Team Building Tips – Integrating Fun with Rewards

Encouraging people to work collaboratively is not only good for business, it also boosts employee morale. While nearly one third of employees are not particularly fond of team building exercises, research shows that teams are able to create a more productive and cohesive work environment, which in turn, leads to employee and client retention, as well as higher profit margins.

Team building activity

The key, then, is creating fun team building initiatives for your employees, while also integrating coveted rewards as incentives.

What are the Physical Limitations of Your Staff?

When deciding on a team building event, take into consideration that, ideally, everyone should at least be able to participate, if they so desire.…

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Taking Your Business on The Road? You’ll need These Essentials

More businesses than ever before are hitting the road and becoming mobile and it’s easy to see why. When you’re mobile, you don’t have to worry about expensive overheads, such as rent and utilities, you’re in charge of your own schedule, and have the opportunity to market your brand to a wider audience. In short, it’s a simple, yet highly effective way to magnify your income every single year.

Food truck owner

photo credit: Kampus Production / Pexels

Of course, there are associated costs with running any mobile business, and these vary depending on the type of business you own. A food truck, for example, may cost significantly more to run each month than a mobile beauty business.…

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10 Do’s and Don’ts of Wireframing

Wireframing is arguably one of the first and most important steps when it comes to any design process. It is that stage where your idea begins to make sense and take the desired direction.


Although wireframing normally appears simple, the way it is done will determine the quality of the final product.

What Is a Wireframe?

A wireframe can be described as a simple skeleton of your product or work. A wireframe doesn’t use actual user interface elements but instead uses placeholders. In other words, wireframes are usually used in the initial design stages to validate information architecture as wells as any user flows.…

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Salon Inventory Management is a key to Retail Sales

If you are a Salon Owner or a Manager, at least once you would have entered into the stock room only to find out the product has run out of stock. Moments like these can bring an odd situation among you and the customer because they have visited your Salon for a particular service accompanied with a certain product and now you have run out of stock.

Salon business

When you run a Salon, you need to be clear about two things. What do you need and how much do you need. According to the Small Business Association of America, failure to manage stock inventory is one of the main reasons why Salons fail.…

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What Enterprise, Mid-Size, and Small Businesses Need to Consider for Launching Cross-Border E-commerce Strategies

The e-commerce retail market is set for massive growth: Statista reports that e-commerce retail purchases will rise to 22 percent of worldwide retail purchases in 2023 – up from 18.1 percent in 2021. Cross-border e-commerce was on a climb before the events of 2020, but the pandemic spurred even more growth.

Cross-border ecommerce strategy

Brick-and-mortar shops had to close for a period, and online retail became the sole option for most shoppers, cementing it as a preferred shopping method for many consumers. Businesses of all sizes are looking to branch out into the cross-border e-commerce realm and are doing so at a crucial moment, but there are factors to consider depending on your business’s size.…

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6 Things to Evaluate During Uncertain Periods of Your Life

Most people experience periods of uncertainty at different times in their lives. As you age and grow, you change as a person. Sometimes, those changes happen gradually, and sometimes they occur seemingly overnight.

Thinking about life

If you or your life circumstances have changed, you may feel unsettled or uncertain about the future. It may be tempting to push those feelings away, but it is a good idea to see them as an opportunity to evaluate your life and implement positive changes.

1. Belief System

Everyone has a unique set of beliefs that they adhere to. Those beliefs often help shape the identity of each person, and if those beliefs are shaken at any time, it can be difficult to cope.…

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Don’t Make Your Big Apple Move Too Costly, Get the Best Possible Price With Your NYC Movers

With its congested intersections and mile-high residential blocks, New York City can be a difficult area to move to. Although the prospect of settling there is thrilling, moving without the proper help of NYC Movers who have the resources and knowledge will easily become overwhelming.

Moving company

Indeed, it will require a whole lot of preparation when you decide to move to New York City. Seasonal weather variations are important, which you must remember while planning to unload. Even before you settle at your new house, navigating the numerous bridges and tunnels will prove challenging.

It may easily become a fiasco for the New York newcomer.…

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A Guide to Decorating a Corporate Workplace

With some businesses you are always going to need an office. It serves as a professional place where you can meet with clients and suppliers alike. Now, with such spaces, you do have to pay attention to the décor.

Corporate workplace design

photo credit: Uneebo Office Design / Unsplash

It is important for you to setup and maintain a place that doesn’t just look sophisticated, but also gives some idea about the business that you are running. If you want to learn how to manage all of this, here is what you should do:

Start with the Right Base

First things first, it is all about the paint.…

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Why Sales Territory Management Matters to Your Business

As a business’ sales organization grows, business owners typically start to find that they need new management techniques to keep sales operations efficient. Without changes, they may struggle with overlapping sales territories, or find that they can’t truly meet customer needs.

Sales territory management

Territory is a group of customers spread over a specific geographic area. Sales territory management is how your business decides which salespeople are assigned to a particular territory, the marketing methods you use and how you plan to expand into new areas.

For small businesses with a growing customer base, sales territory management is essential for optimizing your sales team and ensuring that you stay competitive wherever you operate.…

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Why Manufacturing Training is Important in The Digital Age

Within the manufacturing industry, training is a huge focus – and for good reason. Manufacturing roles come with their own unique set of challenges, and many can be physically demanding and dangerous. The safety and wellbeing of a workforce rely heavily on the effectiveness of training.

Manufacturing training

Industry 4.0

The manufacturing industry is a far cry from what it was fifty years ago. This means organisations need to be continuously embracing change and all the growing pains that go with it. This means that mindsets and skill sets need to evolve too. If they don’t, they’ll get left behind the competition.

The rise of technology and automation within the industry has been something to contend with, and whilst these things have arguably made things easier for manufacturing workers – taking over dangerous procedures and speeding up assembly processes, for instance – computer-aided manufacturing is simply not possible without a skilled and highly-trained workforce.…

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