Becoming a Freelance Consultant: 5 Specializations to Consider

Not every business owner has the knowledge to manage all departments effectively. This is why so many small businesses now look to outsource certain jobs or depend on freelance consultants to help them master managing their business.

Freelance consulting

Professional consultants are in high demand, and if you’re knowledgeable enough to launch your own consultancy, there’s plenty of money to be made.

Despite often costing a pretty penny, consultants can be hired for as little or as long as needed. That means it’s usually a lot more cost-efficient for small businesses than hiring a specialist to work full time.

If you are interested in helping businesses across the globe work more efficiently and effectively, your knowledge could be your secret superpower.…

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How CEOs Can Use Digital Transformation to Improve Customer Retention

The buck usually stops on the CEOs table, especially for small businesses, and marketers who do the main job of converting and retaining customers don’t find their task easy; it takes ingenuity to convert a customer, and the effort that goes into retaining customers can at best be described as herculean. The conversion rate has become more of a mirage now that customers mostly do their shopping online.

Customer retention via digital transformation

The changes we are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic have deemed it absolutely necessary that small businesses must thrive. While this is so, the competition is getting stiffer, even for large corporations.…

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What B2B Research Solutions Can Do To Help Your Business Grow

Standing for Business to Business, B2B research has several differences with B2C (Business to Consumers) research. True to its name, the involved participants in B2B research are mostly businesses or companies. Meanwhile, in B2C, individual consumers are mainly the targets or participants. Just from the participants, it can be seen that B2B has more complexity.

Developing B2B research strategy for decision making using BI reports

Luckily, there are dozens of marketing consultants that assist in making and doing this type of research. Before getting to know more about the aids that they could provide, here is a brief explanation about the B2B or Business to Business model.

What Is B2B?

The term refers to any transactional activities that happen between a company with other companies.…

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How to Create a Work Space in Virtually any Area of the Home

Here is some much-needed great news: you do not need a dedicated home office to work successfully from home. With some creativity, you can set up a functional workspace in a variety of unused and often overlooked spaces in your home.

Home work space

For example, the following ideas will help get you well on your way to a positive telecommuting experience:

Transform Your Stair Landing Area

For people who live in a two or more story home, check to see if you can turn the top of a stair landing into a workspace. To help define the workspace in the open area, consider painting a panel in a contrasting color on the wall behind your desk in approximately the width of the workspace all the way up to the ceiling.…

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The Ultimate Guide To Customer Feedback For 2021

If you run a business that offers products or services to customers, it’s normal that customers will talk about your brand and company. It’s a logical procedure once they make a purchase, they’ll have a view regarding the deal whether it was a good or bad experience and if there is room for betterment.

Customer giving feedback

Photo: Source

Therefore, listening to your customers is the most significant thing you can ever do. In the end, a case study has shown that it can cost you around 5 to 25 times more to gain new customers than it costs to keep existing ones.

This should remind you that customer loyalty is crucial.…

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What Are the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make as a Business Owner?

When you own and run a business, the marketing aspect of it must be done correctly. Your prospective consumers will not know you exist until you advertise to them, and they will not come to you to purchase your products and services unless you market to them.

Serious business owner

This is just one of the many mistakes that a small business owner can so easily fall prey to. Therefore, it’s crucial that you research what it takes to be a business owner and even find a mentor if you can – after all, they have already been through your mistakes and can help you avoid them entirely – if you want to be successful.…

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Construction Site Injuries: 4 Most Common Accidents to be Aware of

While firefighting, peacekeeping, and armed services are among the most dangerous professions, mines, factories, and construction sites are some of the riskiest workplaces in the world for civilians. According to the National institutes of Health (NIH), construction workers are injured at a 71% higher rate than the national average for workers across every industry in the United States.

Construction site safety

photo credit: Alexandar Pasaric / Pexels

With these alarming stats simply acting as the tip of the iceberg, it is important for both workers and employers to be aware of the most common injuries and accidents in construction sites.

Struck-by/Crushed In-Between Vehicles

Being struck or crushed by a moving construction vehicle has resulted in some of the most gruesome injuries and fatalities in the past.…

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What to Look for in a Vehicle for Your Business

For many companies, owning or having access to a business vehicle is a non-negotiable. Whether you need your vehicles for employees who are out on the road a lot, for deliveries, transporting of goods or any other purposes, the vehicle you choose is an important decision.

Business vehicles

Your business vehicles can impact not only your budget but how smoothly your company operates on a day-to-day basis. Here are some key things you should be looking out for.

Make and Model

One of the biggest decisions you will make when it comes to your business vehicle is what you need to buy. This will be mainly determined by the type of role the vehicle will play within your business, how often it will be used, what it will be used for and other factors like this.…

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How  to Scale Your Business

If you’ve launched a successful business, it’s because you’ve mastered the basics of entrepreneurship, marketing, customer acquisition, and team management.

Business scaling

While this is more than enough to continue to operate your business at its current level, what should you do if you aspire to scale your business? Figuring out how to do it isn’t easy because it means revamping your company’s processes and systems and multiplying its output.

Two ways to grow your business to impressive numbers are expanding your market reach and uncover hidden business constraints.

Expand Your Market Reach

One way to do this is to research different types of outdoor advertising media.

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5 Ways to Streamline Your Small Business Operation

From cottage industry enterprise to semi-successful chains, the world of small business covers a wide array of shapes and sizes. One small business owner might be running an operation entirely online, whereas another does everything through a brick-and-mortar establishment. With that said, virtually every small business operation relies on efficiency and competitive advantage. More times than not, both are one and the same.

Small business operations

With this in mind, let’s take a look at five effective ways for small business owners to streamline their operation going forward:

Invest in technology

Few if any small business operations benefit from lagging behind on the latest technology.…

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