How to Do Surveys for Your B2B Demand Generation Strategy?

These days, B2B marketing is experiencing dramatic change. The marketing experts are finding themselves under enormous pressure to convey results and validate important program and head-counts investments. Moreover, products and service sales are the core of any business and without generating lead as well as clients it can not continue to exist. Although, there are several techniques to generate leads, surveys are among the most effective techniques for performing an exclusive lead generation.

b2b demand generation survey

Furthermore, conducting market research is really essential in order to understand the market behavior, customers, characteristics, etc. Today, there are numerous lead generation companies that promise to bring quality and effective leads and it becomes confusing which one to choose.…

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4 Ways to Boost Your Business Using Custom Signs

Gaining customers and increasing the productivity of your company is a goal that almost all businesses have. If you are looking for a way to get your company’s name out there in the public eye, having a custom sign made is a great option to increase visibility without much effort. Here are four ways that using custom signs can help to boost your business.

custom store sign

1. Visibility

Getting your business information out to the public is going to increase growth. But how do you go about doing that without creating too much extra work for yourself? Having custom banners or signs in locations where passersby can see them is going to allow you to put your information out to the general public.…

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Online Content

Content marketing is the rage. It’s so talked about the debated these days that even huge brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola are devoting resources in terms of both time and money to create customized, interesting and sharable content.

content marketing

All that being said, there are some pitfalls when it comes to content marketing. Here’s a few to avoid:

Know your target market

A major SEO company based out of San Diego called Covario is running a workshop titled SEO for Hispanic Markets. Here’s the problem, the word Hispanic is increasingly being thought of as both derogatory and generally, should be avoided. You might be wondering why.…

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5 New Ways to Promote Your Trade Show Event on Twitter

Maybe you have heard about the IPO that raised billions in funding for Twitter’s next big steps. However, in the midst of all that confusion, you might have missed the flurry of developments that can empower your next trade show event.

new york jets

Some of these game changers have been technological – features or apps that will bolster the social network’s effectiveness. Possibly, these new features are what tipped the scales toward the deal recently struck with the NFL, Verizon, Viacom, and Time Warner, Inc. Earlier this year, announcements were made that these international firms would help broadcast, via Twitter, the National Football League’s own little trade show, otherwise known as, Super Bowl XLVIII.…

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Exclusive Q&A with Yohan Jacob, Retailbound CEO

Launching a retail product is always challenging for some reasons: A saturated market, a tough competition, copyright infringement, price wars and some other factors. Due to those challenges, retailing success is often obscure. The good news – that should not always be the case.


Success in retailing is determined by how well your product can attract your target market’s attention. As you can’t afford to do too many trial-and-errors, you need to increase the chance for success. One of the ways which can help you with that is through retail marketing consulting.

If you are thinking about launching your own line of products and jump into the retailing market but not sure whether you will find success or not, you are right on time; today, we have this rare opportunity to have a Q&A session with Yohan Jacob, the CEO of a unique retail consultant – the Chicago-based Retailbound.…

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Boost Your Online PR: Public Relations as Part of Online Marketing Strategy

Public relations should be an essential part of your online marketing arsenal, from the inception of your business. If you haven’t already started marketing yourself and your business through public relations, it’s time to make sure that all other areas of your online marketing plan are firmly in place and then get to work on a public relations plan. Online public relations generally refers to any time you can get your business in front of the (online) media. This sounds really easy, in theory. In reality, getting the attention of the media at large can be difficult.

man doing online press release

Many Different Pieces to the Online Marketing Puzzle


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How to Know When to Go International?

Many companies will make the decision after a few years, that it is time to venture into international markets, whereas some dive in straight away after only a few weeks; but how can either of them know if they are ready to do so?

global market expansion

Many smaller companies do not build an export plan into their original strategy and so it when it does come up, the subject is more as an afterthought. It is really important that companies don’t make the leap into foreign territory without having done the research and preparation needed to be sure that they are completely ready to make the move.…

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5 Brand Awareness Boosts for New Businesses

Brand awareness is an essential part of growing any business. From small local operations to digital brands and services, getting the word out about your brand requires planning and skill to provide maximum benefit. These five brand awareness boosts offer benefits to new businesses without requiring significant time or monetary investments.

raising brand awareness

1. Build a Web Presence

With the rise in popularity of mobile web browsing, social media and other online platforms, building a web presence for your business is a crucial part of brand awareness. The best platforms will vary depending on your industry or market.

Possible web presence options include:

  • Social Media
  • Brand Website
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters
  • Video Marketing
  • Forums and Discussion Groups

Each of these platforms offers distinct benefits and best practices.…

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Are Social Media Websites The Next Collaboration Tools?

Today, meeting people does not only mean asking for their numbers. It becomes a necessity to ask for their Facebook pages and viewing their Twitter accounts. If it is a professional correspondence, you may have to find them on LinkedIn to check their professional life.

Are Social Media Websites The Next Collaboration Tools?

Social media has invaded modern life and anyone not on any of the big three platform is practically unknown. Although long overdue, businesses are finally embracing social media as the new platform to make them known.

However, businesses are now beginning to see social media in a new light. Are social media websites the next collaboration tools?…

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Digital Marketing Tips for New Websites

Setting up a new website is an exciting time but if you don’t optimize it or undertake digital marketing practices it will be difficult to get it in front of the right audience.

Digital Marketing Tips for New Websites

Here we’ll take a look at the basics to get your site ranking higher in the search results as well as increasing your exposure across the web.

Simplify things

A longwinded and confusing website will just frustrate the user. If you are a small business advertising a product then give the user what they want, which should be a simple journey to the product page.

Set up Social Channels

Integrating social platforms will increase your exposure and enable users to share your content with their friends and colleagues.…

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