Tips For Properly Investing In Trying Times

With the worldwide economy coming to a screeching halt from the COVID19 pandemic many investors have seen major red in their portfolios.

FInancial crisis due to the pandemic

These times are never comfortable but when it comes to investing you should never use emotions and panic. Instead, there could be a major opportunity to review your portfolio, weather the storm and possibly even make more money from this. This does not necessarily mean that you have to make a big overhaul of your investment portfolios, however, you should probably make sensible and incremental changes to add some strength to it.

With the unique and unprecedented situation of this global health pandemic, it is expected that the economy will bounce back to the level that it once was and even stronger as long as the health issue is solved.…

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How Zoom Meeting Helped Italy During The Lockdown

The effect of the pandemic in Italy has been grave and the lockdown has created a disruption in the everyday life of its people. People are suddenly confined to their own homes, not being able to go out to work or socialize. It is during these desperate times that Zoom has been able to create a virtual environment that has helped the people of Italy in a lot of ways.

Work during COVID-19 lockdown

Getting In Touch with Family and Friends

One of the biggest impacts of the lockdown is getting isolated from friends and family, especially those who are living far apart. This has become a challenge for their family life since Italians are known to have close-knitted family relationships.…

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5 Tips for Surviving as a Freelancer During the COVID Pandemic

It is obvious that the world has come to a standstill due to the spread of COVID-19. Every country is combating this viral outbreak the best way they can. Governments all around the world are looking for ways to help every single citizen.

The sick receive the needed treatment, and the healthy receive instructions on how to properly isolate themselves.

But, what happens to employees and businesses? Fortunately, there are various policies being implemented that are meant to provide aid to both the employees and businesses.


Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

However, what’s in it for freelancers? Freelancers are major contributors to the economy.…

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