Maximize the benefits of your PPC marketing

With a limited marketing budget, every dollar spent needs to deliver a return. Many marketers are using PPC (pay per click) as a way to track the results from their online ads, ensuring they can increase the effectiveness of their communications as well as their spending.

PPC marketing

Facebook is, without a doubt, the most popular platform for PPC advertising. While Twitter has the same capabilities, it is claimed that engagement up to 7 times higher on FB. In the end, where you choose to advertise will depend on the audience you’re aiming to attract: Linkedin, though not as popular as GoogleAds or Facebook, is aimed at a highly specific market, so may be the right choice depending on your service or product.…

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Choosing a SEO Plan for Your SME: 10 Things to Consider

On this blog, we will look at the 10 best SEO tips for choosing your SEO plan for your SME.

SEO planning

photo credit: Fauxels /Pexels

Running an organization is a hard task. You might have a stable flow of truly remaining patrons, but we constantly want to make assured we have a group of new people.

Maintaining your website update can be a tough task, too. And your SEO might want a serious upgrade or maybe you have never done much with it at all, thinking it was too challenging or too costly.

Fortunately for you, you are not alone.

If you are experiencing trouble with your current SEO campaign, we are here for you, too!…

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Six Reasons Why Retail Stores Should Sell Gift Cards

Did you know that gift cards can help small businesses, such as retail stores? Gift cards are among the most common gifts for people of all ages, especially during birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, and other occasions outside the holiday season. The giver can feel secure about their gifts and allow the recipient to choose what they want to buy out of the gift cards.

Retail gift cards

photo credit: LaniElderts / Flickr

Many retail stores today take advantage of gift cards to level up the experience of both the giver and the recipient. Today, you’ll find out the reasons why it’s a great idea to sell gift cards.…

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Linkedin Marketing: 13 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Since Linkedin is the biggest professional network in the world, it’s safe to say that this platform holds undeniable potential when it comes to marketing. This popular networking platform can become a powerful tool in your digital arsenal. A well-throughout LinkedIn marketing strategy generates more leads and boosts sales among an array of other benefits.

LinkedIn marketing

In fact, if you run a B2B company, LinkedIn is a far more important platform than Facebook or Twitter for your business. Besides generating traffic and converting leads, LinkedIn is also a dependable platform for building long-lasting relationships.

When you’re using LinkedIn for sales and marketing, it’s crucial to realize that LinkedIn is different from other social networking sites.…

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6 Reasons Why Content Fuel Writing Service Can Help Solve Your Website’s Content Problems

Content is king, yet one of the biggest challenges websites face is the creation of consistent, quality content. There are so many options when you’re looking for SEO writing services, but which ones are superb? Which ones are qualified? A content writing subscription can help you get the quantity of content that your brand needs, but will it get you the quality? Obviously, if you’re looking for content creation options, then you can always create content yourself, but this can be difficult.

Outsourcing your content creation

First, you’ve got to create engaging and relevant content. Then, you’ve got to create a lot of it! If you don’t have time to do this, then you’ll turn to one of the aforementioned services or a copywriter.…

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7 Reasons to Add PPC to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Pay per click or PPC is quickly gaining popularity as a strategy for online marketing. It allows advertisers to buy a spot on search engines. When users type a keyword, the ad will appear on top. It’s an excellent strategy for businesses that are yet to make their online presence felt.

PPC marketing

The good thing is that the advertiser will only pay if users click on the ads. Experts like New York City PPC Agency can also help craft strategies to boost online popularity. These are the reasons why including a PPC campaign for digital marketing is worth the price.

1. It’s a cost-effective strategy

The good thing about this strategy is that it’s cost-effective.…

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14 Tips to Improve Your Small Business Branding Efforts

Branding is essential to the success of a small business. With the right kind, you can more easily build strong relationships, show customers what you believe in and stand out from the crowd.

Small business branding

A good branding plan can be tough to pull off — but the right approach can make a significant difference.

Here are 14 tips that can help any small business improve its branding efforts.

1. Know Your Audience

Most branding strategies begin with market research. Know your customers — who they are, what they need and what they’re not getting from businesses right now. This can help you tailor-fit your branding to the audience you have and the one you want to build.…

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5 Simple Ways to Quickly Outrank Your Local Competitors

Whether you already had a website dedicated to your local business before the pandemic happened, or are now preparing to build one, local SEO will play a critical role in your success.

Local SEO

So what makes local SEO so much better than regular SEO? To put it simply, it is easier to rank for location specific keywords than ranking for generic keywords. This is because in most cases, only small, local businesses, that are limited in number, are ranking for a location specific keyword. On the other hand, everyone from local businesses to multinational conglomerates are working relentlessly to rank for generic keywords.…

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Why You Should Start Investing In SEO When Opening a New Business

SEO is something that many people may never have heard of before, but if they decide to open a business, then they will realize that those are three of the most important letters they will ever hear. SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is what is used to get a website to rank higher on the SERPs (search engine results pages). A higher rank means more visibility, which means more traffic, and eventually more customers.

Choosing a reliable SEO agency

SEO is invaluable to a business but it needs to be implemented right from the beginning if it is going to be as effective as possible.…

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How I Teach My Students To Get 5-10 New Coaching Clients Per Month (Without Spending a Dime on Ads or Building a Webinar)

When coaching clients are told that a coach will help them land five to ten new clients a month, there’s often a concern that they will be advised by the coach to invest in ads or build out a webinar. These are some of the most commonly used sales techniques that coaches advise. And while they may be effective at times, they also require a financial investment, which is unnecessary when there is a more effective method of selling available.

Business coaching

At Impact School, I teach my students how to make a high impact offer and to sell it using a technique that I call “permission-based relationship marketing.”…

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