How to Market Your Start-Up Political Consulting Company

If you’ve had dreams to help make a difference in the political landscape of the country, then there is a good chance you’ve been working hard to make it happen. For many people, the answer is an online degree in political science through a well-respected school such as George Washington University. An online masters in political science can open the door to all kinds of careers in politics.

Political consulting

Now, if you’ve gone ahead and decided political consulting is the route you want to take, and you’re ready to open the doors of your start-up company, then these marketing tips are bound to help.…

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Let’s Bust Some Common SEO Myths!

If you’re just learning about the SEO world, you may find it daunting to try to sift through all of the information to determine what’s true and what’s false. Our friends at Kamil Web Solution, a premier provider of SEO in Dubai, bust some of the biggest myths about SEO.

Search engine optimization

Myth #1: If you’re not first, you might as well be last

Many sources will tell you that if you can’t land yourself a first-place spot on the Google rankings, there’s no point in using SEO services. These are usually the same companies that will promise you first-place rankings, incidentally!…

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Marketing and Selling Your Own Health-Conscious eBook

No matter what anyone tells you, looking good and feeling good are always in vogue. This is great news if you are interested marketing and selling your own health-conscious ebooks or merchandise online. Consumers of all ages regularly purchase diet plans, health books and gym memberships to keep themselves fit. The diet and weight-loss industry was estimated to be worth more than $20 billion.

Healthy eating

This represents a huge opportunity for ecommerce vendors and social media entrepreneurs. If you know more than a little something-something about healthy cooking or working out at home, producing ebooks for online stores could prove lucrative for you.…

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5 Silliest of the Silliest PPC Marketing Mistakes that YOU Could Be Making

Pay-per-click marketing is THE norm for online marketing now. While inbound marketing envelopes all the techniques for online marketing, it is PPC that does the magic for business that need to make sales and increase their revenues in a short span of time. Talking of that, even e-commerce entities have relied on the marketing of this kind. So, it only makes sense to invest in the service of a Pay per click marketing firm.

Huge mistake cat meme

But hey! Not everyone is making magic; not everyone is closing millions of deals everyday; not everyone is on the top. Clearly, not everyone can be a pro.…

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Boost Your Laundry Business With These 4 Smart Tips

The main reason why so many people invest in running a laundry business is because it’s a relatively safe and lucrative venture. However, its appeal is also one of the reasons why so few laundry businesses make it big –the safe and simple route can only take you so far.


Successful entrepreneurs know that a business hinges on its owner’s ability to make calculated decisions and accept risks for the sake of higher returns. The next time you find yourself looking at a stagnant rate of profit, consider these four examples of how you could take your business to the next level:


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3 Inbound Marketing Tips Small Businesses Can Implement Today

Small businesses can implement inbound marketing into their marketing strategy today – it’s imperative. Traditional outbound marketing avenues are being abandoned by small businesses. The problem is that either the old tactics no longer work, some 90% of executives won’t answer cold calls anymore, or they’re too expensive.

Billboards meme

Small businesses often can’t afford a TV ad.

And consumers are becoming more demanding. A lot of consumers don’t want to be “disturbed.” So, a business must work on their inbound marketing efforts to overcome this trend. You need to have permission, attract, engage and covert customers.

It’s not harder, but it’s a different form of marketing that works for today’s audience.…

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It Works! Increase Engagement and Sales With Educational Content

If we dig into the psychology of consumers, we will find out that a big part of them is looking for answers to particular questions about the product or service. When the consumer is planning to buy a certain product or try specific service, he or she tries to find answers to wide range of questions that they are interested in before the purchase. In this case, educational content plays a major role in your content plan. Before moving to a discussion of this type of content, find out which types of content actually exist.

Educational video

The content that is usually distributed throughout the network can be divided into three types:


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Bright Ideas: 5 Ways That Neon Can Be Used As Effective Visual Marketing

An iconic reminder of bygone business marketing, the last few years have seen neon making a comeback in new and interesting ways. Neon is being used in more artistically-geared, creative ways than ever before, and it’s this new wave of neon usage that has sparked a “re-taking” of sorts by businesses the world over. Illuminated letters can now be seen advertising for extremely high-end restaurants, on the outsides of some office buildings, and in or around art galleries.

Kiehls neon signage

To find out how neon can be used as effective visual marketing for your business, read on.

1. Signage

Signage is a term that refers to the signs indicating the purpose of the building or business.…

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3 Content Marketing Strategies Businesses Can Leverage Today

Content marketing is the ideal fit for large enterprise businesses and small mom-and-pop stores. Content marketing can fit into any budget, and if you do the work yourself, this budget can be nonexistent in many cases.

Content marketing

Leveraging content marketing is essential for growth, but how can you incorporate this form of marketing into the mix? Avoid the big strategies that the Fortune 500 companies are engaging in and go a different route.

Our friends at Principality Plastics shared the strategies that have helped the company in increasing revenue, lowering their marketing budget and accelerating growth, outlined below.

1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is huge, but don’t expect to hire Kim Kardashian or Selena Gomez – their reach is worth over $500,000 for a single post.…

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Business Marketing: Understanding Key Terms and Semantics

Business marketing isn’t what it used to be. Now, particularly with regard to online advertising, it’s more important to understand key terms and semantics than it is to try to push yourself as a brand or product from the inside out. You have to imagine people searching for what you do, rather than who you are.

Digital marketing for small business

To help yourself out with this new age marketing concept, you can do things like learn to use search-centric advertising, work with Google’s algorithms, research expertise and word clouds when it comes to semantics, and embrace all of the spokes on the wheel of virtual branding.…

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