The Blackberry Storm – A Small Business Perspective

blackberry stormThe Storm phone is an interesting combination of Blackberry functionality with touch screen capability, and a large, clear screen. For those other small business owners without their own dedicated email server, Blackberry runs circles around Windows phones, at least on the Verizon network.

When it comes to technology, I’m not normally an early adopter. Putting up with my Windows-based Treo for the last couple years, coupled with Verizon’s release of the new Blackberry Storm sent me over the edge, running out first thing to find a store with a Storm. I have now had the phone for almost two months.

The good news:

My business and personal email boxes are now separate and I can reply from either.…

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Building Up Your Customer Base During the Holidays

The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and although the economy isn’t everything we as business owners had hoped for, people are still out spending their hard-earned money. One main difference, however, is where they are spending it.

Shoppers this holiday season are looking for exceptional values, this is certainly true. Saving money during these times is of vital importance for many people, so it is very important to maintain a competitive edge when it comes to pricing.

More important, however is what you can do for your customer base if you keep a few key components in place for the holiday season.…

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Simple Ways To Increase Your Online Sales This Holiday Season

increase holiday salesWith the holiday shopping season fast approaching, I have read and heard many predictions of customers doing most of their shopping online this year.   So to take advantage of this opportunity, now is the time to put some extra focus into developing your online sales strategies.   David Kam, of, has listed some easy to implement and budget friendly tips to  increasing your sales in his article “How To Increase Online Sales“.

One suggestion he makes is to increase the security of your online store checkout.   This is a highly important tip to consider.   The last thing you want  is for your customers information to fall into the wrong hands.  …

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Something Old or Something New – Investing In A Business

When you’re looking to own your own business, it’s easy to be drawn towards simply buying an already established one.   You think, “All the work is done,  I just simply insert myself into this well oiled money machine”.   Well, not so fast.   Crystal Williams, author of the blog, has weighed the pro and cons of purchasing an already established business.  

To me, the most important question I would ask myself is “Why is this business being sold?”.   Think of it as a Christmas gift.   The outside packaging may be neat and pretty but you need to remove the wrapping and open the  box to see what’s inside.  …

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Trim Your Business Expenses During This Economic Downturn

trim business expensesDuring this economic downturn, some small businesses are struggling to stay ahead.   Maybe you need to consider trimming your expenses to keep more money in your pockets instead of flying out of the window.   I came across this list of suggestions to help you secure your business finances, “78 Ways For Your Small Business To Save Money In This Economy”.

The list is divided into different  categories such as Technology, Overhead, Office Items and Office Space, Advertising, Insurance and Finances, and Travel.   It also offers a lot of great resource and article links to help you along the way.   Even if your business is not struggling at this time, this list can still be of good benefit to you.  …

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Pricing Mistakes That Can Drive Sales Away

Once your small business establishes its products and/or services, the next most important step is pricing.   Proper pricing can be the difference between a profitable business or one that struggles to survive or even gain ground.    Charge too little and chance that your profits will suffer, charge too much and  possibly drive  potential  customers away.   So how do you strike a balance and gain confidence in your pricing strategies?

Brad Sugars’  article, “7 Biggest Mistakes In Setting Prices“,  offers some good points to consider when you address your prices.   One mistake I have  personally fallen victim to is #5.  …

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Avoid Business Burnout By Balancing Life And Work

balancing work to avoid business burnoutGetting caught up with growing your business can become all consuming.   Obsessing about your business and forgetting about your life is a common hazard to avoid.   Sooner or later, you’re bound to face a burnout phase when your mind and/or body says “enough’s enough”.

As pointed out in the article “How To Avoid Occupational Burnout“, interests outside of your business are ideal.   Taking time out of your busy day for yourself can help you clear your mind and reduce your stress levels.   For myself, I like to take an hour around 11am to get my exercise time in.  …

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Airing Your Accounts Receivable Problems In A Public Manner

accounts receivableAs pointed out in the Wall Street Journal article “Web Site Lets Businesses Expose Deadbeat Customers“, there is a new way to vent your frustrations towards non-paying customers.   The website,, gives you an avenue to post complaints about customers or businesses that owe you money.

I can’t seem to decide where I stand on this idea.   On one hand, this may be a good way to get someone to respond to you that normally you could not get into contact with.   If they get upset, maybe they will contact you and you will be able to work out some sort of payment schedule.…

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Would Your Spouse Make A Good Business Partner?

business partnersStarting a business with a friend or member of your family isn’t always the best choice.   I’ve asked for your opinions on such topics as “Do Family Members Make Good Employees?” and “Would Your Parent Make An Ideal Employee?”.   Now, I have one last thought to get your opinion on.   Would you start a small business with your spouse or significant other?

I don’t know about you, but I could never work with my husband, let alone run a business together.   We both have very different opinions and a bit of a stubborn streak that would not blend well if we worked side by side.  …

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Introducing Your Products To Wholesale Buyers

Coming up with a unique and marketable product is only half of  the battle.   Once you have your products ready for market, how do you find the right buyers?   What if your product doesn’t sell very well locally but you are confident enough to know it will sell elsewhere?   Expanding your customer base worldwide by selling to wholesale buyers is a great way to extend your reach.

Stephanie Cartwright, co-founder of, was the interviewed guest expert last week on Small Business Trends Radio.   Stephanie offered really great tips and advice on how to start offering your products to wholesale buyers.  …

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