Advertising Advice For Small Businesses

Small businesses, by definition, don’t have the same resource base the larger companies and corporations have. That means that advertising can be a little bit more difficult, or at the very least, advertisers have to be more creative and follow different sets of advice.

Barber shop owner doing digital marketing and advertising

If you find yourself in the position of trying to promote your small business, consider following the tips of getting visible, being creative virtually, starting conversations in the social realm, and using your small size as an advantage. Going through that list and figuring out which ones are most applicable to your situation, you should be able to see immediate results.…

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4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Online Business

For many businesses, especially SMEs, they haven’t really gotten fully to grips with taking their business online in a significant way. Sure, their website is up and there might be a barely used Facebook page somewhere hidden away, but they’re lacking a cohesive online strategy or even a clue where to start.

Online business

Here are four ways that your business can do better online.

Web Site Redesign

You only need to look at the copyright at the bottom of the web page to get an idea when the company’s website was last updated. How modern does it look? Now compare this home page to that of your nearest competitors in either locality or revenue.

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4 Tips for Growing Your Business by Finding and Working Closely With Social Media Influencers

Recent years have seen the emergence of the “influencer economy” – a departure from the typical advertisement venues towards personal endorsements by internet personalities. Influencers command a coveted currency in the ecommerce world: trust. Here are 4 tips to get you well on your way to connecting with influencers to successfully market your product.

Use a Connection Platform

You have a great product, but you don’t necessarily spend your days reading the same blogs as your target audience. So how will you know the best influencers to promote your brand? Enter creator marketplaces, such as ClearVoice. Creator marketplaces are platforms that help connect businesses with relevant influencers, as well as manage and organize promotion collaborations.…

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How do You Market a New Product?

Launching a new product can be a daunting process, especially if you’re trying to break into a specialist or saturated market. Attention to detail and careful forward planning is crucial for a successful launch, which is perhaps best demonstrated by Steve Jobs and Apple.

On launch day, iPad managed to sell over 300,000 WiFi only units. iPhone 4 sold over 1.7 million units within its first three days, while iPhone 3G sold over a million units over the launch weekend. The competition for a successful launch is tough, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it if you follow these basic steps.…

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How to Use Net Promoter Score to Grow Your Small Business

Having an optimal net promoter score (NPS) is great for gauging how your small business is going to grow in the coming months and years. Knowing your NPS score is also essential when it comes time to consider securing funding from banks and other investors to grow your business. After all, if the overall consensus is that your business is highly recommended by past and current customers, it’s definitely poised for growth on some level.

Net Promoter Score

How NPS Works

This is likely going to be one of the easiest business principles you’ll ever learn. NPS is nothing more than the results of a very pointed question given to your customers: “On a scale of 0 – 10, how likely are you to recommend ‘ABC Inc’ to others?”…

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4 Ways Boost Your Service Business

Running a service business can be a challenge. Word of mouth is what most service providers rely on to bring in new customers, but with the right strategy, you can attract new business without having to rely on previous customers.

Service business growth

1. Focus on Branding

Branding is essential for every business, but service providers often ignore this important step. Your business already has a name, but do you have a logo? If so, is that logo consistent and used across all marketing materials?

If not, this should be your first step.

Everything from employee uniforms to company vehicles, your website and even the stationary in your office should be a reflection of your brand.…

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The Importance of Customer Loyalty to Grow Your Company

Having customer loyalty is key to running an efficient company. The last thing you want is bad word of mouth or bad reviews. That’s why it is so important to let your customers leave with a smile.

Coffee shop relies on customer loyalty

Whether you’re business consists of selling a product or selling a service, you should always put your customers first. Your customers are the past, present, and the future of your company. Without them in your equation, your business can be driven to the floor!

Customer loyalty is a great way to give back to your customers and let them know that they are useful and very important.…

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Let’s Talk Multidisciplinary Marketing

Gone are the days when marketing was quick and simple, or in other words: one-dimensional. Back then, you could successfully market your goods or brands with a simple formula, which usually targeted teenagers. Thanks to the high demand of online shopping, and the sudden rise of AdSense or Affiliate marketing by websites, being able to create a successful marketing plan and making it a successful marketing tool is now long gone.

Multidisciplinary marketing strategy

Don’t get me wrong, you can still make use of the old ADDA system, but the likelihood of you being able to make your company or product stand out as much as possible is very slim.…

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Marketing Coaching for Your Business: A 4 Phase Process

Coaching is smart because a professional that has marketing experience can help you grow your business.

Marketing coaching

Marketing is the backbone of a business. If you don’t properly market your business, you won’t make sales and your business will become another failed business statistic (96% of businesses fail within 10 years). Marketing coaching is a fun and exciting way to learn how to promote your business and drive profit.

Coaching is smart because a professional that has marketing experience can help you grow your business.

And there is a four-phase process that most coaches follow to help tailor their service to your business and help you grow:


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Lessons Learned from Brand Marketing in Canada

Whether you are an entrepreneur or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, every person interested in running a successful business knows that brand marketing is one of the most important aspects of getting your product into a successful market.

Brand marketing

When shopping at your local grocery store and are faced with a choice between either a well-recognized brand of spaghetti sauce or an obscure name that no one’s ever heard of, the vast majority of customers will go for the recognizable brand name product, even if it´s a little bit more expensive.

Not just in Canada but globally, Google has been the most recognizable brand in the country since 2013, and for good reason.…

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