Useful Tips to Become A Better Networker

If you want to get anywhere in the business world, you have to know how to network. And more than just being familiar with the basics, you have to know how to network better.

For inventors, networking can be such a valuable asset. It can get them access to investors, prototype makers, media, and customers! This is why everyone can use tips to become a better networker.

Useful Tips to Become A Better Networker

While you may already know how to do some things, there are always improvements that can still be made. Follow these tips and watch yourself improve as a networker, and as a business person too!…

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Small Business Owner’s Guide To Turning Your Web Content From Drab To Fab

For small businesses, online marketing is their one chance to reach their target audience. Unfortunately, most small businesses forget online marketing begins at home first.

Let’s face it, no matter how awesome your online marketing efforts are, if your website’s copy is drab, it’s never going to convert visitors into customers.

Small Business Owner's Guide to Turning Your Web Content from Drab to Fab

Luckily, turning your web content from drab to fab isn’t hard-if you know what to do.

If you’re not happy with the results of your web copy’s performance, try doing the following to improve it:

Write for one person – Instead of writing to a group of people, write to one.…

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Why Your Small Business Needs to Optimize for Mobile Browsing

According to the Pew Research Center, 56% of adults own smartphones in the United States. There are also an increasing number of teens and kids using smart phones as well, for better or for worse. That’s a whole lot of people using smartphones.

This infographic from Microsoft indicates that by 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage.  That’s a huge change from even five years ago when mobile browsing was cumbersome and awkward on tiny smartphone screens.

Why Your Small Business Needs to Optimize for Mobile Browsing

Now with giant smartphone “phablets” like the Galaxy Note II, mobile browsing is an ease and even a preference over desktop browsing for some users.…

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Sun Tzu and The Art of Startups


Sun Tzu and The Art of Startups


[Click to see full size infographic]

Beginning a new business venture can be unsettling. Entrepreneurs have to possess courage and bravery to embark on a voyage filled with lack of certainty and unknowns that come with starting a new business.

The marketplace in today’s business world can feel similar to a battle that is dominated by strong incumbents whose objective is to maintain dominance and thwart any new entrants. New entrepreneurs must be crazy to go into battle against them.

How does a startup have a shot at success when entering a new market battling against the established competition?…

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Beating Networking Nerves

Effective networking is an essential to furthering your career as well as being vital to the success of your business. From building up a strong client base to creating opportunities for new ventures and collaborative projects, good networking skills will help you to make your business grow and thrive in this competitive commercial environment.

Beating Networking Nerves

However, a surprising number of professionals find it difficult to strike up conversation with people they don’t know, and many people admit that they would rather just get on with the job. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to overcome barriers to networking, so you can relax and reap the rewards of meeting new people in your industry.…

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10 Reasons Why Brand Training Is Important For Your Employees

10 Reasons Why Brand Training Is Important For Your Employees

Most companies provide initial orientation training, where employees learn about the company’s brand. After this, they get few opportunities to form a cohesive bond with the company’s brand.   In this article, we explain why ongoing brand training is important for your employees.

1. In-house Brand Ambassadors

If you want your employees to sell your brand to clients, you have to first sell your brand to them. Arm them with the knowledge, skills and expertise to represent your brand the way you want it represented. Watch them transform them into whole-hearted brand ambassadors for your business.

2. Greater Involvement

Your employees will feel greater loyalty towards your brand and feel more involved when you personally train them on your brand.…

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4 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Be Embracing Social Media

With the recent Penguin and Panda updates, websites in every industry have begun to change the way they approach SEO and marketing in general. Instead of focusing on impressing  search engine algorithms webmasters and marketers are now focusing more on genuinely impressing  people  so that they will want to share content with  other  people through the social web.

4 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Be Embracing Social Media

There are a number of obvious advantages to using social media and we  could  simply leave it at “it’s necessary because all your competitors are doing it”, but to really give you an idea of  why  you would be missing out if you fail to  utilise  social media in 2013 we’ve compiled the following list of reasons:


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Are You Ordering From A Legitimate Website?

In today’s society, anyone can create a website and sell products online. It’s turned into a fairly simple process – so much so, that more and more spammers find their way into the e-commerce world – and your computing device – every day. If you aren’t careful, you’ll really end up paying for it later.

Using security software – e.g. SearchLock – to protect your online activities and detect problem websites can help, but with so many misleading information (such as SearchLock that is accused as being malware) it’s not an easy task for you to decide.

Are You Ordering From A Legitimate Website?

Here are some tips for avoiding illegitimate online sellers:

Before you even consider pressing “Add To Cart” it’s important to look at the quality and design of the website.…

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Website Design: Don’t Let Your First Impression Be Your Last

The other day, I looked up a restaurant website to tell a friend about a great meal I enjoyed. Instead, I found myself making excuses for their lousy website, which was a poor reflection of their excellent food and service.

Website Design: Don't Let Your First Impression Be Your Last

Does your website possibly give the wrong impression of your business? It’s helpful to look at your site through the eyes of…

…A first-timer.

Can you tell what your business is all about from the homepage? Make sure your website quickly answers the basics. Make it easy to find your contact name, address, phone numbers, business hours, email address, and a map.…

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The 3 Best Ways To Market Your Small Business

The 3 Best Ways To Market Your Small Business

When you are looking to market your small business, it’s important to find ways to get the most out of money spent. You want to get the most out of all your efforts because it’s likely your budget is limited.

Here are the three best ways to market your small business.

  1. Paper Marketing –  Paper marketing can be your best friend. Tried and true, it still works. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. People still like something they can touch. Sending out birthday coupons, fundraising campaign requests, holiday promotions, customer appreciation cards and more can be a really great way to connect with your current and potential customer base and works really well as part of your online campaigns as well.
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