How to Make Sure You Hire the Best Applicant for the Job

If you’re a small business owner, chances are that hiring can be one of your most stressful duties. After all, hiring the right person for your team can make all the difference in the world. Get the right person for the job, and you’re set to see your bottom line soar. But hire the wrong candidate, and you’ve got a whole mess of trouble on your hands.

Hiring the best job applicants

Let’s take a moment to relieve some of that stress. In this post, we’ll focus on what you need to know to make sure you hire the best applicant for the job. Let’s take a look.…

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The Best Vehicle Fleet Management Practices for Small Businesses

$1.6 trillion, was the total logistical costs incurred by U.S. companies in the year 2018.

The cost translates to about 8% of the Gross Domestic Product. Most companies in the United States are willing to invest as much as 10% of their sales on logistical management to ensure flawless business operations.

Commercial fleet

The growing focus on logistical management confirms the fact that logistics is the line between order and disorder. Fleet management is among the areas that have the potential of bringing sanity or insanity in a business. Without a proper vehicle fleet management approach, you may end up dealing with some nasty logistical mishaps.…

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Is Your Office Space Causing Low Employee Productivity?

If you own a business, you must be familiar that it’s not a walk in the park running it. The privilege of being your own boss comes at the cost of dealing with new challenges every day. Some of these challenges are beyond your control, while the rest can be worked and improved upon.

Unproductive employee

Unarguably, employees are the biggest asset for any company. So, if your employees lack productivity, it will directly impact your business efficiency and overall profitability.

There are several reasons for low employee productivity, including poor job training, an unfriendly work environment and ineffective management. In this post, we’re summarising ways to improve your office space to enhance employee productivity.…

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Understanding Inventory Management Software

If you have been in one of your city’s larger supermarkets, take a look around you. Right in that moment, you are bearing witness to one of humanity’s largest victories in logistics.

Using inventory management software

All these big shops move products around and across multiple storage units and store fronts from all corners of the world. One of the biggest retailers we know today has been reported to own warehouses in at least 50 countries. And when we convert these numbers into money, we could probably come up with a number similar to a the GDP of a medium sized country.

Given these huge numbers also comes immeasurable complexities.…

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CRM: Why You Need To Learn The Basics Of This Software

CRM software is the primary automation tool that’s used for customer relationship management in a business organization. In a more profound sense, it also refers to the strategies and technologies that companies use to reach out to customers. Not only does CRM software apply to their existing customers, but also to those they’re still trying to target.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The general point is that with CRM, it’s easier for companies to build strong relationships with their customers, as well as to foster loyalty and customer retention.

That said, here are compelling reasons why it’s imperative to learn the basics of CRM for small business.…

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3 Ways to Smooth the Friction Between Sales and Marketing

Of all the departments within a small business, perhaps no two have a more dysfunctional relationship than sales and marketing. Different surveys reveal different reasons for this, but the most common culprit is poor communication. The sales team might believe marketing should provide better leads, while marketing might think sales should do a better job closing the leads it does generate.

Fostering sales and marketing department relationship

To the customer, however, sales and marketing are one and the same. Breaking down the departmental silos that often separate these teams is the first step to improving communication and aligning goals. As a result, sales will better understand how to appeal to leads, and marketing will understand what’s needed to convert those leads into customers further down the sales funnel.…

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing The Procurement Process

Artificial intelligence is a sophisticated technology distinguished by its unique ability to adapt behavior based on data specific to the system in which its operating. By introducing AI into procurement practices, organizations can streamline more complex processes that would otherwise require manual efforts. Not only will this ultimately reduce the risk of human error but will help to drive operational efficiency as well.

AI in procurement

While AI can be identified as any software consisting of smart algorithms, there exist a variety of subsets underneath the broader definition. From Machine Learning (ML) to Natural Language Processing (NLP), all present a capacity to adapt behaviors based on distinct data-powered algorithms designed to imitate human intelligence.…

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Simple Basics For Small Business Startups

2020 Proofing Your Small Business

Startup management

There is a vast amount of people who are realizing that branching out on their own in a business venture is well worth leaving behind being the backbone for someone else’s gain. Working for yourself is definitely not easy and the hours are well beyond the normal nine to five grind of being someone else’s employee. However, for a lot of new business startups, it’s worth the risk.

With so many people joining the new business sector, how do you keep your own investments from tanking? It’s a super frequent question that every small business owner asks in the beginning and answers aren’t as hard to acquire as you would think.…

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Gender Equity and the Workplace: Has Anything Changed?

There’s no question that women gained ground in workplace equity in the last 40 years. More women work in management and executive positions now than ever. Still, gender equity is elusive. But, the labor statistics for the last half of 2019 tell a surprising story. Here’s what they show.

Successful businesswoman

Women Move In

No matter what the sector, whether it’s the military, government, business or academia, women traditionally had and still have a difficult time reaching upper-level management positions. But, when women manage to break the barriers, such as financial professional Daniella Rand, featured in this ValueWalk article, they excel.

The fact that women have broken through the barriers and do so in higher numbers serves as an inspiration to younger women entering male-dominated fields.…

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Is Your Business Guilty of Making These 5 Productivity Mistakes?

When just starting out your business, you may believe that all business models can be applied to create the perfect environment. But this isn’t so. The majority of startups fail within the first five years because they didn’t have a sound business model in mind. However, it’s the daily goings-on of the business that determines success.

Successful CEO leading a meeting

To prevent that from happening, here are five productivity mistakes you can avoid to ensure that your business is heading in the right direction.

Putting Too Much Thought into Strategy

Many business owners are caught in the loop of thinking about what they should be doing instead of actually taking action.…

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