Key Marketing Points For Small Business Physical Locations

With all the emphasis on digital marketing these days, sometimes it’s easy to forget that there’s also marketing to be done at your home base’s physical location as well, in the event that you have one. Whether it’s a small office, a suite in a strip mall, or a building of its own, make sure to use the fact that it exists in real space to your advantage.

Office lobby design

A few ways of doing this will be to assess the basic condition of your building, consider the experience of entering the lobby, remember that the initial human connection has a huge impact on folks, make your environment as easy as possible to get to, and make the bridge between a good physical experience and a good online critique simple.…

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Choosing the Right Content for Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

Utilizing an inbound marketing strategy is a smart choice for any business. Inbound marketing allows you to reach multiple customer bases without exhausting your resources or sales staff.

Depending on your business model and available resources, there are many content driven campaign models that can work well for your company’s lead generation, but choosing the correct ones is imperative. Too many companies have focused heavily on brand driven content without considering conversion goals or where the lead may be in the sales funnel, which in turn depletes their marketing budgets and does not give them the quality leads they need.…

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How to Come Up with Content Ideas for Your Business’ Blog

Running a business blog can definitely be challenging at times, especially if you’ve completely run out of ideas and have been staring at a blank page for the last hour. However, if you’re reading this, there’s nothing to worry about as you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Business blog content ideas

For business owners who manage their own blogs and can’t afford to pay a team of writers who’ll be able to come up with ideas for them, dealing with a blank mind can be stressful. That’s why we’ve put together some of the best tips and tricks for coming up with great topic ideas for your business blog.…

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5 Effective Email Marketing Best Practices for Small Business

In this always-on, mobile world, consumers receive a constant flood of marketing communications across multiple channels, including email, SMS texting, smart phone apps, social media and now even smart TVs. But email remains among the most efficient and cost-effective ways for a small- to medium-size business to promote itself and generate business.

To get the most out of this important marketing channel, consider these five email best practices:

1. Start with a Great List

The best email campaigns won’t help you sell more if they aren’t targeting enough of the right people. So building your opt-in list is essential. Many small businesses go only as far as including a website opt-in form.…

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5 Ideas to Promote Your New Business

Promoting a business is like trying to become healthy. A yearly visit to the doctor won’t make you fit, but a daily exercise routine will. The same is true for your company. Rather than just a casual event, marketing is a continuous investment of time and resources to strengthen your network with potential clients, vendors, and other brands. These five points will help you think of new ways to promote your business.

Business promotion

Online promotion

If your business doesn’t have a website yet, you’ll want to step out of the ’90s and contact a web designer as soon as possible. But just having a website isn’t where online promotion stops.…

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Building a Brand: Important for Your Small Business

Surprisingly, there is a substantial amount of small businesses that don’t understand the importance of building their brand. The assumption when most people hear the word brand is that it applies to how cool or memorable your logo is or how catchy the name might be. While both of these are important, the real concept behind the brand and what it means to your business is a little different.

Brand building

In simple terms, a brand is the perception that a customer, consumer or community has about the business. It is where the mind goes when it hears the name. Think Nike or Dell or Wal-Mart.…

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Could a Podcast Benefit Your Small Business?

If you’re running a small business, you’ve probably read dozens (if not hundreds) of articles telling you what you should be doing with your digital marketing. PPC, SEO, responsive websites, videos, infographics, content generation… it’s easy to find a veritable laundry list of ideas all meant to increase your exposure to new potential clients, or to stay in touch with those you do reach.

Podcasting for business

All of those content items are developed for a purpose: converting visitors into clients. But topical articles are just one piece of the puzzle. Increasingly, potential clients are wooed not just by finding the product or service they’re looking for, but by being reached on a personal level.…

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The Integral Nature of Optimized Internet Presence

Crunching Some Numbers

Approximately 90% of search engine traffic stays on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Making your business appear in the results of the first page can definitely help generate proper leads.

Digital branding optimization

You’re going to need the assistance of a professional marketing organization who specializes in branding for the digital age. To that end, following are a number of things to consider before choosing your marketing agency.

A Wide Range Of Services

Proper branding requires more than one kind of search engine optimization. Certainly, SEO-rich content should be produced, circulated, catalogued, and available on your company website. But you’ve got to have outreach in social media as well.…

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How to Win in Retail by Utilizing Shopper and In-store Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Every retailer in the world works hard to get customers in to their store. Shopper marketing plays a vital role in this area and it focuses on how you need to interact with the customer from the beginning to the end of a transaction. Getting the customer to your store is only half the battle and even when the customer is in your store you still need to tread carefully.


Just because they are in your store doesn’t mean the job is complete and you need to make sure you make their stay as pleasurable as possible. For example, when you consider that 70% of shoppers use a mobile device in a store, how vital does good in-store WIFI become?…

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5 SEO Instruments to Make your Promotion Easier

SEO is an inbound technique in marketing that involves smart linking, keyword strength, and other methods so as to optimize a website to rank high on search engine. The main goal is to ensure potential clients who search for certain products and services find your business first.

SEO tools

In the modern day world, most businesses have known that Search Engine Optimization is of benefit to them. But the challenge may come in when it comes to cost. It is difficult for the Small business organization to hire an expert; with this, the term SEO becomes confusing to them. Here are 5 SEO instruments to make your promotion easier without struggling or spending a lot.…

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