4 Tips for Enhancing Customer Experience

Customer experience is vital to the success and growth of your business. It relates to how well you respond to the needs of your customers and how effective you are in making sure your products or services revolve around these needs.

Waiter taking order

photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

By focusing on customer experience, you can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat sales. When done right, you get to turn people into brand advocates and acquire a bigger share of your market.

Coming up with an effective strategy for improving customer experiences should be your top priority. Here are a few tips to help you get started on that road.…

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Differences Between Dripify and Octopus CRM LinkedIn Automation Tools

When you start using any automation strategies for your LinkedIn account, the most important decision is to choose the right tool between Octopus CRM and Dripify. Although both offer an amazing set of features, they are somehow different from each other.

LinkedIn automation: Dripify vs. Octopus


Octopus CRM is one of the all-in-one LinkedIn automation platforms designed for business owners, marketers, and recruiters. Whereas, Dripify is specially curated for salespersons, which has improved prospecting quality and can close much more deals by running a suitable campaign. So now comes the major question, which tool is appropriate for your business?

Don’t worry. This guide will clear all the doubts that will help you decide on the appropriate tool.…

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How do I Find my Keyword Ranking on Google?

Google ranking

“Where does my website rank on Google?”

That can definitely be considered to be a burning question on the mind of every digital marketer and SEO professional anywhere across the globe. A question that often follows that one is:

“For which keywords does my website rank on Google?”

These two questions might just not be on your mind, but these questions can also be asked by your manager or the clients. And if you are an SEO professional or digital marketer, it is your job to know the answers to them.

No matter how much experience or expertise you have in the field of SEO and digital marketing, and regardless of whether you are running a relatively new website, or one that has been around for a few years, you must know how to check keyword ranking in Google.…

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How Much Should You Expect to Pay for Marketing Services?

When growing your business as an entrepreneur, you know digital marketing is one of the most critical areas you can choose to spend your money. But if you haven’t spent money on an outsourced digital marketing agency yet, or haven’t recently, you may be unsure about what you can expect to get in return.

Marketing services

Of course, like most aspects of business, the answers are dependent on circumstance. The cost of digital marketing will depend on the caliber and experience of the agency you hire, the size of your business, and the services you want. So, what exactly should you expect to spend on digital marketing?…

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Take Your Marketing to a New Level With French Copywriting

If you’re keen on taking your company to an international level, you’ll need to start thinking about advertising in more than your native language. Even if you already have a large base of high-quality content in one language, reaching new audiences might require something more. If you’re trying to reach a French target audience, you’ll need effective French copywriting to achieve that.


How can French copywriting help you grow your business internationally, and what are its benefits? Let’s take a closer look!

Expand beyond your home country with French copywriting

By using the services of an experienced French copywriter, you can reach European-wide audiences and help your international business grow and expand.…

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Benefits of Hiring a White-Label Website Development Company

E-commerce is growing with increasing technological advancement and growing internet penetration globally. Businesses can take advantage of the broad reach of the e-commerce website and use it to scale new heights.

Web development company

Businesses can seek advantages of the digital world by using white-label website development. Not every person is an expert in website development, though they might have some ideas here and there but not enough skills for it to make them come alive. It’s better to focus your attention on the core functioning of the business and outsourcing website development work.

Irrespective of your business operation- geographic location or stage, hiring a quality white-label website development company will help your business grow by leaps and bounds.…

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The Importance of Social Media Marketing to a Brand

If you can remember roughly a decade ago, a small number of social media platforms first came into existence as a way for students to interact with one another and share knowledge.

Social Media Marketing for brands

Now, the world will seem very different due to the impact of social media. It has completely disrupted every sector of the economy and changed the way people connect in every possible way.

This includes the way in which we manage our company.

The social media platforms continue to amaze us with the incredible new features they roll out with each passing year, all of which contribute to the creation of a brighter future.…

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Outsourcing Digital Marketing: 10 Factors to Look at When Choosing Your Contractor

All departments of a company working in-house are a thing of the past. Due to many factors, outsourcing is the ‘norm’ for most businesses these days. But finding the perfect contractor to get the job done can be a long and challenging process.

businesswoman outsourcing digital marketing work

Companies must look for a candidate that meets all the criteria to take on the outsourcing assignments. Outsourcing digital marketing is something many businesses need to consider to reach a vast amount of potential customers.

These 10 factors should be considered when choosing a contractor.

1. Availability

In-house jobs may be the typical 9-5 workday, but digital marketing is 24 hours a day.…

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Six Cloud Marketplaces You Should Consider For Your Products

You’ve just created mind-blowing software that will change the industry as we know it. But there’s a problem: you’re not quite sure how to get it in front of potential customers. You could try the traditional route and approach big companies directly, but that takes time, money, and a lot of convincing. A better option might be to sell your software on a cloud marketplace.

Amazon online marketplace

There are many marketplaces to choose when selling your products or services on the cloud. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best cloud marketplaces, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each one so you can decide which one is right for you.…

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Are Smartphones Good Enough to Shoot a Professional Video With?

Smartphones are continuing to get better and better, with more powerful cameras and features. But are they good enough to shoot a professional video with? Are they good enough to record high-quality content for your business or next venture?

Product marketing using smartphone video recording

We’re focusing on this today, bringing together everything you need to know when producing video content for your business and how you invest in content marketing ventures.

What to Consider When Recording Video for Business

Let’s start with the basics.

When recording video for your business, your production quality is everything. The thing is, nowadays, high-quality video content is everywhere, and it’s important you take time to stand out from the crowd.…

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