Customer Acquisition: 3 Ways to Track your Leads

The truth about market nowadays is that you are left alone on this battlefield. If you think that you are competing with businesses providing similar goods or services, you are completely wrong. The real nemesis is informational noise; the rival to knock out.

Making a business deal

The customer acquisition looks exactly like an auction – business has to be ready to pay more to catch intending purchaser’s attention. In other words, your flower shop is competing not only with other flower shops but with restaurants, financial institutions, and insurance companies, as well.

The acquisition cost is usually reaching breakeven, while the real revenue appears with only second, third or even fourth purchase.…

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5 Ways You Are Wasting Your Time – and How to Stop

If you are like many small-business owners, “busy” doesn’t even begin to describe your typical day. It seems like you are always on the go, with a never-ending to-do list and never enough time to do it all.

Bored staff in a boring meeting

But have you ever stopped to consider how you are actually spending your time? How much of each day do you spend actually doing things that help grow your business? How often do you climb into bed exhausted, lamenting the fact that you didn’t get nearly as much accomplished as you had hoped? If that sounds familiar, you aren’t alone. According to one survey, small-business owners cumulatively waste more than 4 billion hours every year on tasks that aren’t vital to business growth, such as administrative and supervisory tasks.…

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5 Do’s and Don’ts of Professional Office Etiquette (Hopefully you’re Not a Number 5!)

Though most of us are adults, it’s sometimes easy to forget the basics of establishing and maintaining good relationships with the people we work with.

Annoying businessman

Following are 5 do’s and don’ts of inter-office etiquette that everyone should know already, but which are often neglected:

1. Do: Show appreciation to coworkers and management.

Naturally, when someone does something kind for you, you need to say thank you. Failure to do so will result in you looking unappreciative, arrogant, narcissistic, or all the above!

For instance, if someone drops some documents you printed off on their way by your desk, make sure to thank them.…

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Tips For a Productive Working Environment

Your workspace environment can have a major impact on your overall productivity and motivation. Let’s face it, a drab and cold feeling office isn’t going to fill you with joy is it? Just a few simple changes can give your office an overhaul and create a warm and welcoming environment.

Tidy and clean office

If you’re a small business, then you want to make a solid first impression on potential clients and visitors, your space can tell a thousand words! You don’t need a huge budget to create a pleasing environment, just check out these top tips as a starting point:

1. A fresh lick of paint

Whether you’re moving into new offices or trying to jazz up your existing workspace then a fresh coat of paint is always number one on the list.…

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Office Rebranding: 7 Personalization Tips to Make Your Space Your Own

It seems that nine out of 10 offices look exactly the same: gray cubes, white walls, fluorescent lighting, and dull, dreary-eyed workers. While this uniformity may be the cheapest décor option, it certainly doesn’t inspire your workers to be better — or entice prospective clients to buy your products. What you need to rebrand your frumpy office interiors with a bright new style that encourages everyone to feel better and work harder.

Office rebranding

Here are seven tips to claim your company’s office space with inviting decoration.

1. Develop a Theme

Your corporate brand didn’t come together in a single afternoon — it took weeks of brainstorming to develop a meaningful message and attractive logos to go with it.…

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Strategies to Shop Around for Bargains Online

Shopping for bargains online can save your business a lot of time and money on the bestselling products that your employees use most, as well as new and exciting ones. Here are some tips for finding the best bargains online.

Shopping for business needs online

Sort by discount

When you do a search for an item at some major retailers, you can select to only see products that are discounted a certain percentage. This allows you to find the most marked down merchandise quickly and easily.

Deals of the day

Major online retailers often have a deal of the day. It can be a good idea to check this out since the discounts can be steep.…

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How to Deal with the Downsides of Working from Home

The advent of the internet has spawned a whole host of modern businesses, the demands of which are no longer restricted to the boundaries of the office. For tiny startups with only one or two employees, this makes perfect sense.

Work from home

With the introduction of flexitime, the development of communication tools such as Skype, and the understanding that digital business can effectively be conducted from anywhere in the world, more entrepreneurs are working from home than ever before: a home office drastically cuts down on the overheads of a bricks-and-mortar workspace, and allows for much more flexibility with hours and working habits than a traditional office workspace.…

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Corporate Food Delivery – Trends in Corporate Catering

The corporate world is a world on its own. Unfortunately, for many, the word “corporate” does not exactly fill them with images of fun and joy. Rather, it is seen as something formal that focuses on living and breathing work. Yet in reality, however, this attitude of working so hard means that corporate people often also party even harder. And this is where corporate food delivery comes in.

Indian corporate food delivery

Understanding the Corporate Catering Business

Essentially, the world of corporate catering involves itself with allowing strict, formal people to let their hair down as much as possible. It may surprise you to find out that the industry is absolutely booming, as more and more corporate events are being hosted.…

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Five Ways to Deal with a Ripoff Report

It happens. Someone posts a rant about you or your business on Ripoff Report ( Maybe it’s riddled with inaccuracies. Or perhaps the person who posted the report isn’t even a client, but instead a competitor who trades in fake reviews, hoping to direct potential clients away from your business to their business.

Fraud alert

Whatever the case, the bottom line is that the scathing profile on Ripoff Report could be decimating your business.

Under these circumstances, what are your options? Our friends at Kelly / Warner Law offers the following:

Option #1: Snap Back (Hint: Not Always Recommended)

We didn’t say every option provided would be an advisable one!…

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The 3-Dimensional Roles of Exceptional CEOs

Being a successful small business owner is about delivering results consistently through your products/services to those you serve. It demands a high level of coordination and execution of several key activities.

Exceptional CEO

These activities cannot be handled successfully by only one person over a long period of time without creating an operational structure/system. Being small is no excuse for wanting to be a one-man army. Someday soon, you will no longer be able to do all the things you so easily do now as a result of age, so what will become of your business then?

By then, you’ll suddenly realize that all your I-can-do-it-all-by-myself attitude as a self-employed entrepreneur is counterproductive.…

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