Tips for Writing an Effective CV

A CV is short for Curriculum Vitae, an order of your working life. A CV (short CVs are preferred) is something that you give to prospective employers to show previous work, and to give some idea of your personality.

CV writing

A CV is the first thing many prospective employers see when they advertise for a new worker, so it is very important that people make their CV the best it can be. This is the main reason why so many writing sites – such as Perfect Essays– offer CV writing services. They can provide one which ticks all the required boxes.

Tips For successful CV

There are many CV tips out there, and you should choose the tips which best help you write. To start you off on your journey, here are some of the most common tips for successful CVs.

First of all, the don’ts of writing a CV.

  • Don’t put a headshot in unless you know it will be welcomed. There are some countries where this is preferred, but most Western countries don’t like it.
  • Don’t add in either your age or your date of birth. Keep the dates in your CV purely in the section which deal with your working life.
  • Don’t put in anything to do with your marital status. This should have no bearing on your working life, and therefore has no place on your CV.

Now on to the do’s of writing a CV:

  • Personal details
    • Not everything should go on a CV – choose which personal details you include carefully. Each detail included should forward your cause of being hired to that particular company or business. Be sure that you don’t include anything that deviates from this, as it will be a sign for prospective employers to overlook you.
    • This goes double for the personal statement which is included in most CVs. You need to be sure to keep the personal statement short and to the point. Only put in personal items which are directly relevant to the specific job you are applying for, and to work in general.
  • Length of the CV
    • A CV should be about two pages in length at the absolute maximum. Any shorter, and your CV and work history will look paltry and suspect. Any longer and it runs the risk of boring whoever is reading it. Some particular fields do require a shorter or a longer CV, but the general length is two pages.
  • Skills
    • You should always tailor your CV to the job you are trying to get into. This includes everything from the skills you profess in general (change them to ones which the business you are applying for would find more useful), and in specifics, the ones which the business are looking for.
    • Use the jobs you have worked in previously to this effect. Make sure that you don’t leave any gaps in your employment history, but specifically highlight the jobs which you think will contribute to you being a good candidate today.

What to Include in your CV in 2018

A curriculum vitae in 2018 is tricky, since the world is continuing to change rapidly due to new and improving technology. Your CV needs to contain methods of contact, and it should be the methods which guarantee that you will be in touch with people when you need to be.

Expert advice from sites like also says that in 2018, you should make sure to have items on your CV which indicate that you have a functioning ability to take part in modern society, be that modern communications or jobs which show that you use modern technology, or even a properly formatted CV.

Keep your CV Updated

This is a very important part of the process, that a lot of people forget about. Keeping your CV updated is so important, because it means that you can send your CV out at a moment’s notice. It means that you can rest easy knowing that every time you send some CVs out, the prospective employers will have the latest knowledge of your skills and job history.

Keep your CV updated, so that when you need to send it out, all the information is already available, and you don’t need to flail around for the information you need.


Writing a CV – knowing how to write one properly – is very important. There is a lot going into it, such as the work history you want to include, the skills you want to highlight, and everything else. Being able to write a good CV is quite literally the difference between having a job and not. Developing your skill is something that can take a while, but that there is luckily plenty of help around the internet, and in books, for anybody who wants to learn. This article has hopefully given people a good start for what they want to do with their CVs.


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