Exploring The Power of High-Precision Metrology for Quality Assurance

Businesses need savvy marketing plans to hit goals on a budget. Particularly when it comes to the ever-evolving world of manufacturing, right?

Since the industrial revolution kicked off, manufacturing has stood strong as the key player in all industries, and essentially, it’s like the world’s backbone.

To guarantee excellent quality, it’s pretty clear that we can’t do without high-precision metrology solutions.


photo credit: Rombo / Pexels

So, let’s dive into the importance and uses of top-notch metrology solutions in a bunch of different industries.

By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll get why precision metrology is such a big deal and if it’s something you need or not.…

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How to Buy a Used Coordinate Measuring Machine

Buying a used coordinate measuring machine is a smart, strategic way to save money while improving your measuring capabilities. But it also raises a number of questions, including where you should buy a used coordinate measuring machine, what brand you should buy, and what you should expect.

Coordinate measuring machine

The good news it that the majority of coordinate measuring machines use frictionless air bearings, which means their mechanical structure wears down much slower than your CNC tools. A good coordinate measuring machine can last as long as 30 years, so a used machine will have plenty of life left in it.

Coordinate measuring machine buyer’s guide

Carefully consider where you go to buy metrology instruments, as there is a big difference between going online or buying at auction and going to a reputable coordinate measuring machine dealer.…

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