Lessons in Branding: Companies Who Do Logo Design Right

Visuals are a big and important part of branding, and while many little pieces make up that brand identity, the first and most important thing is the logo. The logo is the entryway into your brand. It’s meant to be something people will know and recognize as soon as they see it.


photo credit: Lalesh Aldarwish / Pexels

When a brand has an iconic logo, it’s carries through in everything they do, from the packaging, and the website to the social media, and how people feel about interacting with it. That’s why coming up with a logo is an important part of brand design, and something that has to be taken seriously.…

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How Upselling Can Maximize Your Catering Business

If you have a successful event planning venture in the catering industry, then you’ve probably invested blood, sweat, and tears to make it thrive. Kudos to you! But are you taking advantage of every opportunity available in your niche?

Children catering business

For example, if you specialize in catering for children’s events, are you making every effort to capitalize on this venue? If you’ve asked yourself these questions, then we have a few ideas about how upselling can maximize earning potential for your catering business.

The Art Upselling and How it Can Maximize Earnings for Your Catering Business

The best way to squeeze optimal revenue for your catering service lies in the art of upselling.…

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Tried and True Marketing Techniques to Utilize in 2022

Identifying a profitable business niche and defining the perfect demographic is pretty complicated. If you happen to succeed in your selection, deciding which marketing techniques to sell your products or services won’t be easy. The ideal marketing strategies can see your business grow and profits upsurge.

Marketing techniques for 2022

Are you in search of tried and true marketing techniques to push your business towards success in 2022? Stay tuned to get ideas of the best solutions to consider.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has gained thrilling momentum in recent years, with dozens of corporations and organizations using it to sell their businesses far and deeper.…

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8 Ideas to Build a Customer Community From Scratch

Customer communities have tremendous potential to help you build your business. Stronger customer communities can attract new people to your brand, encourage loyalty for existing customers, and even relieve some of the burden of customer service.

Customer community meetup

So how can you build a thriving customer community from scratch?

The Value of a Customer Community

There are many different ways to build a customer community. You could encourage customers to share their personal experiences with your product or show how it can be used in novel ways. You could use it as a help and assistance forum, where people can exchange ideas and provide each other help.…

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Does Virtual Tour Adds Value To Your Marketing Efforts

A virtual tour is a panoramic, 3D virtual presentation of a property or event used as an additional marketing tool to attract visitors and buyers. Although virtual tours were not widely used in the past years (just like Google+), they have recently gained popularity because of their benefits.

Virtual tour

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

Virtual tours can increase online exposure and direct traffic to your website. In today’s virtual world, virtual tours are becoming more and more commonplace.

By virtual tour, we don’t necessarily mean a fully interactive real-time virtual reality that will blow your mind and transport you into the scene captured on camera.…

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3 Ways to Generate Consumer Trust Online

Competition with big brands is already one of the most significant challenges for small business owners. Next to high-street names, the little guy scarcely gets a look in.

Generate online trust

Then there’s the complications of online trade, wherein cyberspace customers prefer more than ever to opt for familiar companies they already know and trust. In this respect, the world of ecommerce is just as ruthless an environment.

That’s why your website’s first impression, as well as any other online outputs, are of the utmost importance in building a relationship with your clients. These are just a few helpful tips on perfecting your website.…

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Struggling to Connect With Your Audience? 7 Tips for Better Facebook Engagement

You’ve used Facebook for years to keep in touch with former classmates, family friends, distant relatives. Some of these folks you probably wouldn’t speak to at all, for one reason or another, had Facebook not made it easy to do so.

Your efforts consistently generate engagement. So why can’t you get the same results on the business side of things, where it arguably matters even more?

Facebook engagement

photo credit: George Pagan III / Unsplash

You can. It’ll just take some work and some unlearning of Facebook “best practices” you thought you knew. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Share Personal Stories From Your Team or the People You Serve

Facebook audiences are more inclined to connect with brands that come off as authentic and empathetic.…

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Things a Video Production Company Should Have

According to Cisco, 82% of traffic on the internet will be due to videos in 2022- 15 times higher than in 2017. Further, another survey by Cisco states that a million minutes of videos are crossed over the internet every second. These statistics highlight why video marketing is gaining traction more than ever before. The adoption of video marketing by businesses of varying sizes in their digital strategy has created a demand for corporate video production companies.

Video production crew

Hiring a video production company can revitalize your digital marketing efforts to brew new advertisements or titivate existing videos. Before you are tempted to sign up for the very next local video production company that comes up in your Google searches- let us delve into some important parameters that require consideration and will assist you in making a conclusive decision regarding the same.…

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How Online Marketing Campaigns Can be Effective to Maximize Sales

Many businesses, small and big ones depend on marketing to grow revenue and customers. Marketing is undoubtedly a powerful tool that can make a startup an overnight success. But it largely depends on how unique, engaging and meaningful your marketing campaign is. This is surprisingly true for both online and offline marketing.

Online marketing campaign

But is online marketing worth the investment? Can you rely on these campaigns to generate promising results and revenue for your business? The answer is affirmative.

A well-strategized online marketing campaign is developed and implemented to achieve predefined goals. Whether it is about reaching out to a broad set of audiences or driving customers to the online store, you can write your sounds marketing plans to the executable campaigns.…

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7 Effective Way to Improve Your Conversion

If you are running an ecommerce business, it’s important that you focus on improving the conversion rate. As more businesses are coming online to sell products and build new customers, it’s crucial to gain an edge. Whether you are a startup or a small-sized e-commerce company, having robust strategies will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Small business ecommerce site

If you are new to improving conversion rate, then don’t worry as experts from the best SEO reseller have got you covered. In this post, we will have a look at the top seven ways to improve conversion. Let’s first begin with understanding what conversion rate is.…

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