Best Automated Business Ideas for Passive Income in 2024

Picture yourself breaking free from the monotonous 9-to-5 grind and forging your trail toward passive income, all without the confines of a desk job. Over the past decade, I have transitioned to full-time online entrepreneurship, navigating through various ventures to discover the best automated business ideas.

Passive business ideas

Currently, I am the CEO of Eric Javits and run one consulting agency, but my journey began after experiencing failures. Here are some of the best automated business ideas in 2024.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a powerful strategy for generating passive income by promoting products or services through unique affiliate links. Platforms like Amazon Associates and ShareASale are excellent starting points.…

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8 Classic Passive Income Ideas to Increase Your Cash Flow

Passive income is a term that gets thrown around a lot when people are talking about money. But what does it mean, exactly? And how do you get passive income? Let’s find out!

Cash flow

1. Invest in real estate

Investing in real estate is a great way to create passive income. However, you should thoroughly research your investment before purchasing it. If you don’t understand what you’re buying or can’t afford it, don’t buy it! A quick Google search will give you all the information needed to make an informed decision about your investment.

2. Invest in bonds and other investments

You can invest in bonds to earn additional income.…

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7 Low-Cost Business Ideas for Introverts

If you’re an introvert, you may be thinking that working in a cubicle won’t be the best fit for your personality. You might be tempted to look for a low-paying job that allows you to work from home or from a café, but there are other options.

Working online on a laptop

There are plenty of careers that suit introverts and can also help them make money—without having to deal with too much human interaction. Here’s how:

1. Private tutor

Private tutoring is a great way to work from home and make money. You can teach almost any subject, at any age level, in any location and with any degree or experience level.…

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7 Side and Main Business Ideas for Pet Lovers

Many people love pets, and many of them want to make money from that passion. There are hundreds of different ways you can do this, but these five ideas will get the ball rolling:

Pet sitting


1. Pet Sitting

If you love animals, pet sitting is probably one of the best business ideas for you. You can start small and work your way up to full time or part time employment. You can also choose to work from home or set up an office in a pet friendly neighborhood.

Charge by the hour

If your clients are willing to pay by the hour, this is a good option because it will help keep you from getting burnt out on any one animal (especially if they’re needy).…

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5 Brilliant Health and Beauty Business Ideas

Have you been thinking about working for yourself for some time but you’re not sure what you’d like to do?

After years working in the same salaried job, it can be tricky choosing the right employment sector to migrate to – especially if you feel like a total change.

Massage therapy business

But how about the health and beauty field? Helping people to have longer, happier, healthier lives and to feel better about their appearances is extremely rewarding – not to mention lucrative – so it’s definitely worth consideration.

Whether you want to personally retrain as a practitioner or prefer to take a management role and invest some funds in a new venture, here are five brilliant health and beauty business ideas that might just inspire you to take a leap of faith and start doing something you love every day.…

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4 Lucrative Ideas for Running a Business from Home

The 2020 pandemic crises and stay-at-home orders have reinforced a concept that small startup owners had worked out– that it is possible to start a new venture from home. With the minimum investment and some smart thinking, you can become an entrepreneur as an option to earn some extra money on the side.

Starting a business from home

Eventually, once the business becomes successful, you might be able to devote all your time and energies to this new side hustle. Ready for some great ideas?

Offer Remote Notarization Services

With more states enacting laws to accept online notarization on agreements and contracts, you could acquire the accreditation to become an e-notary.…

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5 Eco-friendly Business Ideas

A green business uses sustainable resources that reduce its carbon footprint on the earth. With eco-friendly practices on the rise, people across the globe have been searching for businesses and companies that are environmentally friendly. Not only do these businesses reduce the stress on the environment but also encourage people to be more eco-conscious and protect the earth.

Clean desk

photo credit: Pixabay

Green businesses offer many benefits not just for its consumers but also its consumers as it uses very little water, energy, and raw materials that reduce their carbon footprint. Eco-conscious can feel a sense of accomplishment while working in green organizations by protecting the earth from harmful man-made waste.…

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New Business Ideas for During and After COVID-19

2020 has seen the world of business change like never before, or at least in the living memory of most people. Around the world, people were suddenly forced to stop working or work from home. Now the restrictions have eased in many places, though resurgences continue sporadically. All of this poses serious limitations on businesses, and challenges to planning for the future.

Work from home is the new normal

However, there are many innovative entrepreneurs that rise to the various challenges brought by the global pandemic. This can be seen through the hackathons and competitions that seek to take on global issues, such as easing congestion in public places to ensure social distancing can be maximized, and a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).…

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Interested in Becoming an Entrepreneur? Here Are 5 Food Business Ideas to Consider

Food brings people together. Whether you’re passing down important family recipes or sharing a meal with close friends, eating is a great way to enjoy the company of friends while creating special memories. And if you have a particular passion for food, you may want to share that passion with the world through a new business as an entrepreneur.

Food business owner

The entrepreneurial spirit is a unique one. You have to be prepared to take big risks for what hopefully pays off as a successful business.

Jumping into any venture requires preparation, dedication, and inspiration. Once you find a great idea, you have to put together a good team and focus on your objectives and key results (OKRs) to reach your ambitious goals.

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Top 3 Startup Business Ideas in the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare realm is a good place to start a business in, since it presents a lot of opportunities that you can grab. If you are a healthcare provider or business owner, you can venture and explore the myriad of options.

Medical transcription service provider

Most of the business ideas would require expertise in data management while for some, you can be successful even if you only have basic IT skills. On that account, here are the top three business ideas within the medical industry.

1. Medical Records Management

You can start a business that is geared towards managing records for hospitals, doctor’s offices, and clinics.…

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