Can Outsourcing Your Digital Marketing Functions Go Wrong? 5 Possible Solutions

In the increasingly interconnected environment of today, outsourcing has become a widespread practice. Many firms choose to use contractors from other countries where the cost of labour is substantially lower than that of the UK, the EU or the US. Outsourcing customer support operations to Indian firms or the transfer of physical production of goods to China is deemed the new ‘status quo’ for minimising your extra costs and making your financial year results more impressive to your investors. However, this approach poses a number of serious risks that may affect both your reputation and your profitability.

Digital marketing

In this article, we will analyse 5 possible solutions to potential issues associated with outsourcing your digital marketing functions.…

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Outsourcing Digital Marketing: 10 Factors to Look at When Choosing Your Contractor

All departments of a company working in-house are a thing of the past. Due to many factors, outsourcing is the ‘norm’ for most businesses these days. But finding the perfect contractor to get the job done can be a long and challenging process.

businesswoman outsourcing digital marketing work

Companies must look for a candidate that meets all the criteria to take on the outsourcing assignments. Outsourcing digital marketing is something many businesses need to consider to reach a vast amount of potential customers.

These 10 factors should be considered when choosing a contractor.

1. Availability

In-house jobs may be the typical 9-5 workday, but digital marketing is 24 hours a day.…

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How to Visualize eCommerce Data and Why It’s Important

In the current digital era, data is always a key solution. Its increased importance is quite obvious. The data has become both the means and the currency. If you want to get ahead in your business development, learning how to use and visualize data is essential.

Ecommerce data visualization

photo credit: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

Most modern businessmen have professional teams that deal with data analysis and visualization. It allows keeping the information about the company’s profits, bestsellers, customer appreciation, etc. in check. To run the company, you have a constant need to double-check every figure in your team’s reports.

The visualization helps deliver the data in the clearest form for understanding.…

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4 of the Best Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Digital marketing is essential for modern businesses, but seeing as larger companies have higher advertising budgets, they conduct their marketing differently from smaller businesses. Digital marketing offers small businesses an excellent opportunity to compete with larger firms.

Digital marketing

photo credit: Pixabay

As more digital technologies emerge and online communication increases, digital marketing will become even more critical. Below are a few digital marketing tips for small businesses:

Get Your Website Right

Your website is the central platform through which you will interact with people online. To start, you should improve the user experience and site navigation on your website. The better the experience, the easier it is to make a purchase.…

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5 Digital Marketing Tools To Help Your Business Expand its Branding and Advertising Efforts

Is your business searching for fresh advertising and branding approaches? If so, you may want to look into using modern digital marketing tools to help. Whatever your brand may stand for or whatever type of marketing campaigns you hope to launch, using new technology and cutting-edge software can help you take your efforts to the next level.

CRM - digital marketing tool

From scheduling tools to logo generators to customer relationship management software and more, there are numerous tools that can help your company expand its marketing and branding quickly and effectively. Here are the top five digital marketing tools to consider using now.

1. Logo Generation Services

Having a noteworthy and memorable logo is one of the simplest yet most effective marketing moves your company can make.…

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Things a Video Production Company Should Have

According to Cisco, 82% of traffic on the internet will be due to videos in 2022- 15 times higher than in 2017. Further, another survey by Cisco states that a million minutes of videos are crossed over the internet every second. These statistics highlight why video marketing is gaining traction more than ever before. The adoption of video marketing by businesses of varying sizes in their digital strategy has created a demand for corporate video production companies.

Video production crew

Hiring a video production company can revitalize your digital marketing efforts to brew new advertisements or titivate existing videos. Before you are tempted to sign up for the very next local video production company that comes up in your Google searches- let us delve into some important parameters that require consideration and will assist you in making a conclusive decision regarding the same.…

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Boosting Businesses Profits Through The Perks Of Digital Trends

Whether small or large businesses, the expansion of digital trends has launched marketing into a new period of engagement across all aspects. Here, the feasibility of digital trends has become the primary approach in marketing – especially since social media is easily consumed and scattered throughout the globe.

Digital marketing can help improving profits

However, if your business hasn’t been opening doors to digital trends, you could be missing out on many marketing mediums and channels that may increase brand awareness. Likewise, you could miss out on social media advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and even viral marketing tactics. With this said, it’s better to open your business doors to digital trends – starting with the five perks listed below:

SEO Increases Visibility

SEO consists of various actions and practices to increase your website’s ranking among search engines.…

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Reasons You Should Utilize The Internet in Your Marketing Efforts

For the past few decades, the internet has totally dominated so many people’s day to day lives. It’s transformed the way we work and live. If you aren’t currently using the internet as part of your marketing strategy, instead opting for more traditional forms of advertising, then you’re missing a trick. Here’s why…

Using the Internet for marketing

1. Your competitors are doing it!

Regardless of the product or services you provide, there is always competition out there taking away from your potential customer base. Utilizing marketing techniques such as SEO (what is an SEO service?) can help get your company to the top of the search results on Google.…

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How to Start a Successful Digital Marketing Business

Creating a marketing agency was much more challenging three decades ago than it is today, as the barrier to entry was massive. With an underdeveloped digital landscape, creating such an endeavor would mean putting up with costly overhead and this was nearly impossible for many people to consider parting with the initial investment required. Besides, one had to use traditional media to push the brand.

Marketing agency principal

Owing to the massive startup costs that most people could not afford and the challenges of implementing such a huge capital-intensive project without a guarantee on ROI, many people opted to pursue other business ventures. However, things have changed today, as the proliferation of the internet has somewhat eliminated the barriers to entry.…

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Digital Marketing Tips For Your Small Business

Marketing is the fun part in business. Take a moment to see it like this; you get the opportunity to tell the world about your passion and what your business has to offer.

Digital marketing

Sure, there’s more to it than that, but business marketing doesn’t have to be a dreaded topic of conversation. If you really want to reach the widest audience possible, you’ll work to fine tune your digital marketing tactics.

Take a moment to read through a brief compilation of a few digital marketing tips for your small business, and get to work today.

Build a strong social media presence

A strong social media presence can take your business far in digital visibility.…

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