How to Improve Customer Outreach and Your Business Reputation

Communicating with customers is an important part of running a business. If you want a healthy cash flow, you need to understand and effectively conduct customer outreach. Especially if you are selling products online, like this exclusive 100% Kona Coffee from Greenwell Farms. The perfect coffee for every coffee lover. But, without effective communication with the customer, Greenwell Farms would leave money on the table. Luckily their customer communication skills are excellent.

Customer outreach

Customer outreach is meant to benefit your business and encourage more people to buy from you. But, it can end up hurting your business reputation if it isn’t carried out right.…

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How to Increase Engagement on Your Business Blog to Epic Levels

You spend a lot of time writing your business blog to attract new visitors every day – I know I do. There’s nothing sadder than realizing that no one is spending more than a few seconds on that page you spent so much writing and perfecting. If your content is not engaging enough, you’re doomed to failure.

Business blogging

People will often need nothing more than a glancing look to decide whether your business blog is worth their time, regardless of whether the things you wrote in it are actually interesting or not. Nobody is going to dive deeper unless you provide them with some compelling reason to do so.…

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How to Ensure Your Shop Makes a Great First Impression

As a retailer, one of the most important things you have to do is make your customers feel welcomed.

That’s why you have all your staff in pristine matching uniforms and train them to greet every customer with a smile.

Store employee

But it’s not enough.

First impressions matter. Before your customers even enter your premises and come face-to-face with your friendly employees, they’ve already been given all the information about your business they need to know.

From the shop exterior to the window display and interior decorating style, there are plenty of little things that can instantly put them off.

To ensure that’s not the case with your business, here are a few budget-friendly styling tips and finishing touches that are guaranteed to help your shop make a great impression on every customer.…

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5 Ways Every SMB Could Use Digital Marketing to Increase Profits

If someone offered you a machine that could give you one hundred new leads every week would you be interested? Forget a Ferrari, that machine would be your dream come true.

Digital marketing

The machine is called Digital Marketing. It does require some input in the form of your time and effort, but most of that can be delegated to an employee once you have systems set up. You can even build an agency once you know them.

Overview – What is Digital Marketing

Tired of the wooly definitions you find on most marketing sites? Neil Patel takes a different approach – He defines digital marketing as:

Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or services that involves electronic devices.

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Micro-Influencers: What They Are and Why You Need Them on Your Side

When it comes to promoting a business online, marketers and business owners need to get creative and use all the best tools and tactics available to stand out among their competition. In this blog post, I want to show you why micro-influencers can be one of the strongest and most effective tools in your arsenal and how they can help with the growth of your SME.

Micro-influencer pop-art

What are micro-influencers?

Historically, those who were considered influencers, were either the top known authorities in their field of work, or celebrities. Now though, with social media, it’s easier than ever for even regular people to become online influencers, which led to a massive increase in social influencers, of all shapes and sizes.…

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6 Reasons You Should Be Using the Latest Marketing Tools

Do you use the latest marketing tools in your business? Investing in the proper tools can dramatically change the results you get from your marketing activities. However, some marketing systems are better than others, so it’s vital to choose the tools that are the most suitable for your requirements. Below are some of the main reasons why you should be using the latest marketing tools.

Marketing office

Your Marketing Campaigns Are More Organized

From the beginning, you need to ensure that you have full control of each of your marketing campaigns. A reliable marketing project management software system allows you to become much more organized so that you can effectively control every aspect of these campaigns.…

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How Product Reviews Can Benefit Your Business

Many people visit the web every day to research product reviews. Retailers large and small, as well as independent websites, serve as a resource to help consumers make informed decisions about electronics and cellular service, such as our friends at Mobile Specification Pakistan. Read on how product reviews matter.

Product review

Product and service reviews are important to marketing and legitimacy of a brand. They allow consumers to trust your company, product or service, and also allow you to establish how your product is better than others. Reviews can also help businesses get more sales so it is important to encourage customers to leave reviews.…

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Consistent Small Business Branding: How?

When a company is first starting out, they often go through various name changes and iterations before they settle on a consistent branding strategy. If the business is web-based, those various names and websites are still out there, floating around the internet, sometimes with followers left wondering what happened to the new company they were watching so closely or even ordering products from.

Coca-Cola brands

How does a business bring all those followers to one place, and make their branding consistent? Here are a few simple steps:

Choose a Single Website Name

Even if you have tried several different brand names and have websites for each, consolidating them into a single website with consistent brand message not only saves you time, but it produces a much larger pull from Google and other search engines.…

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5 Important Marketing Trends for Legal Professionals

There are few industries that move faster than marketing. Especially now that marketing is essentially combined with the even faster-moving technology industry, it can be very difficult to keep up. Legal professionals that stay on top of marketing trends and effectively use the latest strategies can get a leg up on all of the competition. Those who do not keep up and adapt can quickly find themselves left behind.

Legal marketing trends

Judging by the current climate and trends through the first half of 2017, there are some pretty clear themes to the changes in legal marketing. Many of these trends have looked promising to small firms and solo attorneys, and the biggest theme in recent legal marketing is the increased visibility of these little guys and an effective leveling of the playing field in the digital world.…

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Discover Three Acronyms that Will Help Your Company’s Website Stay Ahead of the Game

Running a small business is no small feat. A lot of tasks that are allocated to a number of different resources in other types of companies tend to be undertaken by a handful of individuals in the case of small businesses.


So as a small business CEO or manager, it is extremely important to always keep in mind the big picture of each and every thing that your company must be paying attention to – especially in terms of your website which plays a crucial role in reaching out to your preferred client base. And we know that you do not have a lot of time on your hands, so today, we present three essential concepts that you need to remember in the form of acronyms.…

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