The Modern Office: Dramatically Changing the Way We Work

Your grandfather’s office space resembled that of most working Americans, but today’s office and workday look much different. The modern office appears and functions differently and continues to evolve with technology.

Nomad office in Kuala Lumpur

For example, it would take days for inter-office communication to come to fruition, but today, with emails composed and sent in seconds, communication (with anyone in the world) moves much quicker. What else influences the modern workday and drives the dramatic change?

The Virtual Office

It’s surprising to businesspeople of earlier eras to realize that some of today’s entrepreneurs have businesses but no office buildings, and in some cases their employees live on separate continents.…

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Features Every Multichannel Software Should Have

If you’re using more than one online marketplace, you can understand the frustration of having to log into multiple different channels to manage your orders and inventory. Perhaps it’s time to think about investing in a multichannel software. To help you, we’ve compiled this list of features every multichannel software should have.

Multi-channel software

Cloud Based

Having a cloud based software has its major advantages – firstly, you can use it on a Mac or PC, so you don’t have to worry about how compatible it is with your hardware. Secondly, being cloud based means the software is much easier to access and can work on anything with a web browser.…

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4 Different Types of Printed Advertising and What they can do for your Business

Printed-media really is a fantastic way to showcase your business. Since the early beginnings of what is considered modern marketing, printed adverts have existed. While some may make the point that today’s markets are driven purely by the internet, there is still a big part of it that can be tapped into via print.

Ralph Lauren print ad

Yes, it’s a valid point to make that the internet is a great way to create sales, but it doesn’t cover all your bases. For example if you are meeting clients and need to leave contact details, or if you want something to adorn your shop front or have in your company’s foyer – you’ll need something paper-based.…

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The Brands that Conquered America

Globalisation is a divisive subject – some see it as a blessing, others as a curse. Regarded as a standardisation of business and cultural features around the world through the diffusion of commodities and ideas, the phenomenon has grown through various means including – but not limited to – E-commerce, international travel, currency banking, popular culture and wireless communications.

Toyota Hybrid car

For many – both critics and champions of globalisation – the concept is widely laid at America’s door. Certain US-based sportswear, burger chain, coffee shop and soft drink brands in particular seem to be constantly highlighted as the most prominent symbols of globalisation.…

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3 Things You Need to Know About Online Defamation

When considering the modern landscape of communication and news-gathering, we can all agree that the use of blogs and social networking outlets are increasing in their popularity and usefulness. Unfortunately, this incredible rise in use and visibility also increases the risks of online defamation.

Online defamation and gossip

Defamation occurs when someone online writes something that falsely and negatively affects another person’s reputation and/or business. It’s vital to consider that anyone can immediately publish anything they desire to the web, whether it be factual or needlessly inflammatory. Therefore the role of defamation law is quickly becoming more significant.

Let’s briefly consider three important points about online defamation:

What are the specifics of defamation?

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Managing Your Working Relationship With a Supplier

As with any business deal, the relationship you have with your manufacturing plant needs to be nurtured to ensure it’s both long-lasting and beneficial for both parties. This isn’t simply about being nice either, it’s in your company’s interests to build strong relationships. While it doesn’t guarantee benefits like more favourable rates, faster service, and the chance to gain knowledge in a related industry, you’re prospects will certainly be improved if you can remain on good terms.

Building customer-supplier relationship

Business owners who take suppliers for granted can quickly find themselves last on the list when it comes to inventory arrivals. This not only leads to a breakdown in communication, but the extra stress it brings will be a major detriment to your business.…

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Flames in your Office – How to Avoid Them

You lock up your office for the evening, head home, have some food and sink off to sleep. But all through the night, as your open eyes and stare at the ceiling, you can’t help but think that something doesn’t feel right.

It’s only when driving your convertible up to your workplace that you notice your big mistake. Smoke billows from your office’s roof, ash impinges on the air and crowds have formed around police cordons.

Building on fire

A fire has raged through your workplace in the night – and there’s so much you could have done to stop it.

Questions rush through your head – what if someone had been trapped in there?…

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Get Ready to Show Proof of Health Coverage in 2015

By now, you should know the law: As of last year, all Americans – both individuals and businesses – are required to carry health insurance coverage under the terms of the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010. If you don’t have at least the minimum amount of health coverage, you could face penalties on your 2014 tax bill.

Proof of insurance coverage

Because this is the first year that taxpayers have to provide proof of health coverage, many people are confused about what they actually have to do. The good news is that for most people, the process is actually quite simple, and only requires checking off a box on their tax return indicating that they have coverage.…

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What Type of Tech Support is Best for Your Company

If your company uses any type of technology – from laptops and printers, to network routers and phone systems – then you are going to need some type of technical support. It doesn’t matter if your company only employs four people, or if your workforce is several thousand strong.

Tech support officer

However, while the size of your company won’t determine whether or not you’ll need technical support, it can play a role in the type of technical support that you use. However, the type of support that you use is not always the best choice.

Types of Tech Support

There are several tech support options available and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.…

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