the overpowering source of light. It’s important that you also don’t have harsh lightingruelingg around your bed area, instead, install wall-utilizingmounted reading lights that provide good general lighting for the area. Scented candles are also a good option to help you de-stress a little before bed.

4. Add Some Green Plants

It’s widely known that the color green helps to induce relaxation due to it being a restful and quiet color. It’s also one of the most comforting colors that cannot only diffuse anxiety but also keep you feeling calm and refreshed. Hence, it’s always beneficial to add some green plants to spruce up the color in your room. Some examples of green plants that you can add include bonsai trees and hanging terrariums.

While green plants are a good option, to avoid adding flowers to your room. Some flowers require special care and you want to ensure that they don’t end up being additional burdens. Some flowers also emanate scents that might collide with the other natural scents that you’ve added to your room.

Tips to Creating Your Own Zen Room

5. Eliminate the Amount of Clutter in Your Room

If you’ve got a lot of stress going on in your work life, the last thing you need is to return home to a room full of clutter. To ensure that the space you come home to is a space for you to relax to, clear your room of as many items as possible and keep only essentials in sight.

At the same time, ensure that you keep electronic devices at bay once you’re home. You want to relax and have some me time, hence, it’s crucial that you don’t have electronic devices that cause a distraction. To keep things clutter-free, you can also hide your wires and cables to avoid affecting the serene atmosphere that you’ve created for your room.

6. Add a Touch of Softness to your Room

Either that a sense of smell, sense of touch is also crucial in creating that Zen room. Add light-colored soft wool carpets for an extra luxurious feel to your room. Alternatively, you can also select a pure cotton carpet that matches the color of the floor.

If a carpet isn’t your thing, you can also select parquet, resin or any other massive wooden flooring. Just make sure that it’s light-colored and matches the rest of the room for that extra soft touch.


After a long grueling day, it’s important that you have a safe space to come home to. You want to make sure that it’s comfortable and provides you with the restoration that you need to conquer the days ahead. While it might take some time to create the perfect Zen room for yourself, these tips will help you jump-start your process.


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