Everything You Need to Know About an Architecture Intern and Future Architectural Roles

Internship is one of the most effective ways – not only for receiving a degree, but also for getting ready for a successful career.  In some industries like architecture, internship programs are highly competitive – which became one of the reasons for us to prepare this article.

Read on to learn more about architectural internship.

Architecture interns discussing

Who is an architectural intern?

An architectural intern is a trained person who has the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to help in an architectural office before they have received their degree. They have not yet undertaken the required examination.

The internship is a necessary course undertaking that requires an individual to experience industrial training, which is entirely different from the theoretical training.…

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Building a Career as Photographer: 5 Tips to Make Your Photography Stand Out

With photography being a great love for many people, it can be difficult to make it a successful career, let alone business. These days, practically anyone can take out their smartphone and take a quick shot of the sunrise.

Photography as a career or business

For those who want to make photography their main source of income, there are a few tricks you should learn to make your photography stand out against your competitors. This article will list a few of them.

1. Look For Connection

Before you send your photo to the next photo contest for inspection, you should first determine if there’s a story in your photo.…

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Tips for Writing an Effective CV

A CV is short for Curriculum Vitae, an order of your working life. A CV (short CVs are preferred) is something that you give to prospective employers to show previous work, and to give some idea of your personality.

CV writing

A CV is the first thing many prospective employers see when they advertise for a new worker, so it is very important that people make their CV the best it can be. This is the main reason why so many writing sites – such as Perfect Essays– offer CV writing services. They can provide one which ticks all the required boxes.…

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Why Major Companies Seek Certification Professionals

There’s plenty of advocates in the business world that support the strategy of getting as many professional certifications as you can or deem appropriate for your line of work. These individuals aren’t scared of a little extra work and time being invested in their career, especially if it means having a nationally or even internationally recognized certification.

Certification professionals

The adverse school of thought is comprised of individuals who feel that their resume, job performance, and experiences are certification enough – and a certification isn’t worth it. This may help them get by and land a job, eventually, but the best job seekers come certified for project management tasks and more.…

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Ditching the Grain – 5 Uniquely Lucrative Career Paths

Are you someone who is looking to go against the grain in your career path? Does the thought of an everyday career leave you feeling a little bored and uninspired? If so, you may be someone who is more suited to honing your skills in a career that is more out of the box than the usual.

Foodies as a career choice

In this article, we will look at 5 uniquely lucrative career paths that you can look into. Why take the opportunity to do something that both excites you and ensures that you are able to live comfortably? Read on to find out more!


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5 Embarrassingly Simple Jobs to Avoid If You Want to Stay Stress-Free

It’s easy to say that the way to manage stress is by exercising, eat well, etc. – but for some of us, stress is the by-product of ‘bad’ environment, full of stressors that we just can’t handle. This is particularly prevalent in the workplace.

Feeling stressed at work

Stress in the workplace leads us into various health problems and bad habits.  Unmanaged, work stress can cause depression, anxiety and addiction. But why stress is related to addiction? You see, as business executives or employees of reputable, prestigious companies, we are stressed on a near daily basis. According to a study, there are certain jobs that have highest rate of addiction.…

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Five Ways to Break Into The International Digital Business Market

Digital marketing is the way to go for most modern companies. When you take a look at recent trends in the international digital business market today, it is clear to see that lots of growth is expected. Consequently, this means more money for stakeholders. Hence, there is no surprise to see why companies are trying to outdo their rivals in claiming large shares of the online customer base.

International market expansion

The trend is good news to professionals who are looking into trying their hand in digital marketing. Furthermore, it is a promising industry since most organisations usually outsource professional IT services instead of hiring permanent employees for the same.…

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Why Many Small Business CEOs Fail At Job Search

Have you had enough of being a CEO of a small business?

(Maybe your official title is not CEO – it’s probably MD, GM or similar – but in this article I’ll use CEO as an umbrella term for all of those to aid consistency and comprehension).

Often the pressures of running a small business to small business CEOs and they begin to dream of having a “normal” job.

At least for a little while.

CEO job search

However, getting a job after being a small business CEO is not always easy.

Press any recruiter and they’ll (grudgingly) admit that CEOs who have been running their own business for the past 10+ years often get overlooked during job search.…

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Why a Business Career is Right for You

There is a lot of pressure on people to find a career that is right for them. Different people have different aims, different ambitions, and different skills, all of which means that there is a need to think about this matter seriously. However, the diversity of options associated with a business career makes it an option worth considering, and the benefits and features of these roles ensure that many people decide that this is the option for them.

Business career

A good starting point when considering why a business career is right for you is the fact that there are so many ways to develop the skills and qualifications required for leading business roles.…

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Online Learning to Help Secure Your Chosen Career

We have all seen how the digital age has changed so many aspects of our lives beyond recognition. From the way we chat with friends or order the weekly groceries to large-scale changes in big business transactions between multinational companies, the Internet has changed the way we look at everything.

Online learning

So maybe it should come as no big surprise that the digital revolution has also led to major changes in education, and the way that people of all ages, backgrounds and academic levels go about obtaining the skills and qualifications they need to get into their career of choice.

Online learning makes education a possibility for people who had thought the doors were permanently closed to them.…

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