Feed Your Fans By Hiring The Right Photographer For Your Next Corporate Event

When you’re planning a big corporate event, you might skip over a step that can make the difference between a good event and a great one – a professional photographer. Sure, employees can and will bring their own point-and-shoot cameras or rely on their trusty smartphones, but it’s nice to have professional photographs to remember special events and to make sure that employees don’t have to miss the fun to stop and take some photos.

Hiring The Right Photographer For Corporate Events

Whether you just want to have some photos for your employers, or if you want to capture images to use in professional marketing materials, a professional photographer can go a long way.…

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Writing Faster Articles For SEO

We all know the importance of writing quality articles for your website. Without great content, search engines can’t find you and visitors won’t stay on your website. If you write a bad article, people will leave. If you don’t write an article at all, you’ll never have the chance of being found.

There is a success formula I use every time that helps me generate traffic to my website through the art of writing articles. It’s not the conventional ways of generating traffic such as video marketing, search engine optimization and pay per click advertising. It’s the simple act of writing articles faster.…

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Marketing Like A Kung Fu Master

When 18 year old Bruce Lee arrived in America in 1959 he had several things working against him. He only had $100 in his pocket, barely spoke the language, and had no employment prospects. However, he did have an insatiable desire to bring his love of the martial arts to all Americans.

Determined to introduce Americans to his style of martial arts, Lee didn’t allow the lack of a marketing budget deter him getting his message out. In fact you may consider Bruce Lee a marketing pioneer in that he mastered the art of free demonstrations long before infomercials gained popularity!…

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3 Must-Watch TED Talks For Small Business Success

TED Talks are taking the business world by storm. Short for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, TED itself is an annual conference that brings together leaders from these three industries to share their expertise with the crowd.

Past events have featured speaking appearances by top executives from companies such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and J.J. Abrams have also spoke at these conferences.

3 Must-Watch TED Talks For Small Business Success

So what can you take from a TED Talk? Plenty. Here are three success lessons small businesses can learn:

1. A Social Media Presence is More Than a Profile

Several of the more recent TED Talks have been focused on social media – surprise surprise.…

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What Social Media Metrics Matter for Your Local Business

Local businesses tend to understand the inherent importance of metrics, but when it comes to social media platforms, it can be confusing to figure out what’s most important. Perhaps part of the difficulty with social media platforms is they provide so much information to businesses it can be hard to determine what to focus on.

what social media metrics matter and why

Unfortunately, a common response when overwhelmed is to become indecisive and not take action. Therefore, in this post, I’m going to share specifically what metrics you should pay the most attention to and why.

Your Facebook reach. You can see the impact each of your Facebook posts has had with this metric.…

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3 Video Marketing Tips For Small Business

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a moving picture may be worth 10,000 views? While that may be a stretch, the value of online video marketing for small businesses is real – if production and promotion are approached strategically.

One of the biggest difficulties small businesses face in developing an online video presence is the dollars – so many entrepreneurs scratch their head at the cost of video production for online marketing. Yet, beyond these misconceptions exists a video reality – developing an online video marketing strategy can be a cost effective way to increase brand awareness, and maybe even generate leads.…

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Tips to Reconvert Leads (and Why It Really Matters)

Your website is out marketing your local business 24/7, right? If it’s doing a good job, you’re getting a lot of visitors. With a good call to action, hopefully a fair majority of your visitors are taking an action on your website.

As positive as any action a visitor takes on your website is, a simple visit to your site does not make this individual a solid lead. Instead, you have the opportunity to re-convert this individual (or in other words, convert him or her). After a number of the right interactions with your site, this individual begins to develop into what could be a solid lead.…

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Three Key Steps To Starting a Web-Based Business

keys tip to starting a web-based businessAs an online marketing specialist, I’ve seen too many online businesses go bust due to poor planning. Trust me, you don’t want to blindly dive into the world of online business.

If you don’t know what you’re doing from the get-go, it doesn’t take long to lose your investments. These three steps will help you on your way.

1. Research your market carefully.

Whether you plan to sell a product or service, you must be sure there’s opportunity to turn a profit in your specific online market. For example, my boss initially wanted to start an insurance brokerage “” until he realized that thousands of individual insurance companies were already vying for the same customers online.…

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5 Ways To Use Google+ For Business

5 Ways To Use Google+ For Business

Google Plus is not only for social communication but has proven to be an effective tool for business. Whether it is used in cost reduction efforts or to save time, Google Plus has numerous features designed to improve business productivity and efficiency. Businesses should try Google Plus to determine how the tool can facilitate business growth.

1. Google Plus Hangouts for Video Conferencing

Google Plus Hangouts allows users to collaborate and meet with remote clients and employees. A face-to-face meeting is often more personal than just the phone. Google Plus Hangouts will facilitate videoconferencing when business people cannot reach a central location for a meeting due to budget constraints, schedules or flight delays.…

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Top 7 Gmail Tips and Tricks

Top 7 Gmail Tips and Tricks

As a loyal Gmail user for many years, I have watched Google’s golden child evolve into an incredibly efficient and functional interface. Most of the savvy user “hacks” from the good old days have now been built right in to Gmail, but this old dog is certainly able to learn new tricks.

Here are the top 7 ways to improve your Gmail experience, from Labs and other add-ons to hidden features and hacks.

1. Remove ads with Gmelius

Gmail’s text banner advertising is fairly non-intrusive, but sometimes the ads displayed are so similar to the email you are reading or writing, it’s just plain creepy.…

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