Making the Most of Your Business Data

Data management involves collecting, organizing, storing, protecting, verifying, and processing vital data in your business and making it available when and where required. Data management is the first step towards implementing a practical data analysis for your business, leading to important insights that add value to your organization, making it more efficient.

Business data

Good data management enables employees to promptly find the information they need to execute their duties, thus saving energy and time. It also helps in the validation of decisions for your business and provides structures for sharing information. Besides, it enables data storage for future reference and promotes ease of retrieval of vital information.…

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How to Leverage a Competitor Sales Analysis to Grow Your Business

As a small business owner, you probably have mixed feelings about conducting a formal competitor sales analysis. You already generally know who your competitors are, and you’re likely aware of how their value proposition compares to yours. Is it worth the time and energy necessary to conduct a formal competitor sales analysis — and then applying those findings to your business? Absolutely.

Competitor sales analysis

Why conduct a competitor analysis? It provides an immense amount of value to your business. It lets you learn from competitors and helps ensure you’re perceived as an innovation leader. Let’s say you’re working on rolling out a new customer portal, product tweak, or service line.…

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5 Different Ways To Improve Efficiency in Your Business

Productivity is important to any business, including your own. Completing projects under a small amount of time ensures that operations run as scheduled and even leaves extra time for completing additional tasks or starting major projects earlier. However, rushing work in this manner can result in overworked employees, low morale and other issues that can be prevented with strong efficiency.

Productive meeting

The best way to get your staff to work smarter instead of harder is by changing work routines and incorporating helpful resources such as a virtual receptionist and employee surveys. Implement the following tactics in your company to boost efficiency and create a healthy work environment.…

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Top Small Business Trends For The 2020s

What’s happening in the small business, startup, and entrepreneurial space in the first half of the 2020s? The short answer is, plenty, and it’s happening at a quick pace, even by modern standards. Some of the trends are related to environmental concerns, but others are centered on old-fashioned dilemmas like expense minimization.

Management team discussing trends

After decades of blustery talk from corporate leaders, the concept of employee ownership is finally taking off, as are two related elements of the everyday work world, namely teamwork and decentralized management. One of the truly astounding features of this fresh wave of managerial progress is that it’s even affecting the smallest of entities, micro businesses.…

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5 Benefits of Working with a Small Business Coach

Budding entrepreneurs looking to bring their vision to life need to work closely with an experienced business coach to boost their potential. Business coaches are not limited to startups; they can be a valuable asset to seasoned investors and business executives looking to break through from their current positions.

Small business coaching

Business coaches are basically successful entrepreneurs, business executives, and owners with a rich knowledge base of the business world. These individuals have opted to leverage their success, talents, and leadership to help nurture business startups to achieve their full potential.

The following are several benefits of working with a small business coach or similar types of industry consultant:

Helps with building confidence

Having confidence is one of the most invaluable traits in business.…

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5 Tips: How To Make Sure Your Startup Doesn’t Fail

Many startups are dealing with a massive amount of chaos, change, and turbulence. In the wake of COVID-19, many start-ups are filing for bankruptcy.

Cofounders working on their startup project

Since you want your startup to go up, it helps to be alert to the true reasons why start-ups fail. Avoid these pitfalls, and you’re on your way to success.

Failure To Adapt To Change

Have you been working remotely? Is it time to return to work – full or part time? If you’re like many small businesses, you’re exploring hybrid work arrangements.

According to the Harvard Business Review, more organizations are migrating to hybrid working.…

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3 Smart Steps To Achieve Your Business Goals for 2021

You’ve got a new or existing business and a boatload of goals. The only thing standing between you and your vision is making them real in this new landscape.

Achieving business goals3

If you’re dreaming of making millions from your business, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Step One: Investigate Your Structural Readiness

Is your business truly ready to go? If you’re not sure, you may need to do some sleuth work and get an outside consultant.

You may believe that since you’ve got a hot idea, a business plan, and start-up capital, that you’re ready for action. However, there could be some things you still need to do to get ready for maximum results.…

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Beyond The Brand: How To Build An Appealing Image For Your Company

There are more businesses entering the marketplace than ever before nowadays, meaning it is more important than ever for your brand to stand out from the crowd. Building a strong company image is essential in differentiating your offerings from your competitors and making sure that your business is recognisable in today’s ever-crowded markets both online and offline.

Marketing team discussing brand building strategy

Before you start building your company image, however, first you need to put a strategy in place for your new branding. It’s important that you take some time to consider who your customer is, what your goals are and what your brand persona will be.…

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5 Investments for Bouncing Back in 2021

Last year was tough for small businesses. But most are bouncing back to normal operations gradually. If your business was adversely affected by the effects of the pandemic, do not worry. There is still hope for you. You can try out several other investments in 2021 and get back your lost glory.

Investing your money

Here are the top five investments to help you bounce back.

Invest in Real Estate

No doubt that the real estate business continues to grow stronger and better each day. People will always look for houses since this is a basic need.

The best way to benefit from the real estate industry is by checking out various investment options.…

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The Importance of a Professional-Looking Website in Business

Business is all about image. It always has been and always will be. It is the way of the world that people wish to deal with successful organisations and in this digital world we live in, your website is your digital shop window.

Web design

Image Source: Freepik

The first introduction to you and your business is usually your website. If the user finds it hard to navigate or the pages load slowly, that will likely lead to moving on to the new potential provider, making a mental note never to bother returning.

Times are Changing

Not too long ago, a potential customer might first hear about you from a brochure or radio advertisement.…

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