Fax over IP Technology for Retail Sector

Most of the businesses require a fax system to transfer important documents. Human resource documents, tenders, purchase forms, quality reports, quotations are important documents for an organization that needs to be safe hands. Retail businesses are in utmost need of this kind of system.

Online fax using FoIP technology

Transmitting critical documents is a regular part of an everyday operation in a retail organization. Retailers need a solution that is both secure and cost effective.

Enter Fax over IP of FoIP technology

Without facing the hassle of maintaining the fax machines, one can send faxes over the internet as and when required. What FoIP can solve for retailers?…

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Data Protection is Critical: Lessons Learned

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carbonite. All opinions are 100% mine.

Whether you are a solopreneur or the owner of a 100-employee company, you can’t underestimate the importance of data protection in your business.  I know what I’m talking about because I have been-there-done-that.

Read on, and you’ll see why losing your data sucks – big time.

Frustrated online business owner

My data horror story

I’ve run an online business since 2008.  Since then, I’ve experienced numerous ups and downs with my business, and part of the cause is related to data.

You see, I own dozens of business websites. …

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Blogging About Healthcare? Read This First

Are you planning on starting a blog that is focused on healthcare? Or do you already have a healthcare-focused blog that you want to improve? Then keep reading for a few tips that will help you set up a great blog or enhance an existing one while delivering quality content to your readers and followers.

Healthcare blogger

Ask Experts for Help

Whether you interview experts or you seek out professionals who can write posts for your blog as guest authors, it is always a good idea to include professional voices on your blog. And if you want, you can even enhance your education in the realm of healthcare by going to a reputable university to get your master of public health degree in person or your public health degree online.…

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Print Marketing: Why it Matters and How to Use it

Large format printing

While champions of the digital era will have us believe print is dying out, you only need to look around you to see that print marketing is still very much alive and well. On any given day, we’re bombarded with billboards, magazines and posters – all pointing us towards a product, service or brand – and whether we realise it or not, these marketing materials influence our buying behaviour.

Today, we’re throwing the spotlight on the print industry. We’ll be looking at everything from high street flyers and business cards to retail window clings and magazines – exploring how and why print still works as an effective marketing strategy.…

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A Quick Guide To Opening A Successful Restaurant

So you want to open a restaurant. You’re a great cook and your friends and family have told you that you should do this for a living. So what exactly is involved in a venture like this?

Cook at a restaurant

You should know that according to Alleywatch, almost 60 percent of all restaurants fail within the first five years of opening. That’s a daunting statistic but with some careful planning, you can make sure you maximize your business’s chance of success. Keep in mind, this is a bare bones outline for what you need to do.

It All Starts With An Idea And A Plan

Before you can begin your new business, you have to have some ideas in place.…

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How to Save on Business Printing Costs

In any business, it’s important to try to keep overheads down, as this is key to growth. One expenditure that businesses often can’t avoid is printing costs.

Business printing

Some documents need to be printed and there is no way around it – for example, legal documents and invoices – but there is much more you can do to save money.

What are the best devices to save on business printing costs?

One of the big mistakes companies make when trying to save on business printing costs is clinging on to printers for too long. This means escalating maintenance costs once the printer reaches a few years old.…

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3 Tips for Including Links in Your Small Business Blogs

Blogging for business is a great way to bring more visitors to your website, build fodder for your social media posts, create a network with your customers, and ultimately get yourself a larger revenue stream. However, blogging is a lot more than typing words out on your keyboard. In order to create a blog that is actually beneficial to your business, you have to understand how business blogging works.

Blogging for business

One big area of business blogging revolves around links. The links you choose to include in your content can have a big impact on your overall blogging success, as well as how well your individual blogs perform.…

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6 SMB Ideas That Were Impossible 10 Years Ago

In his interview with the Texas CEO Magazine earlier this year, the former general manager of IBM’s Watson project, Manoj Saxena, identified four big inflection points in human history – the alphabet, the printing press, the internet and machine learning.

App development

The internet has truly been a paradigm-shifting presence in our lives and among other aspects of reality it has transformed irretrievably; it has turned the world of business into something truly different. Of course, it isn’t only the internet that has influenced all the huge changes in the world of business and they have been huge, do not be fooled.

For one, today, budding entrepreneurs can start small businesses that didn’t even exist as concepts just 10 years ago.…

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5 Essential Components of a High Financial IQ

Intelligence comes in many different forms. Some people are great with numbers, others with words, still others with spatial reasoning. Intelligence comes in “non-intellectual” packages too—professional athletes are geniuses at using their bodies to achieve desired outcomes, for instance.

Business woman with high Financial IQ

Some forms of intelligence can’t be learned. You either have them or you don’t.

Financial intelligence is different. Everyone can learn to save and spend responsibly, to set clear financial goals, to invest for the future, to protect themselves against the unknown. If you’ve never thought about these things before, they can seem completely overwhelming. But, just as you can train your brain to learn new skills or concepts, you can slowly raise your financial IQ over time.…

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A Starter Guide to I-9 Compliance & New Hires

Getting a new hire onboard is more than introducing him to coworkers. You need to comply with all the regulations involved with the I-9 form. It is only one page, but the rules that go with it fill 69 pages.

Here is an overview showing how important is it to comply with the regulations, the difference between the W-9 and the I-9 forms, and what identification is acceptable to meet the I-9 rules.

Reviewing employment documents

Penalties for Non-Compliance

To you it looks like a lot of pencil pushing. To the government it is serious business. The minimum fine for errors filling out your I-9 paperwork is $110.…

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