The Blog Chain Letter Craze

I have been tagged by Anita Campbell at SmallBizTrends in the chain-letter blogging craze.

Here is the way it is supposed to work. I have to answer five questions. Then I get to tag five other people to answer the questions. They in turn can tag five others. (That’s where it resembles a chain letter.) And so on.

So what’s in it for you, you ask? Reading the answers is a good way to get to know me and other people online.

Here are the five questions and my answers:

1. What have you learned so far from visitors to your blog?

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Presentation Skills for Entrepreneurs

Presentation Skills for Entrepreneurs is now available at The Great Big Small Business Show.

This week is a mashup of 6 different podcasters discussing various aspects of Presentation Skills for Entrepreneurs.

(Below is the transcript from my portion of this weeks Great Big Small Business Show)

This is one of my favorite topics, I have been giving presentations for just about 25 years and I have learned many lessons along the way. Today I want to share with you what I think are the Top 3 keys to Delivering an Effective Presentation.

Key Number 1: Focus on your audience.

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How to Build Client Relationships

A few years ago, before I started my own business, a friend and I set out on a research project. We wanted to know why some people could make an effective relationship with someone very rapidly and others would take much more time and sometimes they would never get to the point of having a good relationship.

We were doing this study in the context of selling, why would some people get to a trusting relationship quickly and therefore have a higher likelihood of sales success?

Of course we felt that trust was the key to a successful sale of anything that is complex and expensive.…

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7 Great Reasons to Have an Advisory Board

By Anita Campbell (

We can all benefit from good advice, and that makes advisory boards a hot topic for the savvy CEO and business owner.

In recent years, advisory boards have become an increasingly popular tool for endeavors ranging from Fortune 100 companies to one-person shops. That’s because a Board of Advisors can do more to make your business grow than any other comparable expenditure.

So here’s some advice: set up your own Advisory Board, and here are seven great reasons to do it today.


1. EXPERTISE YOU CAN’T BUY: Advisory Board members typically bring a combination of skill sets that are totally out of reach for most small businesses.…

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4 Ways to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Customer Relationship Programs.

Strong customer relationships are like money in the bank, literally.

Our world is constantly changing, big box retailers like Wal-Mart and Home Depot are dominating the landscape, promoting the promise of “one-stop shopping”, and the Internet is making it easier to make online purchases with limited human interaction. On the surface, these changes make it seem as though the customer is only concerned about swiftly making their product selections and racing to the check-out counter as quickly as possible.

Reality says that buyers are concerned about a lot more than one-stop shopping, speed of check-out and price. One of the other major deciding factors buyers are using to make a decision about what to buy and from whom is based on a dying art customer relationships.…

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Pursue the Passion – Summer Tour

The Pursue The Passion Tour is a movement to inspire and instill a passion within college students nationwide. It is a special project to encourage the exploration of goals and ambitions, and to pioneer personal development.

Live Update from Brett Farmiloe on the Tour:

After traveling 4,500 miles, conducting 40 interviews, and suffering two parking tickets and two close calls to the breakdown of our RV “Maggie,” I am proud to say that we are still “pursuing the passion.” The West Coast tour exceeded expectations and brought us closer to achieving our goal of 100 interviews this summer.

We are currently in Tucson, Arizona until June 27th when we will be traveling to New York City to conduct interviews until July 6th when we will be returning to Arizona.

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Team Building – Four Stages

We all belong to different teams, or groups of two or more people who have some type of common purpose for connecting. It could be for work, church, fun or any of a number of other reasons. What I observe over and over again is teams get frustrated and don’t perform together. I believe the reason why is they don’t have an understanding of the key stages a group or team goes through.

I believe all groups go through these 4 distinct stages in order to get to the point of being effective:

Form – A group has to form, get to know one another, backgrounds, history, why they are on the team, what are the goals of the team and the members, many teams short change this effort.…

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Useful Tips for Small Businesses on Usage of Business Credit Cards

Another large credit card company this week launched a business credit card to specifically meet the needs of small business owners. This launch is yet more proof of how fast the small business segment is growing and contributing to the U.S. economy.

According to Ruth Davis, Vice President, D&B Small Business Credit Products, “The small business segment is still underserved and many small business owners continue using their personal cards for business expenses instead of business credit cards. They are still unaware of how critical building and managing their business credit is to the success of their businesses.”

For small businesses and entrepreneurs, D&B Small Business Group recommends that:

Small businesses should use a business credit card over a personal credit card.…

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Over Half Do Not Have Accounting Software

Over Half Do Not Have Accounting Software

More than half of U.S. small businesses do not use accounting software.

AMI Partners, Inc., a research firm that specializes in global small business market research, notes this in a recently-published study, entitled “Small Business Accounting is Big…and Getting Bigger”:

“U.S. small businesses (SBs; companies with 1 to 99 employees) spent approximately US$410 million on purchasing accounting software solutions in the last 12 months, and this figure is expected to cross the half-billion-dollar mark by 2008. The nearly 6% annual increase in accounting-software-related dollars augurs well for industry-leader Intuit (with their QuickBooks portfolio) and Microsoft, which recently jumped on the small business bandwagon with its release of Small Business Accounting 2006.

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In most businesses that have growth plans there are usually some core drivers of that growth. Listed below are some of the key ones that exist in most growth businesses.

Investor Dissatisfaction and Impatience – this drives many a growth plan. Having invested their money, and wanting to get it out with a significant return, investors (often using their Board influence or financing leverage) attempt to drive CEO’s to create and execute growth plans. Sometimes investor dissatisfaction results in the removal and replacement of a poorly performing Founder/CEO by a CEO who can get the job done.

Market Pressure – drives many growth plans.…

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