Expanding The Effectiveness Of Your Content Marketing

A Small Seed Makes A Great Tree

Content marketing represents an increasingly profitable forward investment. With each piece of content you create, you essentially carve out a niche of digital real estate. That digital real estate will very likely remain on the internet forever. Even if the site it is initially posted on is taken down, there are archival efforts in place which will yet retain the data and that’s why you have to keep an eye on optimizing your pages from the very beginning.

Content marketing is like a growing tree

When you continuously produce content, it’s kind of like using a pen to fill in empty space in a coloring book. Each stroke fills in more and more space until an entire picture emerges. Ideally, you’re going to want to produce around fifty pieces of individual content every month—you really want to shade that picture in, if you can manage it.

This content can be visual, it can be aural, it can be textual—whatever is most convenient for your business. Convenience will likely be metered by effectiveness, so you’ll want to figure out which kinds of content serves your needs best. What is likely is that you’ll eventually come to a synthesis of all available content and social media marketing techniques.

All that being said, one of the most effective and important methods of content marketing involves written content. Articles or blog posts that are around five-hundred to a thousand words in length, properly targeted, optimized for search engines, and containing useful content are likely to be perpetually useful.

The Evergreen Component

What you’re really looking for is “evergreen” material. That is to say: content which is continuously relevant no matter when it was written. For that to happen, you must touch on real truths that characterize reality. But additionally, you must have some level of topicality in your posts in order to help build momentum.

If you produce content like this at around fifty separate pieces per month, you’ll have 600 pieces by the end of the year. That’ll be between 300,000 and 600,000 words, depending on how big you make your articles. If you produced 600 articles 1,000 words apiece or more every year, you will have produced more content than the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Now that’s some serious online real estate. If you do that for five years, you’ve got a virtual encyclopedia pertaining to your products or services. That volume of content will make a substantial dent in search engine results, bringing your business to the fore. It’s like SEO is the seed to a redwood tree, and older marketing campaigns are just little apple seeds. They yield fruit, but they’re not nearly so substantial an artifice.

If you’re unfamiliar with SEO, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. With SEO, you’re going to have a great deal of available data from which to draw in order to most efficiently design your marketing campaign.

Acquiring Analytical Solutions

Analytical solutions help businesses in SaaS marketing and content creation. Using these you can automate as much routine work as possible to have more time for analysis and research.

Qualitative analytical solutions

Getting actionable SEO analytics is integral to producing effective and qualitative content. As you go about choosing the right SEO company, you want to ensure that you will have access to their available statistics. One example is a company that features latest in search engine optimization by Eric Strate.

You want to know the demographic of your users. Who is searching for your content? What is their age range, what is their market? You’ll want to know how often people visit your sites, and whether a certain piece of content may be responsible for the visitation. This will help you appropriately choose what to produce.

Automated Analysis

When you can automate statistical information capture, and even later the direction which your company takes in marketing climes based on that information, it saves a lot of time and expands your competitive edge. SaaS applications are key in this respect, and many marketing managers use such Software as a Service solutions.

It makes sense: the more optimized your content, the more effective it is. Today it’s possible to identify niche markets and clue-in on the patterns which define their online egress. You can see where and when a certain group gets online. You can also see what they’re doing and when. You can see where they’re most likely to be centralized.

Don’t Hassle The Hoff

A great example to illustrate this point is David Hasselhoff. He’s an over-and-done has-been, right? So why do we keep seeing him pop up in movies and TV shows for cameos? Well, one reason is that this is what happens to folks who had their fifteen minutes of fame, and found it eventually wane. Another reason is that Hasselhoff is still big in some places.

Notably, he’s very big in Germany. He sings over there, and they love him. It’s like he jumped from the Knight Rider to the Bay to the Fatherland. If you ran a business which produced celebrity memorabilia or other merchandise, you could use content to expose your products to that specific market effectively, then become a leader in the area.

Branded novelty goods are big everywhere. T-shirts, CDs, coffee mugs, posters, calendars—you get the idea. Here’s the thing: Hasselhoff’s German celebrity is quite widely known today. In contrast, data from requisite content analytics software can reveal trends that haven’t been discovered yet.

Optimizing Competitiveness

Automating software as best you can—in an SaaS sense—is key; especially if you’ve got competitors using the same kind of programs to streamline their services. In business, you need any edge you can get. You are in a sort of legal corporate tribal battle with competitors, eventually, and you can bet if you neglect some solution, they will not.

Content marketing, cloud computing, and optimized data analysis software will continue to expand in both effectiveness and commonality going forward. Making the most out of such innovations will conserve resources, increase your competitiveness, and curtail marketing efforts that aren’t producing results.


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