Innovation in Marketing Creates Impact That Lasts

Marketing has taken a new turn in the recent years. Innovation and creativity should not only reflect in the advert being showcased but also through the media being used.

“Nobody remembers the number of ads you run, they just remember the impression you make,” said Bill Bernbach, founder of the world-renowned Doyne Dale Bernbach Advertising Agency.

Pepsi augmented reality ad

Integration of marketing with technology has become a must in today’s world where everything has become digital. More and more people are using mobile phones in India. 23% of this population is hooked on to smart phones, and this number is increasing as we speak. The figures are larger when we look at global scenario.

How marketers are using technology to break the clutter is interesting. They have changed every advertising element which was static. And why should it not? Consumers are bombarded so frequently with ad messages that they have learnt to overlook them. There is blink spot created. Only technology and innovation can create an impact. Interactive digital banners, games, mobile applications are some common examples. What is the most recent breakthrough technological application? It is augmented reality.

Augmented reality:

Although a lot of companies are still hesitant towards trying out augmented reality, there are a few ones globally who have already jumped in the sea and are floating steady. Companies have used it to create virtual layers on real images. These virtual layers create magic and intrigue which has the tendency to create talk value. National Geographic used augmented reality to create dinosaurs, tigers and other interesting creatures on to the real world. Passerby in London could interact with the virtual creatures and in the process remembered the brand which gave them such an unforgettable experience. Another example is of Lego. It allowed consumers to hold a packed box in front of a kiosk. Augmented reality showed them the final product without opening the box.

Augmented reality

Besides, it has found some practical utility as well. IBM found out that most shoppers wanted to get more information about what they see on shelves before they actually buy them. Shoppers used the World Wide Web on their smartphones to get this. However, IBM made life simpler by creating a mobile application which allowed shoppers to scan the product in question and instantly jump to its digital version with complete information deck.

Augmented reality will soon become an important element in the marketing space of the brands that are ready to break the bonds of traditional media and venture into something exciting and out of the box. While augmented reality can happen through webcams, kiosks and other interfaces, the future of augmented reality lies in the mobile phone area. Mobile phones bring the power of augmented reality and its ability to get viral in the hands of a common man.

Technologists are making breakthrough tools and techniques every day. As marketers are we able to keep pace with them? We need to find new applications of these inventions in marketing. Only then will we, if at all, be able to overcome the problem of advertising blind spot.

About the Author: Emraan Qureshi is the Founder/CEO of Active Media Innovation ( He is the pioneer is innovative brand communication; he created brand experiences that are immersive, engaging and interactive, helping brands connect with consumers like never before. Combining out of the box thinking with state-of-the-art technologies like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Gesture Control, Multitouch Interaction and 3D Projection Mapping.

Photo credits: JCDecaux Innovate, sndrv


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