What are The Fastest Growing Industries for 2017 and Why?

In a world increasingly dominated by interconnective technology, emerging industries are creating new markets and investment opportunities almost every day. Capitalising on these new, fast growing business opportunities by investing or starting your own business is a surefire way to success; assuming you do the work too.

Corporate wellness class

Here are three of the biggest growth industries to get into in 2017:…

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This One Industry You’ve Never Heard of Is Crucial to the Global Economy

Lots of industries fly under the radar, free of the glitz, glamor and attention that higher-profile enterprises earn.

That doesn’t mean these industries are any less important than their better-known counterparts, nor that they’re any less likely to attract the best and brightest employees. In fact, some of the most creative entrepreneurs in the world find opportunities where others see only chaos — or, more likely, nothing at all.

Read on to learn about what this one weird industry you’ve almost certainly never heard of does each and every day for the global economy — and don’t forget to pull it out at your next cocktail party.…

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Understanding the Agriculture Market

Everybody has to eat. There are carnivores, herbivores, and locavores, but whatever diet a consumer chooses, it will always come at least partly from a farm.

That seemingly perpetual demand can inspire people to investigate agricultural businesses as an investment or entrepreneurial opportunity. And it can be a very profitable sector, but there are a few insiders’ points that would-be investors should understand.

Farmer and his vegetables

To start off, not every farmer owns a farm, or at least not every acre that he or she farms. While the idyllic picture of the family farm sometimes holds true, the fact is that a large percentage of farmers are actually renting a big portion of the land they tend.…

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3 Ways to Take Advantage of Thanksgivukkah and Other Opportunities

It just so happens that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving both happened to be on November 28th this year. To celebrate this phenomenon, many decided to call this day ‘Thanksgivukkah.’ You can bet there was a huge marketing frenzy surrounding this day.


For example, there was a 9-year-old boy in New York City that created a “menurkey,” a turkey-shaped menorah, and actually got the funds to created it from a Kickstarter campaign. Or Dana Gitell, who decided to trademark the word after snapping up the Twitter handle and creating a Facebook page. Even Los Angeles geared up to create a festival around this holiday.…

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