The Dark Side of Remote Work: Are We Sacrificing Mental Health for Flexibility?

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work, transforming it from a perk to a necessity for many businesses. What was once considered a futuristic trend has now become a standard practice, promising unparalleled flexibility and a better work-life balance.

However, as the world adjusts to this new normal, a critical question emerges: Is remote work truly the panacea it’s often portrayed to be, or are we sacrificing mental health for the sake of flexibility?

Remote working

This article explores the complexities of remote work, examining its benefits, challenges, and the impact on mental health, while offering strategies for finding a sustainable balance.…

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Remote Work and The Growing Popularity of Distributed Teams

There was a time when the most ambitious people had to demonstrate their talent and ambition not just by being great at what they do, but by being in the office for 50+ hours every week. The advent of social distancing alongside the rapid growth of the tech industry and remote working capabilities have seen the traditional 9-5 (8-8, or even 7-10) working model give way to something infinitely more flexible.

Distributed team meeting

The rise of remote working

According to leading tech recruiter, Motion Recruitment “Remote work is a trend that isn’t going away. No longer bound by geography, IT [specialists] can work from anywhere in the world as long as they have access to the necessary technology and communication tools…” This means that the opportunities are almost limitless, not just for tech talent, but for organisations looking to fill tech jobs with skilled specialists from around the world.…

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Remote Working: 6 Technologies That Can Help You Work From Anywhere

The technological landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the way we work. No longer are we tied to a single physical location – now, we can work from anywhere in the world, thanks to the power of technology.

Remote working

If you’re looking to start working remotely, or simply want to learn more about the technologies that can help you do so, then this blog post is for you. We’ll be exploring six different tools and technologies that can help you work from anywhere – all you need is an internet connection! So let’s get started…

A laptop that can easily be taken with you on the go

Having a laptop that is lightweight and compact enough to fit in your bag can make remote working on the go much more accessible and convenient.…

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Should You Buy an RDP Server for Remote Work?

Ever since the Covid pandemic, most businesses have had parts or most of their business operations converted into a remotely worked procedure. While initially it was speculated that with the pandemic wearing off jobs would be restored to their on-campus status, many businesses have stuck with the remote work protocols. As it turns out, remote work offers advantages for both employees and employers.

RDP server

When we get technical with remote work we quickly find ourselves talking about the different remote access protocols. RDP is one of the most famous and commonly used of these protocols, with an exemplary operational history dating back to the 1990s.…

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Remote Working: 5 Must-Have Essentials

Working from home has become more common over the years and even more so since the pandemic. Some people specifically look for remote jobs to avoid long commutes, gain a better work-life balance, or to even stay home with kids. Employers, too, may prefer this setup as for them it means getting to save on resources and office space.

Remote working

Remote work can be a dream for many people, but it’s easier said than done. If you are considering jumping on the remote work bandwagon, or already are, you’re going to want to know how to elevate your work-from-home game. These must-have essentials will ensure better productivity, efficiency, safety, and comfort while working remotely.…

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Are Employees Concerned About Surveillance in the Metaverse?

As the world starts to explore and transition to Web3, the metaverse is one of the most used cases. Virtual and Augmented Realities (VR and AR) have become more than just fancy tools for entertainment.

Work in metaverse

photo credit: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

As technology catches up to the hype, the metaverse offers a new working style. Did you know that 77% of employers expressed an interest in immersive work? Indeed, the remote working and work-from-home culture that arose during the pandemic of COVID-19 fundamentally changed how companies now work. Yet, the real revolution is with the use of metaverse for workspaces.…

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How to Protect Lone Worker: Tips and Ideas

The ability to work from virtually anywhere has enabled many employers to allow their employees to work remotely as lone workers. Although solo working scenarios are increasingly popular, employers have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure their employees are safe. The employer thus not only needs to have a protection system in place but also ensure lone workers understand it well and can use/access it effectively.

Lone worker working from home

Outlined below are a few simple steps and tips on how to keep your remote workers protected.

1. Identify Everyone In The System

You might have heard of the phrase, ‘far from sight far from mind.’…

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Ways to Manage Remote Workers from All Over the World

The future is remote, and the future is now. Today, businesses can make use of cost effective answering services from providers like from their virtual headquarters, with the actual business location can be in a totally different place – e.g. at home.

Remote working

But the trend doesn’t stop there. More and more companies are now shifting to a remote working model or at least some permutation of it. Unthinkable that most of us could do our jobs from home a few years ago, the coronavirus pandemic has kick-started the remote working party. Straight into high gear!

A lot of businesses were skeptical of this seismic shift in conducting business.…

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Will the Estate Agent of the Future be Completely Remote?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses within the property industry made significant and decisive moves towards remote working. This was, of course, in order to successfully implement social distancing wherever possible.

Real estate agent remote working

While steps had been taken in this direction throughout previous years, the outbreak of the coronavirus saw a major change in the way in which estate agencies operated.

But , what is next for the remote aspects of property sales and lettings now that society is “re-opening” to a significant degree? In this article, we look at the possible extent to which the “estate agent of the future” will function remotely, and how much will be undertaken in-person.…

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8 Essentials For Remote Working

Remote working is becoming the norm and that means more people will need to learn how to work from home. While some workers may have spent time working from home on occasion, full-time work from home roles are becoming more popular for employers. There are a lot of benefits both for the employee and the employer when they leverage the power of a work from home base.

Remote working

When you’re the one working from home for the first time, it’s critical to think about the following essentials. They’ll help set you up for success.

1. Dedicated Office Space

Working from home comes with a lot of distractions.…

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