4 Tips for SMB’s to Start Accepting Crypto Payments

Since the invention of Bitcoin, a lot of changes have been made to the digital currency to render it a safer and more reliable tender. This is typically why Bitcoin has joined the mainstream modes of payment and transaction as more people and businesses adopt cryptocurrencies as an alternative payment method.

Bitcoin accepted here

Advantages of Accepting Crypto Payments

With the future of cryptocurrencies looking appreciable and the price of Bitcoin skyrocketing, more and more people are joining the race. Cryptocurrencies offer much faster transactions and at a lower cost compared to traditional credit cards. Another advantage is that cryptocurrencies are easy to use and they are highly accessible.…

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A Beginners Guide to Crypto Lending 2021

If you have an interest in cryptocurrency, you know that there are many ways to make your crypto investment work for you. There are traditional forms of making money by buying or selling currency, of course, but there are also some more advanced strategies that may be appropriate for your portfolio. One such example is crypto lending.

Cryptocurrency lending

What is crypto lending?

Though the process can be somewhat complicated, the definition is not. Crypto lending is literally loaning someone cryptocurrency. That individual will then make repayments on a pre-agreed schedule. They will also repay the original value of the loan with interest.…

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Is it Safe to Leave my Crypto on an Exchange?

Cryptocurrency exchanges have come leaps and bounds when it comes to security. That said, companies build crypto exchanges online. While this is inherently a risk already, cryptocurrencies’ continued adoption has driven the price of crypto upwards, making it a more prominent potential target for hackers.

Cryptocurrency exchange

Due to the above, many platforms recommend crypto users who want to trade stays on your exchange and the crypto you plan to hold in a wallet. The majority of crypto exchange platforms follow these same practices to minimize potential losses. That said, taking your private keys off an exchange gives the user added responsibility for keeping their coins secure and understanding the inner workings of cryptocurrency storage.…

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10 Best Crypto News Sites

Cryptocurrency news websites are essential tools that enable both beginners and experienced investors to record cryptocurrency updates, market forecasts, and trading techniques. As crypto investing and blockchain technologies are evolving at a fast rate, cryptocurrency news is among the essential tools that help traders stay up with the cryptocurrency industry.

Cryptocurrency girl

However, you do not really have to become a crypto miner or even a seasoned trader to venture into the field of crypto markets. We will help you obtain up-to-date financial details, find a reputable broker, and build a profitable trading approach. Just visit BitIQ. Now let’s check the top Ten cryptocurrency news pages that will help you control the fast-moving cryptocurrency trading sector:


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How To Fund Your Startup By Offering Your Own Cryptocurrency

The beautiful thing about blockchain technology is that it is mainstream enough that just about anybody can create bitcoin wallet account but still new enough that if you create your own blockchain you are one of the pioneers. And early adopters of new technology are usually rewarded when it takes off.


Blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has yet to fully fulfill its potential. If your business can use the blockchain, then this is an excellent time to start. It may seem like you’re late to the party with so many different cryptocurrencies on offer but the reality is that it is never too late.…

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What is Cryptojacking that Uses CPU Resources Without Permission?

Cryptojacking is a malware that mines virtual currencies such as Bitcoin mainly on websites and advertisements so that users who visit the site do not notice them.

Cryptojacking trend

To understand cryptojacking, I would like to talk a little about cryptocurrencies. As you may already know, virtual currencies are electronic currencies such as BitCoin, Ethereum, Monero and Ripple that do not belong to any country.

These virtual currencies use a mechanism called blockchain, and are not managed centrally by a specific nation or creator, but are shared and distributed among users and managed. Since it is not a centralized management, it is necessary to have a system to manage transaction records and prevent tampering.…

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So, You Want To Invest In Ethereum Classic

If you are looking at investing or buying any cryptocurrency, chances are high that you have noticed that there are a surprising number of options both in what you can buy and how you can buy them. You may also have noticed that there are two Ethereum’s – Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC), which is surprising if you are unaware of the circumstances that lead up to the establishment of these two cryptocurrencies.

Etherium Classic - ETC

A Crash Course In Ethereum & Ethereum Classic

Way back in 2016 Ethereum launched a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) system with the idea that they would be creating a democratic financial system, which would allow for automated contracts.…

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3 Basic Facts Regarding Cryptocurrency You Must Know

Cryptocurrency is a fairly new concept that is spreading in popularity like wildfire. Many online consumers and online traders prefer to use digital rather than regular cash. There are a lot of benefits associated with using a cryptocurrency. It is easy to see why so many people have made the switch. They’re are safer to use online than other types of currency.

Since its introduction, many people are confused as to why using a cryptocurrency is better than other types of online currencies. The answer to this is simple.

How to get the most out of cryptocurrency

1. Endless Perks and Benefits Associated with Switching to Cryptocurrency

There are far more benefits and perks to using a cryptocurrency than other types of online transactions.…

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New CBI Index Reveals a Bright Future in The Cyber Age, with Increased Security and Cryptocurrency Considerations

The 2018 CBI Index – a special report published by the Financial Times’ Professional Wealth Management magazine – have revealed that some countries offering second citizenship programmes are preparing for the cyber age by considering investment via cryptocurrency, and that a majority of these countries are utilising technology to improve their due diligence measures.

Second citizenship programme by cryptocurrency investment

Cryptocurrency & CBI

2017 and 2018 saw the rise of cryptocurrency – virtual currencies that enable financial transactions between persons without the need for banks, or other centralised financial intermediaries. Crucially, cryptocurrencies allow secure transactions through advanced cryptography recorded on a blockchain ledger.

As with many new technologies, there has been hesitation in the industry as to whether to allow investment via cryptocurrency.…

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What Your Small Business Can Learn from Cryptocurrency Startups

It can seem at times like every business that ever entered the cryptocurrency market is now minting millionaires. That, of course, isn’t the case. That’s because you are only hearing the success stories. What you’re not hearing is the stories of the hundreds of entrepreneurs who thought they had brilliant ideas related to the blockchain and mined coins to start those ideas up, only to find that they were sadly mistaken and lost everything. Still, as a small business owner, you should concentrate on the success stories, because they are the ones that you’ll want to emulate.

Cryptocurrency startups

The world of cryptocurrency can be a confusing one, and it’s also one that seems to be changing at the moment.…

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