How to See Reviews on Facebook Mobile

Facebook reviews are an essential feature for businesses and individuals aiming to build credibility and trust online. Whether you’re looking to read feedback about a business or want to manage reviews for your own page, knowing how to access them on Facebook’s mobile app is crucial.

Facebook reviews on mobile

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to view reviews on Facebook mobile and share tips on optimizing your review strategy for better engagement and visibility.

Why Facebook Reviews Matter

Facebook reviews serve as a trust signal for businesses, influencers, and brands. Positive reviews can significantly impact user perception, leading to higher engagement and conversions.…

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7 Best Ways to Get Viral on Facebook

Getting viral is at the top of the wish list of all social media marketers. Of course, that doesn’t happen by many posts or when you buy Facebook followers from, which is why it’s so desirable.


However, due to certain characteristics and factors, some posts are more likely to be viral than others. Viral posts are simply summarized by human psychology to be good content based. Here are seven ways to make your posts viral on Facebook.

1. Surprise your Audience

People want to be the first to share something great with their friends. Especially if it challenges standards, delivers major news, or confirms myths.…

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Check Out what’s New with Facebook in 2018

Facebook is undoubtedly the largest and most loved social media platform currently. It attracts billions of users for a variety of purposes. One of the techniques the social networking site uses to get such a large following is by constantly enhancing the website with new stuff to improve user-experience and retain loyalty.


During the 2018 Facebook F8 developers’ conference, Mark Zuckerberg and his team proudly announced plenty of innovative and fresh features that the platform would be introducing before the year ends. These are bound to make the website more valuable and enjoyable to users in spite of the data scandal.…

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It’s Time to Get Competitive! Facebook Contests May Lead to More Customers

As a business owner, you may be updating your Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn pages on a daily basis. However, there comes a point where the addition of fans and followers begins to slow down and eventually may come to a halt.

How can you jump start a following? All it may take is a little creativity, innovation, and motivation. Are you leveraging contests to gain more leads and customers? You should be!

It's Time to Get Competitive! Facebook Contests May Lead to More Customers

According to a study by  AllFacebook, 30% of people have participated in contests or promotion via Facebook. The best news about this is that this number continues to grow.…

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Local Business – Only 1.3% of Fans Actively Engage on Facebook

Only 1.3% of Local Business Fans Actively Engage on Facebook You read that title right. Of the millions and millions of users on Facebook, a new study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute found that almost 99% of Facebook fans do not engage with the brands they follow.

The study recently published by AdAge selected the top 200 Facebook brands to track over the course of six weeks and studied how many likes, shares, comments, tags and posts occurred for each. The result was that only 1.3% of fans actively engage. That number drops even further to only .45% when you remove the new “˜likes’ from fans.

At first glance, this number might catch you a bit off guard; but is this really that much of a surprise?…

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Four Tips For Small Businesses Using Facebook As Their Main Website

small businesses using Facebook as main websiteMore and more small businesses are setting up their Web headquarters on Facebook instead of a traditional website. This has several benefits over a typical small business website. For one, a Facebook page is free. It also provides an instant connection to potential customers in a way that standard websites don’t. You don’t need to hire a professional to design a Facebook page, and you don’t need to pay someone to optimize it for search engines.

However, if you are planning to make a Facebook page the center of your business’s online strategy, there are a few tips you need to consider.…

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Facebook Strategy For Your Small Business

facebook strategy for small businessesDo you have it backwards when it comes to Facebook?

Here’s what no one in the social media space seems to want to say: Facebook is a difficult place to reach new eyeballs organically if you do not already have good brand awareness.

There I said it. If you are trying to use Facebook to reach a new audience, organically (i.e. without paying for Ads), from scratch – you are facing an uphill battle.

Yes, the stats on how many Facebook users exist are mind-boggling. In reality most of those people will never actually encounter your brand on Facebook, unless you pay good money for them to.…

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8 Reasons Why I Made A Custom Landing Page For My Facebook Business Fan Page

customizing facebook business fan landing pages

1. Create a strong first impression on people who are not logged into Facebook but are finding me on via Google or via an email. Dropping them on my Fan Page Wall which is active and full of comments, links, and photos etc might be way too much for somebody who just found me.

2. Make my page stand apart from hundreds of thousands of Business Fan Pages to Facebook users who are not fans of the page yet but are finding me either via Facebook Ads or word of mouth mention from another fan.

3. I took some very popular blog content that I had written, assembled it by topic and put it in a free report to give away on the landing page, so no additional work and I could get it done and out on Facebook in two days.…

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