Should You Serve Alcohol at Company Parties?

Alcohol is sometimes expected to be served at corporate parties and events, but it’s not always the best idea. The legal risks of serving alcohol are great, and if you’re considering serving alcoholic beverages, like beer, wine, or mixed drinks at a company event, here are some important things to consider first.

Outdoor office party

1. Is it legal for you to serve alcohol in the first place?

First and foremost, you need to know if you can legally serve alcohol at your function. If it’s not legal, don’t do it because you can get your business license suspended. If it is legal, make sure your lease allows it, or you could find yourself facing an eviction.…

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How To Make Sure Your Christmas Party Doesn’t Turn In To A Nightmare

It’s nearing the time of year when you get to have fun at the office Christmas party. These parties are often held as team-bonding activities that ingratiate employees to their employer. They can start off positively because they are intended to show them that they are valued by the company, but there is also the risk of these parties becoming nightmares for the small business that throws them.

There is no one who wishes to have their Christmas party become an awful affair. One of your coworkers could drink too much eggnog and give away an inappropriate gift for Secret Santa.…

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3 Tips for Throwing a Business Party Your Employees Will Love

Although the holidays are coming to a close, you can always find a reason to throw a party at work. Whether your company hit a large goal, you’re having a valuable employee retire, or it’s simply that time of year, throwing a party for your employees can be a great way to help them relax a little from the pressures of work while showing them you care about their relationship with your company.

Fun business party at the office

To help you set up the best event possible, here are three tips for throwing a business party your employees will love.

Two Ingredients for A Memorable Event

While it can take a lot to have your business party come together, Liz Taylor, a professional party planner and organizer, tells Hester Lacey of…

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Welcome Spring with a Spectacular Office Party

As winter winds its way down, so does office morale. Cold weather, short daylight hours and frayed tempers can all take their toll on everyone in the office. However, as we begin to count the days until spring begins, there are some great ways to celebrate the season and brighten outlooks at the same time.

spring time

If your office has not already implemented an annual spring party, now is the time. We’ll look at several fresh and unique ways to celebrate the season, get your staff engaged, and replace glum moods with brighter ones. The best part is that many of these ideas need not be limited to springtime functions; you may find yourself using them for several different occasions.…

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