Creating Virtual Spaces to Facilitate Customer Success

Customer success begins with the first touch someone has with your brand. Every interaction reinforces your messaging. Each contact highlights your product in a different way. These are the building blocks of the relationships you have with your audience.

Enabling customer success

Dedicated account and success managers are a fantastic way to ensure your customers receive the care they need, but they are relatively invasive—they involve scheduling and a lot of active work from both sides to translate objectives effectively between customers and providers.

You likely know that you need to reinforce customer success organically and meet your customers where they are. But what if, instead, you focus on placing them where you both need them to be?…

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Modern Restaurant and Bar Trends That Are Attracting Patrons

With the emergence of food delivery apps, restaurants and bars everywhere have been experiencing a significant decrease in physical patronage. This is not a major concern for your locality’s more established businesses, but for many smaller businesses who are still looking to carve a niche for themselves, it can be tricky knowing how to attract a crowd.

Restaurant setting

Here are a few ways small business owners can reclaim control and effortlessly up their venue’s foot traffic.

1. Your POS system and you

When given a choice between ‘Cash Only’ and ‘Cashless’, the correct answer should always be neither. You want to make sure that your point of sale system (or POS) is able to take payments from absolutely all potential customers.…

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Top 5 Tips for Hiring the Right Candidate

Regardless of how much experience you have in running a business, it’s only normal that you will want to have the best team working for you. Having employees who strive for perfection and go above and beyond their call of duty can help keep your company running successfully and accordingly to plan.

Hiring tips

When hiring new employees, there are various factors to address, so here are the top five tips for hiring the right candidate for your company.

Define the Role Before Hiring

When advertising a position in your business, it’s important that you outline the mandatory duties, skills, and responsibilities that are required from candidates.…

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4 Effective Tips to Leverage Outsourcing and Scale Your Company

Outsourcing has become a universal tool to facilitate business processes so many tech companies around the globe start looking for outsourcing solutions – both nearshore and offshore. If to think in the long-term perspective, outsourcing could be a nice start to implement the scaling strategy of a company.

Business outsourcing

In this article, we’ll try to give useful tips to help IT companies leverage outsourcing to scale their business.

The outsourcing model is about contracting with a service provider to delegate some business functions. As a rule, it’s done either in the near- or offshore to save costs.

Many IT companies look for new outsourcing opportunities in developing East European countries like Ukraine, Romania or Poland.…

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A Complete Guide To Hiring The Perfect Tools For Your Company

It’s prevalently established that tool hire is a better option because it is cost-effective, hassle-free, and provides flexibility to one’s business. But you can’t buy tools from anywhere or everywhere.

Tool hire tips

Therefore, here is the guide for your reference when you are going to hire tools.

What is best for you? Renting or buying?

Before even hitting the road to find your company to hire tools from, you need to be sure whether you wish to purchase or rent. For this, you need to look at your budget, which will help you decide.

If you are low on budget, then it goes without saying that you should rent rather than buying.…

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How to Prepare for a Conference

Are you speaking for the first time at a conference? It’s quite nerve-wracking, isn’t it? The amount of pressure from this one event can feel so overwhelming, especially if you haven’t done it before. Don’t worry, though.

Conference speaking tips

There are three easy things you can do to prepare for a conference so you can deliver your speech eloquently and confidently.

1. Write the speech

You can’t deliver a speech without the actual speech. So sit down and write it before your big conference. You want to write a speech that is both informative and engaging. The last thing you want is for your audience to drift off while you’re presenting on stage.…

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How to Get a Good Work-Life Balance?

The line between work and personal life can often become blurry. In some cases work can and does encroach, becomes an all encompassing thing. Entrepreneurs spend weeks, sometimes months on end attempting to reach the break-even point of their new business. In other cases, bosses may be breathing down your neck, expecting you to be reachable at all hours of the day or night.

Work-life balance

You need to strike a balance in this delicate ecosystem between work and work related matters and your life outside of it. Being “all work and no play” is not only hazardous to your mental and physical health, but can negatively impact relationships.…

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5 Costs You’ll Incur While Working at Home (And How to Minimize Each)

You love working at home. But is it a drag on your finances?

It’s no secret that running a home office involves overhead costs that traditional office-dwellers don’t have to deal with personally. Managing them doesn’t have to be a full-time job, though.

Expenses incurred when working at home

Many home office workers pursue part- or full-time work-at-home opportunities that provide scalable income potential. Fundraising distribution is a great example: Full- and part-time fundraising distributors sell high-profit fundraising products that help charitable organizations, school clubs, faith groups, and others raise funds for their work. According to the experts at ABC Fundraising, fundraising distributors working full-time from home can earn $5,000 per month or more.…

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How to Compare and Choose the Right Transcription Service

When it comes to transcription services, it is important that you make sure you compare and choose the right ones for you. This is because it can make your decision a lot easier and it can do you a lot of favours if you choose the right service.

Transcription service provider

In this article, we will discuss how you can compare and choose the right transcription service. If this is something that you want to investigate and find out more about then, make sure you read over this article.

Find Out What Service You Need

There are different ways to use transcription and depending on what you need it for you will be able to find the one that is best suited to you.…

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Security Risk Management For Enhanced Cybersecurity In SMBs

Risk is inherent to all businesses, whether large or small. Unfortunately, there seems to be a greater focus on high-impact criminal activities within large corporations. Since the media focus on large businesses, it is easy to think that your small business is not at risk. However, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are at a higher risk since they do not have the resources to handle data breaches. More importantly, 60% of SMBs go out of business after a cybersecurity breach.

Risk management tips

The 2018 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report found that 58% of cyberattacks target small to medium-sized enterprises. Ultimately, SMEs or SMBs are more accessible for penetration than large corporations.…

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