Outsourcing Your Content Development: Is it Worth the Cost?

In today’s highly competitive global market, over 90 percent of business to business marketers are using content as a main strategy. They are also realizing the many benefits that are associated with using engaging, relevant and quality content.

Content developer

In addition to getting a company’s brand noticed, they can also promote customer loyalty and increase their sales. Unfortunately, over 50 percent of businesses find that they are unable to produce the right content to engage their customer base and keep them interested. That’s why many are leaning toward outsourcing their content development.

While it may be good for their business, is it actually worth the cost?…

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How Translations can Help Small Businesses

Today, we live in a globalising world and we can see and experience that almost everywhere we go, whether it’s in our personal or professional life.

Content translation

In the business world, you might think that the process of globalisation is perhaps most important and favourable for larger organisations and businesses which already have an established international position and are recognised across the world. This however, isn’t necessarily the case – in the digital era, small businesses can compete with giants much more fairly than it had place in the past.

There are, of course, obstacles a SME will have to conquer in order to reach new, international audience and customers.…

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Choosing a Marketing Plan That’s Right for Your Business

Marketing is the life blood of any company. Without it, you won’t bring in any new customers, and your business will struggle to grow. This is why it is so essential that you choose a marketing plan that is right for your company. And before you can implement this plan, you need to create the one that actually works.

Marketing plan

It is important to properly plan out your marketing strategy, maybe by even following a strategic planning template, to ensure that you implement not only the correct strategy, but you do it in the right way. If you are not sure how to pick the best marketing plan, or how to implement it, below are some things that you should think about while doing your research and planning.…

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Things Small Business Can Do to Jumpstart Their SEO Campaign

As a small business competing in a crowded market, getting that extra marketing edge could mean a lot. The internet is your friend when it comes to marketing your products and services to segmented markets, and with over 60% of traffic coming from search engines, SEO is definitely the internet marketing instrument to use. If you are just getting started with SEO, here are a few things you can do to jumpstart your campaign.

Small business SEO

The Contents That Work

A lot of SEO experts will advise you to produce more contents for your site in order to attract more traffic, but this doesn’t have to be the only way to go.…

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6 Top Tips on Promoting Your Business on Social Media

Social media is increasingly becoming a tool for organizations, both big and small, to promote their business and create awareness about their current and upcoming offerings.

Social media marketing

Most of you would agree that it is important to understand the different facets of any tool to be able to utilize it optimally. And because social media is proving to be highly effective in engaging audiences and attracting potential customers, socially savvy entrepreneurs have started using valuable content to drive their initiatives.

However, one should also know that the online community has little (or no) tolerance for self-promoters who use social media for free advertising.…

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The SEO Minefield

I met and sat with an account manager from an online digital marketing company about 3 years ago, discussing how we could drive our business forward through SEO and PPC marketing.

Search engine optimization

After a back and forth discussion of our marketing needs and the services the company could provide, we were presented with a package that looked very similar to the one below:

  • 10 Keywords
  • 20 Backlinks A Month
  • 10 Press Releases
  • 50 Facebook Shares
  • On Page Optimisation
  • 1 x 500 Word Article
  • Above Article Submitted To 20 Article Directories
  • 20 Directory Listings


The account manager’s presentation (at the time) was very convincing: he thoroughly explained the benefits of the package, namely higher web rankings in Google and an increase in website traffic and customers.…

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Three Non-Traditional Ways to Launch Your Brand

Trusted aphorism not withstanding, they will not come merely because you built it. If you are going to start a new business, you have to get the word out. You have to find a way to reach the person on the street, let them know that you have a new product or service, and give them a reason to want to try it.

A woman shouting with a megaphone, promoting her brand

Traditional methods of doing this include print advertising such as:

  • Brochures and Guides
  • Newspaper Adverts
  • Business Cards
  • Banners

That may work out just fine for you depending on your target market. If you are trying to exclusively reach the generation of people who still let their fingers do the walking through a printed phone book, the old ways may still be the best ways.…

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4 Different Types of Printed Advertising and What they can do for your Business

Printed-media really is a fantastic way to showcase your business. Since the early beginnings of what is considered modern marketing, printed adverts have existed. While some may make the point that today’s markets are driven purely by the internet, there is still a big part of it that can be tapped into via print.

Ralph Lauren print ad

Yes, it’s a valid point to make that the internet is a great way to create sales, but it doesn’t cover all your bases. For example if you are meeting clients and need to leave contact details, or if you want something to adorn your shop front or have in your company’s foyer – you’ll need something paper-based.…

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The Brands that Conquered America

Globalisation is a divisive subject – some see it as a blessing, others as a curse. Regarded as a standardisation of business and cultural features around the world through the diffusion of commodities and ideas, the phenomenon has grown through various means including – but not limited to – E-commerce, international travel, currency banking, popular culture and wireless communications.

Toyota Hybrid car

For many – both critics and champions of globalisation – the concept is widely laid at America’s door. Certain US-based sportswear, burger chain, coffee shop and soft drink brands in particular seem to be constantly highlighted as the most prominent symbols of globalisation.…

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