Freelancers Bring Flexibility, Expertise, and Ease: Here’s How They Can Help Your ECommerce Businesses Grow 

Hiring a freelancer over a traditional employee can save you 30%, according to Creatives On Call. With this figure in mind, it’s not surprising that 47% of hiring managers say they’re likely to hire a freelancer in the future.

Hiring freelancer

photo credit: Toa Heftiba / Pexels

For ecommerce businesses, freelancers can be particularly beneficial. So, why should you bring a freelancer on board?

Better Marketing

Ecommerce is growing at a rapid pace. By next year, $6.5 trillion sales will be done online, so there’s a lot of competition. To ensure your company succeeds, your business and products need to stand out.…

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How Can I Write an Essay About The Hope?

As a student, you will get numerous essay assignments with different topics. One interesting topic your tutor might assign is hope.

Refining content

Hope is a creative topic that falls in the persuasive style of writing. You can derive many angles from hope since it has diverse dimensions. Whatever perspective you choose, you must convince your readers to agree with your opinion about hope. Since this assignment requires proper planning, you can get assignment writing help from certified writers online.

Most learners compose such assignments differently. That is why you can find different angles from the same topic. If you doubt your writing skills, you can hire a certified author from GradeMiners to help you with your assignment.…

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Tips for Successful Management of Your International Employees

Owning a thriving global business is not without its own challenges. While the pandemic has contributed to the increase of international hires, businesses now have options to source talents from a wider audience. Thankfully, technology has eased these processes, making the integration of these international talents easier.

International employee meeting

Because they are dispersed in different locations, there are some issues that may arise in the management of these employees, and this article is poised to address them so that you can enjoy your growing business. Here are some useful tips to manage your international employees for continuous success.

Have Clear Corporate Values and Team Structure

Since your team is international, it may be difficult to see their everyday processes in real-time.…

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4 Unique Business Career Choices

o you have a love for crunching numbers and learning more about new and interesting brands or companies? Are you interested in working in the business field but hate the idea of working in a cubicle? You’re in luck.

Social media manager on the job

There are a number of interesting career paths that allow you to work with business owners without the typical 9-to-5 business lifestyle. Here are four unique business career choices to keep in mind.

1. Business Lawyer

Business lawyers help business owners with various legal issues, including lawsuits and legal violations. They may help settle conflicts with customers, employees, and other businesses. Some business lawyers work primarily with small businesses, while others act as corporate attorneys.…

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What You Can Do as a Qualified Purchaser

Certain regulatory classifications dictate which investors can pursue investment opportunities that aren’t registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Qualified purchaser’ is one of the most common ones. Such an investor can, say, invest in shares issued by startups and privately held companies. While such investments carry a certain amount of risk, as do all investments, they can also reap significant rewards.

Qualified purchaser

There are other things you can do as a qualified purchaser.

Let’s look at that and more.

What is a Qualified Purchaser?

Along with accredited investors, qualified purchasers are among the most common regulatory classifications. Rather than just shares that are sold in markets that are open to the public, these investors can take advantage of private offerings and make other moves that we will discuss.…

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9 Tips to Help You Grow a Successful Business

Want to grow your business to its full potential? Here are a few tips to help you do so.

Business growth

1. Get Organized

One of the most important things you need to do to achieve success is to organize your daily work because it can help you complete your tasks faster and remain on top of things.

One of the best and easiest ways to organize your task is by creating a “to-do” list. To-do list will help you visualize what needs to be done in priority and gives you a good idea of how productive you were. This is essential for improving your business productivity as a whole.…

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Five Resources You Need to Start a Business in Oklahoma City

Venture into the business world from the booming metropolis of Oklahoma City–do you consider yourself an aspiring entrepreneur who dreams of starting a business? Buttress your business ideas with the right knowledge, planning, and execution. Preparation boosts your chances of securing a bright future for your thriving establishment.

Oklahoma City

What do I need to start a business?

Every startup needs physical, financial, and human assets. To start and sustain a prosperous business, you need resources like:

  • Knowledge
  • Capital
  • Labor
  • Equipment
  • Support

Explore the five essential resources required to start an Oklahoma City business in greater detail below.

Business knowledge: Start by educating yourself

Begin by understanding your industry dynamics.…

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Don’t Buy New: Preowned Business Equipment Can Save You Money

As a business owner, you know just how expensive it can be to outfit your office space with everything you and your employees need. Add this to the fact that prices on many items continue to rise, and you may find it impossible to buy everything you want and need.

Office equipment

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to save money. One of the best things you can do is purchase preowned business equipment. It may not be your number one choice, but don’t look down on it. There’s nothing wrong with heading down this path, especially if you know what you’re doing.…

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The Benefits of a File Cabinet Safe in the Workplace

Go back in time 20+ years and almost every workplace had a minimum of one filing cabinet. While a lot has changed since then — including a reduction in the amount of paper used — there are still many ways to use a filing cabinet to your advantage.

Filing cabinet

photo credit: Manuel Alvarez / Pixabay

Now, if you want to take things to the next level, you should consider what you get when you set up a file cabinet safe in your place of employment. This is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a file cabinet that doubles as a safe. So, not only are you getting the storage you need, but you’re also able to keep your documents secure.…

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6 Reasons Why Small Businesses Start Selling On Marketplaces

Small businesses are constantly on the lookout for ways to increase sales, where to find new customers, and how to get their attention. Among the many possible options, we can see that one of the most profitable ways is to start selling on marketplaces. According to the latest data, more than 50% of small businesses start selling on marketplaces.

Amazon online marketplace

Many experts suggest that in 15 years more than 90% of all purchases in the world will be made using the Internet.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons why small businesses are starting to appear more and more often on marketplaces.…

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