How SMBs Can Build And Maintain An Effective Website

We are in a tough economic climate where SMBs need to work effectively to gain the edge over their competitors. With confusion over copyright and the proliferation of “˜do it yourself’ website builders, many business owners are left feeling unsure about how to create their own site which will stand out, be effective at securing new business and suit their needs, but which will also be copyright compliant.

Businesses need to look to communicate their brand values and unique selling propositions successfully and in this online-driven society, so an easy-to-use website with strong visuals is key. The visual language used on a website must represent the company’s values and connect with its customers.…

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How Business Consulting Services Can Help Your Business to Grow

Business consulting services can help organizations make a fresh start if they’re floundering, chart a course for success if they’re just starting out or grow to new heights if they’re doing well and looking to grow wisely. This type of service has become more important for a number of businesses in the wake of the recent economic downturn that forced many enterprises to cut costs drastically just to stay afloat.

How Business Consulting Services Can Help Your Business to Grow

Investing in business advisory consulting may seem counterintuitive for a business trying to keep costs down, but the return on the investment can be substantial and long lasting, and more than worth the initial expenditure in the end.…

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8 Useful Computer Tools For Your Daily Office Tasks

8 Useful Computer Tools For Your Daily Office Tasks

In the modern world time appears to be the most valuable asset that’s why it is really important to manage it with maximum effectiveness. There are many tools that will help you organize your daily business activities with more or less functionality.

Here are my set of useful tools that may come in very handy for your business:

  1. Website Design –  Weebly is a powerful web design tool that offers   you different domains, hundreds of themes and complete statistics about your website performance. The free package is usually more than enough for a basic website, offering plenty of tools and personalization options.
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Why I Finally Said Goodbye To Organic Traffic

As a small business owner in the online niche, I have to make a confession: I’ve gamed Google for too long, often unintentionally – so long that, eventually, I reap what I sow.

You see, I own and run sites. Starting up 5-6 years ago, I didn’t really care about search engine ranking. At that time, I know a thing or two about SEO, but I have no interest in getting my ranking up.

Why I Finally Said Goodbye to Organic Traffic

I was initially not really into blogging. But I tried it anyway and started a blog,, mainly to document my online entrepreneurship journey.

The first thing I tried to make my mark in online business was starting up an e-commerce site selling natural treatment products.…

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How Businesses Can Embrace Google Plus to Launch New Products

Google Plus is Google’s entry into the world of social media, and competes directly with social media giant Facebook. Google has 90 million users, and is growing by leaps and bounds. Some suggest Google Plus may even overcome Facebook in the coming years.

While Google Plus is still in its infancy, businesses are smart to market their services and new products here, because Google is known for innovation and they have done many things right over the last few years.

How Businesses Can Embrace Google Plus to Launch New Products

The Google Plus button can and should be added to all of your blogs and websites, because the more followers your company has the more potential buyers they can market their newest products too.…

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Some Of The Best Industries for Starting a Small Business Today

In a lot of cases, small businesses are launched by first time entrepreneurs who have experience in the exact type of business they are launching. Many times, the new business owner has worked for a similar business in the past, decides they have enough experience to “be the boss,” and sets out on their own.

Some Of The Best Industries for Starting a Small Business Today

But there is another way to decide on what type of small business to launch that might heighten your chances of success. Choose an industry where small businesses have had a lot of recent success, spend some time researching and learning about this industry and small businesses in general on websites such as

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Small Businesses Are Going Mobile

As people change so does their surroundings.   Fifty years ago there were no frequent flier miles, nor internet; and all the kids played outside.  Just as our surroundings have changed, so too has how small businesses do business.

Have you noticed how easy it is to get a cell phone? You can get it off the street and connect to the internet within minutes.  I literally bought a phone from a kiosk in a mall and before I walked out of the mall I was surfing the Internet.

Small Businesses Are Going Mobile

So what does that have to do with your business? Your customers are on the Internet.…

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The Top 5 Secrets Of Successful Bloggers

The Top 5 Secrets Of Successful Bloggers

How do those successful, popular bloggers do it? We broke it down for you in 5 easy steps.

1.   Building a brand – Your blog, just like any other person or company, has an image. You can both control that image and make it work in your favor, or you can let it run rampant and drag you down.

Decide what you think your blog’s brand or public image needs to be, and make sure that every post, your layout, and everything you do that pertains to your blog sticks to that brand. This is what will make your blog memorable, and this also helps you reach your target market of readers.…

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CRM and The Ecosystem – External Collaboration System Coexistence

Companies using CRM and MA systems to engage in ecosystem collaboration have not been able to achieve the desired target as these are customer-centric sales and marketing tools. Deploying a PRM system, though a good compromise, has not produced the desired results since the technology is outdated.

An ecosystem collaboration solution effectively replaces PRM systems as they match all the facilities offered by the PRM in addition to meeting   numerous other contemporary requirements for peer-to-peer and community collaboration and multi-channel communication, using social media, messaging, and mobile communication channels.

CRM and The Ecosystem - External Collaboration System Coexistence

PRM is far behind technologically to meet these modern requirements of an organization and has limited communication capabilities in the modern sense, which are evolving by the day.…

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5 Steps To Fixing Negative Reviews In Google Places aka Google Plus Local

Every business loves targeted, organic traffic from the search engines. Your potential clients eagerly punch in those buying keywords to actively seek your business and make their next purchase.

5 Steps To Fixing Negative Reviews In Google Places aka Google Plus Local

Positive reviews from sites such as Yelp, Foursquare and especially Google Places (aka Google Plus Local) not only further boost your search engine rankings, they also provide customers with the confidence they need to get out their credit cards.

So what happens when the money you so wisely invested in SEO has your client scared off by a negative review appearing in the search results? No company will have 100% positive reviews 100% of the time.…

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